Return the length of String cell. If Boolean term_adjust is true, ignore terminal sequences in cell.
Return a list of strings with embedded newlines (\n) as a compact set of columns arranged horizontally or vertically.
For example, for a line width of 4 characters (arranged vertically):
['1', '2,', '3', '4'] => '1 3\n2 4\n'
or arranged horizontally:
['1', '2,', '3', '4'] => '1 2\n3 4\n'
Each column is only as wide possible, no larger than $opts-
{displaywidth}>. If arefis not an array reference, the empty string, '', is returned. By default, columns are separated by two spaces - one was not legible enough. Set $opts-
{colsep}> to adjust the string separate columns. If $opts-
{arrange_vertical} is set false, consecutive items will go across, left to right, top to bottom.