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trash-all-empty-files-u - Trash all empty files in the current directory tree, with undo/redo capability


This document describes version 0.001 of trash-all-empty-files-u (from Perl distribution App-trash-all-empty-files-u), released on 2020-06-03.


# trash all empty files in the current directory tree, but in simulation mode,
# not really trashing the files
% VERBOSE=1 trash-all-empty-files-u --dry-run
# trash all empty files for real
% trash-all-empty-files-u
# list trash contents
% trash-all-empty-files-u --list-contents
% trash-u --list-contents
# oops, made a mistake; no worry, let's undo; now previous trashing is reversed
% trash-all-empty-files --undo
% trash-u --undo


This command-line program is an interface to File::Trash::EmptyFiles::Undoable, which in turn uses File::Trash::Undoable, which in turn uses File::Trash::FreeDesktop.

It is basically a combination for delete-all-empty-files + trash-u.

This program has not yet been tested extensively. Use with caution.



Empty trash.


List contents of trash directory.


Trash all empty (zero-sized) files in the current directory tree, with undo support.


* marks required options.

Common options


Clear actions history.


Select subcommand.


Set path to configuration file.

Can be specified multiple times.


Set configuration profile to use.


Shortcut for --log-level=debug.


Run in simulation mode (also via DRY_RUN=1).


Pass options to formatter.


Choose output format, e.g. json, text.

Default value:

--help, -h, -?

Display help message and exit.


List actions history.


Equivalent to --format=json-pretty.


Set log level.


When outputing as JSON, strip result envelope.

Default value:


By default, when outputing as JSON, the full enveloped result is returned, e.g.:


The reason is so you can get the status (1st element), status message (2nd element) as well as result metadata/extra result (4th element) instead of just the result (3rd element). However, sometimes you want just the result, e.g. when you want to pipe the result for more post-processing. In this case you can use `--naked-res` so you just get:


Do not use any configuration file.


Do not read environment for default options.


Shortcut for --log-level=error.


Redo previous undone action.


List available subcommands.


Shortcut for --log-level=trace.


Undo previous action.


Shortcut for --log-level=info.

--version, -v

Display program's version and exit.


This script has shell tab completion capability with support for several shells.


To activate bash completion for this script, put:

complete -C trash-all-empty-files-u trash-all-empty-files-u

in your bash startup (e.g. ~/.bashrc). Your next shell session will then recognize tab completion for the command. Or, you can also directly execute the line above in your shell to activate immediately.

It is recommended, however, that you install modules using cpanm-shcompgen which can activate shell completion for scripts immediately.


To activate tcsh completion for this script, put:

complete trash-all-empty-files-u 'p/*/`trash-all-empty-files-u`/'

in your tcsh startup (e.g. ~/.tcshrc). Your next shell session will then recognize tab completion for the command. Or, you can also directly execute the line above in your shell to activate immediately.

It is also recommended to install shcompgen (see above).

other shells

For fish and zsh, install shcompgen as described above.


This script can read configuration files. Configuration files are in the format of IOD, which is basically INI with some extra features.

By default, these names are searched for configuration filenames (can be changed using --config-path): /home/s1/.config/5ZFl9Xrnrr.conf, /home/s1/5ZFl9Xrnrr.conf, or /etc/5ZFl9Xrnrr.conf.

All found files will be read and merged.

To disable searching for configuration files, pass --no-config.

To put configuration for a certain subcommand only, use a section name like [subcommand=NAME] or [SOMESECTION subcommand=NAME].

You can put multiple profiles in a single file by using section names like [profile=SOMENAME] or [SOMESECTION profile=SOMENAME] or [subcommand=SUBCOMMAND_NAME profile=SOMENAME] or [SOMESECTION subcommand=SUBCOMMAND_NAME profile=SOMENAME]. Those sections will only be read if you specify the matching --config-profile SOMENAME.

You can also put configuration for multiple programs inside a single file, and use filter program=NAME in section names, e.g. [program=NAME ...] or [SOMESECTION program=NAME]. The section will then only be used when the reading program matches.

Finally, you can filter a section by environment variable using the filter env=CONDITION in section names. For example if you only want a section to be read if a certain environment variable is true: [env=SOMEVAR ...] or [SOMESECTION env=SOMEVAR ...]. If you only want a section to be read when the value of an environment variable has value equals something: [env=HOSTNAME=blink ...] or [SOMESECTION env=HOSTNAME=blink ...]. If you only want a section to be read when the value of an environment variable does not equal something: [env=HOSTNAME!=blink ...] or [SOMESECTION env=HOSTNAME!=blink ...]. If you only want a section to be read when an environment variable contains something: [env=HOSTNAME*=server ...] or [SOMESECTION env=HOSTNAME*=server ...]. Note that currently due to simplistic parsing, there must not be any whitespace in the value being compared because it marks the beginning of a new section filter or section name.

List of available configuration parameters:

Common for all subcommands

format (see --format)
format_options (see --format-options)
log_level (see --log-level)
naked_res (see --naked-res)

Configuration for subcommand empty

Configuration for subcommand list_contents

Configuration for subcommand trash


_5ZFL9XRNRR_OPT => str

Specify additional command-line options.






Please visit the project's homepage at https://metacpan.org/release/App-trash-all-empty-files-u.


Source repository is at https://github.com/perlancar/perl-App-trash-all-empty-files-u.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=App-trash-all-empty-files-u

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


File::Trash::Undoable and trash-u

App::FileRemoveUtils and delete-all-empty-files


perlancar <perlancar@cpan.org>


This software is copyright (c) 2020 by perlancar@cpan.org.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.