AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)





XGRAPH - X GRAPHer							
Graphs n[i] pairs of (x,y) coordinates, for i = 1 to nplot.		

xgraph n= [optional parameters] <binaryfile 				

X Functionality:                                                      
q or Q key    Quit                                                    

Required Parameters:							
n                      array containing number of points per plot	

Optional Parameters:							
nplot=number of n's    number of plots				
d1=0.0,...             x sampling intervals (0.0 if x coordinates input)
f1=0.0,...             first x values (not used if x coordinates input)
d2=0.0,...             y sampling intervals (0.0 if y coordinates input)
f2=0.0,...             first y values (not used if y coordinates input)
pairs=1,...            =1 for data pairs in format 1.a, =0 for format 1.b
linewidth=1,1,...      line widths in pixels (0 for no lines)		
linecolor=2,3,...      line colors (black=0, white=1, 2,3,4 = RGB, ...)
mark=0,1,2,3,...       indices of marks used to represent plotted points
marksize=0,0,...       size of marks in pixels (0 for no marks)	
x1beg=x1min            value at which axis 1 begins			
x1end=x1max            value at which axis 1 ends			
x2beg=x2min            value at which axis 2 begins			
x2end=x2max            value at which axis 2 ends			
reverse=0              =1 to reverse sequence of plotting curves	", 

Optional resource parameters (defaults taken from resource database):	
windowtitle=      	 title on window				
width=                 width in pixels of window			
height=                height in pixels of window			
nTic1=                 number of tics per numbered tic on axis 1	
grid1=                 grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid
label1=                label on axis 1				
nTic2=                 number of tics per numbered tic on axis 2	
grid2=                 grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid
label2=                label on axis 2				
labelFont=             font name for axes labels			
title=                 title of plot					
titleFont=             font name for title				
titleColor=            color for title				
axesColor=             color for axes					
gridColor=             color for grid lines				
style=                 normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or	
                       seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)	

Data formats supported:						
	1.a. x1,y1,x2,y2,...,xn,yn					
	  b. x1,x2,...,xn,y1,y2,...,yn					
	2. y1,y2,...,yn (must give non-zero d1[]=)			
	3. x1,x2,...,xn (must give non-zero d2[]=)			
	4. nil (must give non-zero d1[]= and non-zero d2[]=)		
  The formats may be repeated and mixed in any order, but if		
  formats 2-4 are used, the d1 and d2 arrays must be specified including
  d1[]=0.0 d2[]=0.0 entries for any internal occurences of format 1.	
  Similarly, the pairs array must contain place-keeping entries for	
  plots of formats 2-4 if they are mixed with both formats 1.a and 1.b.
  Also, if formats 2-4 are used with non-zero f1[] or f2[] entries, then
  the corresponding array(s) must be fully specified including f1[]=0.0
  and/or f2[]=0.0 entries for any internal occurences of format 1 or	
  formats 2-4 where the zero entries are desired.			
mark index:                                                           
1. asterisk                                                           
2. x-cross                                                            
3. open triangle                                                      
4. open square                                                        
5. open circle                                                        
6. solid triangle                                                     
7. solid square                                                       
8. solid circle                                                       

Note:	n1 and n2 are acceptable aliases for n and nplot, respectively.	

xgraph n=50,100,20 d1=2.5,1,0.33 <datafile				
  plots three curves with equally spaced x values in one plot frame	
  x1-coordinates are x1(i) = f1+i*d1 for i = 1 to n (f1=0 by default)	
  number of x2's and then x2-coordinates for each curve are read	
  sequentially from datafile.						


sub Step

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub note

collects switches and assembles bash instructions by adding the program name

sub clear

sub axesColor

sub axes_style

normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)

sub box_X0

number of pixels right from top
left corner of screen

sub box_Y0

number of pixels down from top left corner of screen

sub box_height

height in pixels of window

sub box_width

sub d1

sub d2

sub dt

sub dx

sub f1

sub f2

sub first_tick_num_time

sub first_tick_number_x

sub format

sub geometry

low-level layout not commented in 
seismic unix notes

sub grid1

grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid

sub grid1_type

grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid

sub grid2

grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid

sub grid2_type

grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid

sub gridColor

sub height

sub label1

label on axis 1

sub label2

label on axis 2

sub labelFont

sub line_color

sub linecolor

sub line_width

line widths in pixels (0 for no lines)

sub line_widths

line widths in pixels (0 for no lines)

sub linewidth

line widths in pixels (0 for no lines

sub mark

sub mark_indices

indices of marks used to represent plotted points

sub marksize

sub mark_size_pix

size of marks in pixels (0 for no marks)

sub n

sub num_points

sub nTic1

sub nTic2

sub nplot

sub num_minor_ticks_betw_distance_ticks

sub num_minor_ticks_betw_time_ticks

sub orientation

normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)

sub pairs

sub reverse

sub style

normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)

sub title

title for plot

sub titleColor

sub titleFont

sub width

sub windowtitle

sub x1_min

value at which axis 1 begins

sub x1_max

value at which axis 1 ends

sub x1beg

value at which axis 1 begins

sub x1end

value at which axis 1 ends

sub x_label

label on axis 2

sub x2beg

value at which axis 2 begins

sub x2_min

value at which axis 2 begins

sub x2_max

value at which axis 2 ends

sub x2end

value at which axis 2 ends

sub y_label

label on axis 1

sub get_max_index

max index = number of input variables -1