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# "Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass!"
use Mojo::File qw(path);
use Mojo::Util qw(monkey_patch);
sub import {
# Remember executable for later
$ENV{MOJO_EXE} ||= (caller)[1];
# Reuse home directory if possible
local $ENV{MOJO_HOME} = path($ENV{MOJO_EXE})->dirname->to_string unless $ENV{MOJO_HOME};
# Initialize application class
my $caller = caller;
no strict 'refs';
push @{"${caller}::ISA"}, 'Mojolicious';
# Generate moniker based on filename
my $moniker = path($ENV{MOJO_EXE})->basename('.pl', '.pm', '.t');
my $app = shift->new(moniker => $moniker);
# Initialize routes without namespaces
my $routes = $app->routes->namespaces([]);
$app->static->classes->[0] = $app->renderer->classes->[0] = $caller;
# The Mojolicious::Lite DSL
my $root = $routes;
for my $name (qw(any get options patch post put websocket)) {
monkey_patch $caller, $name, sub { $routes->$name(@_) }
monkey_patch($caller, $_, sub {$app}) for qw(new app);
monkey_patch $caller, del => sub { $routes->delete(@_) };
monkey_patch $caller, group => sub (&) {
(my $old, $root) = ($root, $routes);
($routes, $root) = ($root, $old);
monkey_patch $caller,
helper => sub { $app->helper(@_) },
hook => sub { $app->hook(@_) },
plugin => sub { $app->plugin(@_) },
under => sub { $routes = $root->under(@_) };
# Make sure there's a default application for testing
Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app($app) unless Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app;
# Lite apps are strict!
unshift @_, 'Mojo::Base', '-strict';
goto &Mojo::Base::import;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Lite - Micro real-time web framework
# Automatically enables "strict", "warnings", "utf8" and Perl 5.16 features
use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
# Route with placeholder
get '/:foo' => sub ($c) {
my $foo = $c->param('foo');
$c->render(text => "Hello from $foo.");
# Start the Mojolicious command system
L<Mojolicious::Lite> is a tiny domain specific language built around L<Mojolicious>, made up of only about a dozen Perl
On Perl 5.20+ you can also use a C<-signatures> flag to enable support for L<subroutine
use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
get '/:foo' => sub ($c) {
my $foo = $c->param('foo');
$c->render(text => "Hello from $foo.");
See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> for more!
=head1 GROWING
While L<Mojolicious::Guides::Growing> will give you a detailed introduction to growing a L<Mojolicious::Lite> prototype
into a well-structured L<Mojolicious> application, here we have collected a few snippets that illustrate very well just
how similar both of them are.
=head2 Routes
The functions L</"get">, L</"post"> and friends all have equivalent methods.
# Mojolicious::Lite
get '/foo' => sub ($c) {
$c->render(text => 'Hello World!');
# Mojolicious
sub startup ($self) {
my $routes = $self->routes;
$routes->get('/foo' => sub ($c) {
$c->render(text => 'Hello World!');
=head2 Application
The application object you can access with the function L</"app"> is the first argument passed to the C<startup>
# Mojolicious::Lite
# Mojolicious
sub startup ($self) {
=head2 Plugins
Instead of the L</"plugin"> function you just use the method L<Mojolicious/"plugin">.
# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'Config';
# Mojolicious
sub startup ($self) {
=head2 Helpers
Similar to plugins, instead of the L</"helper"> function you just use the method L<Mojolicious/"helper">.
# Mojolicious::Lite
helper two => sub ($c) {
return 1 + 1;
# Mojolicious
sub startup ($self) {
$self->helper(two => sub ($c) {
return 1 + 1;
=head2 Under
Instead of sequential function calls, we can use methods to build a tree with nested routes, that much better
illustrates how routes work internally.
# Mojolicious::Lite
under '/foo';
get '/bar' => sub ($c) {...};
# Mojolicious
sub startup ($self) {
my $routes = $self->routes;
my $foo = $routes->under('/foo');
$foo->get('/bar' => sub ($c) {...});
L<Mojolicious::Lite> implements the following functions, which are automatically exported.
=head2 any
my $route = any '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = any '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = any '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = any '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = any ['GET', 'POST'] => '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = any ['GET', 'POST'] => '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = any ['GET', 'POST'] => '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"any">, matching any of the listed HTTP request methods or all. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 app
my $app = app;
Returns the L<Mojolicious::Lite> application object, which is a subclass of L<Mojolicious>.
# Use all the available attributes and methods
app->defaults(foo => 'bar');
=head2 del
my $route = del '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = del '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = del '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = del '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = del '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"delete">, matching only C<DELETE> requests. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 get
my $route = get '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = get '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = get '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = get '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = get '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"get">, matching only C<GET> requests. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 group
group {...};
Start a new route group.
=head2 helper
helper foo => sub ($c, @args) {...};
Add a new helper with L<Mojolicious/"helper">.
=head2 hook
hook after_dispatch => sub ($c) {...};
Share code with L<Mojolicious/"hook">.
=head2 options
my $route = options '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = options '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = options '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = options '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = options '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"options">, matching only C<OPTIONS> requests. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 patch
my $route = patch '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = patch '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = patch '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = patch '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = patch '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"patch">, matching only C<PATCH> requests. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 plugin
plugin SomePlugin => {foo => 23};
Load a plugin with L<Mojolicious/"plugin">.
=head2 post
my $route = post '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = post '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = post '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = post '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = post '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"post">, matching only C<POST> requests. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 put
my $route = put '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = put '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = put '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = put '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = put '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"put">, matching only C<PUT> requests. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 under
my $route = under sub ($c) {...};
my $route = under '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = under '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'};
my $route = under '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/];
my $route = under '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/);
my $route = under [format => ['json', 'yaml']];
Generate nested route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"under">, to which all following routes are automatically
appended. See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
=head2 websocket
my $route = websocket '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = websocket '/:foo' => sub ($c) {...} => 'name';
my $route = websocket '/:foo' => {foo => 'bar'} => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = websocket '/:foo' => [foo => qr/\w+/] => sub ($c) {...};
my $route = websocket '/:foo' => (agent => qr/Firefox/) => sub ($c) {...};
Generate route with L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route/"websocket">, matching only WebSocket handshakes. See
L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial> and L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more information.
L<Mojolicious::Lite> inherits all attributes from L<Mojolicious>.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojolicious::Lite> inherits all methods from L<Mojolicious>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.