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# Copyright (C) 2009-2021 Alex Schroeder <>
# Copyright (C) 2020 Christian Carey
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <>.
package Traveller;
use Traveller::Util qw(flush);
use POSIX qw(INT_MAX);
use utf8;
get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
get '/random' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $id = int(rand(INT_MAX));
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('uwp', size => 'subsector', rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/random/:size' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $id = int(rand(INT_MAX));
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('uwp', size => $size, rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/random/:size/:rules' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $rules = $c->param('rules');
my $density = $c->param('density');
my $id = int(rand(INT_MAX));
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('uwp', size => $size, rules => $rules, id => $id)->query(density => $density));
} => 'random';
get '/:id' => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $id = $c->param('id');
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('uwp', size => 'subsector', rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/uwp/:id' => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $id = $c->param('id');
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('uwp', size => 'subsector', rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/uwp/:size/:id' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $id = $c->param('id');
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('uwp', size => $size, rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/uwp/:size/:rules/:id' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $rules = $c->param('rules');
my $id = $c->param('id');
my $density = $c->param('density') || 50;
if ($size eq 'sector') {
my $uwp = subsector()->init(32, 40, $rules, $density/100)->str;
$c->render(template => 'uwp-sector', id => $id, rules => $rules, uwp => $uwp, density => $density);
} else {
my $uwp = subsector()->init(8, 10, $rules, $density/100)->str;
$c->render(template => 'uwp', id => $id, rules => $rules, uwp => $uwp, density => $density);
} => 'uwp';
any '/edit' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $uwp = $c->param('map');
$c->render(template => 'edit', uwp => Traveller::Mapper::example(), size => 'subsector', rules => 'mgp', id => '');
} => 'main';
get '/edit/:id' => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $id = $c->param('id');
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('edit', size => 'subsector', rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/edit/:size/:id' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $id = $c->param('id');
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('edit', size => $size, rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/edit/:size/:rules/:id' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $rules = $c->param('rules');
my $id = $c->param('id');
my $density = $c->param('density');
if ($size eq 'sector') {
my $uwp = subsector()->init(32, 40, $rules, $density)->str;
$c->render(template => 'edit-sector', id => $id, rules => $rules, uwp => $uwp);
} else {
my $uwp = subsector()->init(8, 10, $rules, $density)->str;
$c->render(template => 'edit', id => $id, rules => $rules, uwp => $uwp);
} => 'edit';
# → see any '/map' below!
# get '/map' => sub {
# my $c = shift;
# $c->render(template => 'map_all', uwp => Traveller::Mapper::example(), size => 'subsector', rules => 'mgp');
# };
get '/map/:id' => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $id = $c->param('id');
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('map_all', size => 'subsector', rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/map/:size/:id' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $id = $c->param('id');
$c->redirect_to($c->url_for('map_all', size => $size, rules => 'mgp', id => $id));
get '/map/:size/:rules/:id' => [size => ['subsector', 'sector']] => [id => qr/\d+/] => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $size = $c->param('size');
my $rules = $c->param('rules');
my $id = $c->param('id');
my $wiki = $c->param('wiki');
my $density = $c->param('density') || 50;
my $map = mapper($rules);
my $uwp;
if ($size eq 'sector') {
$uwp = subsector()->init(32, 40, $rules, $density/100)->str;
} else {
$uwp = subsector()->init(8, 10, $rules, $density/100)->str;
my $url = $c->url_for('uwp', size => $size, rules => $rules, id => $id);
$url = $url->query(density => $density) if $density and $density != 50;
$map->initialize($uwp, $wiki, $url);
$c->render(text => $map->svg, format => 'svg');
} => 'map_all';
any '/map' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $wiki = $c->param('wiki');
my $trade = $c->param('trade');
my $uwp = $c->param('map') || Traveller::Mapper::example();
my $size = $c->param('size') || 'subsector';
my $rules = $c->param('rules') || 'mgp';
my $source;
if (!$uwp) {
my $id = int(rand(INT_MAX));
$uwp = subsector()->init(8, 10, $rules)->str;
$source = $c->url_for('uwp', id => $id);
my $map = mapper($rules);
$map->initialize($uwp, $wiki, $source);
if ($trade) {
$c->render(text => $map->text, format => 'txt');
} else {
$c->render(text => $map->svg, format => 'svg');
} => 'map';
get '/help' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $classic = $c->param('classic');
my $mpts = $c->param('mpts');
$c->render(classic => $classic, mpts => $mpts);
sub subsector {
return Traveller::Subsector->new;
sub mapper {
my $rules = shift;
if ($rules eq 'mpts') {
return Traveller::Mapper::Classic::MPTS->new;
} elsif ($rules eq 'ct') {
return Traveller::Mapper::Classic->new;
} else {
return Traveller::Mapper->new;
=encoding utf8
@@ uwp-footer.html.ep
<% if ($rules eq 'mpts') { =%>
||||||| |
Ag Agricultural ||||||| +- Tech In Industrial
As Asteroid ||||||+- Law Na Non-Agricultural
Ba Barren |||||+- Government Ni Non-Industrial
De Desert ||||+- Population Po Poor
Fl Fluid Oceans |||+- Hydro Ri Rich
Hi High Population ||+- Atmosphere Va Vacuum
Lo Low Population |+- Size Wa Water World
Ic Ice-Capped +- Starport
<% } elsif ($rules eq 'ct') { =%>
||||||| |
Ag Agricultural ||||||| +- Tech Ni Non-Industrial
As Asteroid ||||||+- Law Po Poor
De Desert |||||+- Government Ri Rich
Ic Ice-Capped ||||+- Population Va Vacuum
In Industrial |||+- Hydro Wa Water World
Na Non-Agricultural ||+- Atmosphere
|+- Size
+- Starport
<% } else { =%>
||||||| | |
Ag Agricultural ||||||| | Bases In Industrial
As Asteroid ||||||| +- Tech Lo Low Population
Ba Barren ||||||+- Law Lt Low Technology
De Desert |||||+- Government Na Non-Agricultural
Fl Fluid Oceans ||||+- Population Ni Non-Industrial
Ga Garden |||+- Hydro Po Poor
Hi High Population ||+- Atmosphere Ri Rich
Ht High Technology |+- Size Va Vacuum
Ic Ice-Capped +- Starport Wa Water World
Bases: Naval – Scout – Research – TAS – Consulate – Pirate – Gas Giant
% }
@@ uwp-links.html.ep
% if ($density and $density != 50) {
<%= link_to url_for('map_all', size => $size, rules => $rules, id => $id)->query(density => $density) => begin %>Generate Map<% end %>&#x2003;
<%= link_to url_for('edit', size => $size, rules => $rules, id => $id)->query(density => $density) => begin %>Edit UWP List<% end %>&#x2003;
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'subsector', rules => $rules)->query(density => $density) => begin %>Random Subsector<% end %>&#x2003;
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'sector', rules => $rules)->query(density => $density) => begin %>Random Sector<% end %>
% } else {
<%= link_to url_for('map_all', size => $size, rules => $rules, id => $id) => begin %>Generate Map<% end %>&#x2003;
<%= link_to url_for('edit', size => $size, rules => $rules, id => $id) => begin %>Edit UWP List<% end %>&#x2003;
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'subsector', rules => $rules) => begin %>Random Subsector<% end %>&#x2003;
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'sector', rules => $rules) => begin %>Random Sector<% end %>
% }
Or switch to
% if ($rules eq 'ct') {
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => $size, rules => 'mpg') => begin %>MGP<% end %> or
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => $size, rules => 'mpts') => begin %>MPTS<% end %>.
% } elsif ($rules eq 'mpts') {
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => $size, rules => 'mpg') => begin %>MGP<% end %> or
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => $size, rules => 'ct') => begin %>CT<% end %>.
% } else {
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => $size, rules => 'ct') => begin %>CT<% end %> or
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => $size, rules => 'mpts') => begin %>MPTS<% end %>.
% }
%= form_for random => begin
%= label_for density => 'Change system density: '
%= number_field density => 50, id => 'density', min => 1, max => 100
%= submit_button
% end
@@ uwp.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Traveller Subsector UWP List Generator';
<h1>Traveller Subsector UWP List Generator (<%= $id =%>)</h1>
<%= $uwp =%>
<%= include 'uwp-footer' =%>
<%= include 'uwp-links' =%>
@@ uwp-sector.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Traveller Sector UWP List Generator';
<h1>Traveller Sector UWP List Generator (<%= $id =%>)</h1>
<%= $uwp =%>
<%= include 'uwp-footer' =%>
<%= include 'uwp-links' =%>
@@ edit-footer.html.ep
If provided, every system will be linked to an appropriate page.
Feel free to create a <a href="">campaign wiki</a> for your game.
If you generate a random map, there will be a link to its UWP at the bottom.
Click the link to print it, save it, or to make manual changes.
<i>name</i>, some whitespace,
<i>coordinates</i> (four digits between 0101 and 0810),
some whitespace,
<i>starport</i> (A-E or X),
<i>size</i> (0-9 or A),
<i>atmosphere</i> (0-9 or A-F),
<i>hydrographic</i> (0-9 or A),
<i>population</i> (0-9 or A-C),
<i>government</i> (0-9 or A-F),
<i>law level</i> (0-9 or A-L), a dash,
<i>tech level</i> (0-99), optionally a non-standard group of bases and a gas giant indicator, optionally separated by whitespace:
<i>pirate base</i> (P),
<i>Imperial consulate</i> (C),
<i>Travellers’ Aid Society facility</i> (T),
<i>research station</i> (R),
<i>naval base</i> (N),
<i>scout base</i> (S),
<i>gas giant</i> (G), followed by <i>trade codes</i> (see below), and optionally a
<i>travel zone</i> (A or R).
Whitespace can be one or more spaces and tabs.
<p>Trade codes:</p>
Ag Agricultural Hi High Population Na Non-Agricultural
As Asteroid Ht High Technology Ni Non-Industrial
Ba Barren Ic Ice-Capped Po Poor
De Desert In Industrial Ri Rich
Fl Fluid Oceans Lo Low Population Va Vacuum
Ga Garden Lt Low Technology Wa Water World
<b>Alternative format for quick maps</b>:
<i>name</i>, some whitespace,
<i>coordinates</i> (four digits between 0101 and 0810), some whitespace,
<i>size</i> (0-9),
optionally a non-standard group of bases and a gas giant indicator,
optionally separated by whitespace:
<i>pirate base</i> (P),
<i>Imperial consulate</i> (C),
<i>Travellers’ Aid Society facility</i> (T),
<i>research station</i> (R),
<i>naval base</i> (N),
<i>scout base</i> (S),
<i>gas giant</i> (G),
followed by <i>trade codes</i> (see above),
and optionally a <i>travel zone</i> (A or R).
<pre>Inedgeus 0101 7 G Fl Ni A
Geaan 0102 6 G Hi Wa A</pre>
<b>Manual communication and trade routes</b>: If you don't want to rely on the
algorithm that creates these routes, you can provide your own using the
following format: <i>coordinates</i> (four digits between 0101 and 0810), a
minus, <i>coordinates</i>, some whitespace, and the <i>type</i> (the letter C or
<pre>0101-0102 C
0102-0103 T</pre>
@@ edit.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Traveller Subsector Generator';
<h1>Traveller Subsector Generator</h1>
<p>Submit your UWP list, or generate a
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'subsector', rules => $rules) => begin %>Random Subsector<% end %> or a
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'sector', rules => $rules) => begin %>Random Sector<% end %>.
%= form_for 'map' => (method => 'POST') => begin
%= text_area 'map' => (cols => 60, rows => 20) => begin
<%= $uwp =%>
% end
%= label_for 'wiki' => begin
URL (optional):
% end
%= text_field 'wiki' => '' => (id => 'wiki')
%= hidden_field rules => $rules
%= submit_button 'Submit'
%= end
%= include 'edit-footer'
@@ edit-sector.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Traveller Sector Generator';
<h1>Traveller Sector Generator</h1>
<p>Submit your UWP list, or generate a
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'subsector', rules => $rules) => begin %>Random Subsector<% end %> or a
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'sector', rules => $rules) => begin %>Random Sector<% end %>.
%= form_for 'map' => (method => 'POST') => begin
%= text_area 'map' => (cols => 60, rows => 20) => begin
<%= $uwp =%>
% end
%= label_for 'wiki' => begin
URL (optional):
% end
%= text_field 'wiki' => '' => (id => 'wiki')
%= hidden_field rules => $rules
%= submit_button 'Submit'
%= end
%= include 'edit-footer'
@@ help.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Traveller Subsector Generator';
<h1>Traveller Subsector Generator</h1>
<p>This generator can generate the Universal World Profiles (UWP) for either 8×10
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'subsector') => begin %>random subsectors<% end %> or for 32×40
<%= link_to url_for('random', size => 'sector') => begin %>random sectors<% end %>.
This uses the <cite>Mongoose Traveller</cite> (MGT) rules (1st ed). Once you
have the UWP list generated, you’ll find links to switch to <cite>Classic
Traveller</cite> (CT) or to <cite>Classic Traveller</cite> with the
<cite>Merchant Prince</cite> trade system (CT+MPTS).</p>
<p>If you generate a random map, it will have a link to its UWP list at the
bottom of the map. It links back to the numeric seed used to generate the
<p>You can edit a randomly generated UWP list. In this case, however, there will
be no link back to the UWP list from the map, since the numeric seed is not
enough. You need to keep your edited UWP list safe in a text file on your system
<p>For <cite>Classic Traveller</cite> (with or without the <cite>Merchant Prince</cite> trade system)
I’m using the 1977 rules to generate trade routes,
Points Where I Prefer the 1977 Edition Over the 1981 Edition</cite></a> by Chris Kubasik.
@@ layouts/default.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><%= title %></title>
%= stylesheet '/traveller.css'
%= stylesheet begin
body {
width: 600px;
padding: 1em;
font-family: "Palatino Linotype", PalatinoLinotype-Roman, "Book Antiqua", BookAntiqua, Palatino, Palatino-Roman, serif;
form {
display: inline;
textarea, #wiki {
width: 100%;
font-family: "Andale Mono", AndaleMono, Monaco, "Courier New", CourierNewPSMT, Courier, Symbola, monospace;
font-size: 80%;
table {
padding-bottom: 1em;
td, th {
padding-right: 0.5em;
cite {
font-style: italic;
.example {
font-size: smaller;
#density {
width: 3em;
% end
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<%= content %>
<a href="">Subsector Generator</a>&#x2003;
<%= link_to 'Help' => 'help' %>&#x2003;
<a href="">Alex Schroeder</a>