package CPAN::Digger;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
our $VERSION = '1.04';
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Exporter qw(import);
use File::Spec ();
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use DateTime ();
use Template ();
my @ci_names = qw(travis github_actions circleci appveyor azure_pipeline gitlab_pipeline);
use CPAN::Digger::DB qw(get_fields);
my $tempdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => ($ENV{KEEP_TEMPDIR} ? 0 : 1) );
my %known_licenses = map {$_ => 1} qw(apache_2_0 artistic_2 bsd gpl_2 gpl_3 lgpl_2_1 lgpl_3_0 perl_5); # open_source, unknown
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
for my $key (keys %args) {
$self->{$key} = $args{$key};
$self->{log} = uc $self->{log};
$self->{check_vcs} = delete $self->{vcs};
$self->{total} = 0;
my $dt = DateTime->now;
$self->{end_date} = $dt->ymd;
if ($self->{days}) {
$self->{start_date} = $dt->add( days => -$self->{days} )->ymd;
$self->{db} = CPAN::Digger::DB->new(db => $self->{db});
return $self;
sub read_dashboards {
my ($self) = @_;
my @pathes = ('dashboard', '/home/gabor/cpan/dashboard');
for my $path (@pathes) {
if (-e $path) {
$self->{dashboards} = { map { m{.*/([^/]+)\.json$}; $1 => 1 } glob "$path/authors/*.json" };
sub get_vcs {
my ($repository) = @_;
if ($repository) {
# $html .= sprintf qq{<a href="%s">%s %s</a><br>\n}, $repository->{$k}, $k, $repository->{$k};
# Try to get the web link
my $url = $repository->{web};
if (not $url) {
$url = $repository->{url};
$url =~ s{^git://}{https://};
$url =~ s{\.git$}{};
my $name = "repository";
if ($url =~ m{^https?://}) {
$name = 'GitHub';
if ($url =~ m{^https?://}) {
$name = 'GitLab';
return $url, $name;
sub get_data {
my ($self, $item) = @_;
my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
my %data = (
distribution => $item->distribution,
version => $item->version,
author => $item->author,
date => $item->date,
#die Dumper $item;
$logger->debug('dist: ', $item->distribution);
$logger->debug(' ', $item->author);
my @licenses = @{ $item->license };
$data{licenses} = join ' ', @licenses;
$logger->debug(' ', $data{licenses});
for my $license (@licenses) {
if ($license eq 'unknown') {
$logger->error("Unknown license '$license'");
} elsif (not exists $known_licenses{$license}) {
$logger->warn("Unknown license '$license'. Probably CPAN::Digger needs to be updated");
# if there are not licenses =>
# if there is a license called "unknonws"
# check against a known list of licenses (grow it later, or look it up somewhere?)
my %resources = %{ $item->resources };
#say ' ', join ' ', keys %resources;
if ($resources{repository}) {
my ($vcs_url, $vcs_name) = get_vcs($resources{repository});
if ($vcs_url) {
$data{vcs_url} = $vcs_url;
$data{vcs_name} = $vcs_name;
$logger->debug(" $vcs_name: $vcs_url");
} else {
$logger->error('No repository for ', $item->distribution);
return %data;
sub analyze_vcs {
my ($data) = @_;
my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
my $vcs_url = $data->{vcs_url};
my $repo_name = (split '\/', $vcs_url)[-1];
$logger->info("Analyze GitHub repo '$vcs_url' in directory $repo_name");
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 5);
my $response = $ua->get($vcs_url);
my $status_line = $response->status_line;
if ($status_line eq '404 Not Found') {
$logger->error("Repository '$vcs_url' Received 404 Not Found. Please update the link in the META file");
if ($response->code != 200) {
$logger->error("Repository '$vcs_url' got a response of '$status_line'. Please report this to the maintainer of CPAN::Digger.");
if ($response->redirects) {
$logger->error("Repository '$vcs_url' is being redirected. Please update the link in the META file");
my $git = 'git';
my @cmd = ($git, "clone", "--depth", "1", $data->{vcs_url});
my $cwd = getcwd();
my ($out, $err, $exit_code) = capture {
my $repo = "$tempdir/$repo_name";
$logger->debug("REPO path '$repo'");
if ($exit_code != 0) {
# TODO capture stderr and include in the log
$logger->error("Failed to clone $vcs_url");
if ($data->{vcs_name} eq 'GitHub') {
analyze_github($data, $repo);
if ($data->{vcs_name} eq 'GitLab') {
analyze_gitlab($data, $repo);
for my $ci (@ci_names) {
$logger->debug("Is CI '$ci'?");
if ($data->{$ci}) {
$logger->debug("CI '$ci' found!");
$data->{has_ci} = 1;
sub analyze_gitlab {
my ($data, $repo) = @_;
$data->{gitlab_pipeline} = -e "$repo/.gitlab-ci.yml";
sub analyze_github {
my ($data, $repo) = @_;
$data->{travis} = -e "$repo/.travis.yml";
my @ga = glob("$repo/.github/workflows/*");
$data->{github_actions} = (scalar(@ga) ? 1 : 0);
$data->{circleci} = -e "$repo/.circleci";
$data->{appveyor} = (-e "$repo/.appveyor.yml") || (-e "$repo/appveyor.yml");
$data->{azure_pipeline} = -e "$repo/azure-pipelines.yml";
sub html {
my ($self) = @_;
return if not $self->{html};
if (not -d $self->{html}) {
mkdir $self->{html};
my @distros = @{ $self->{db}->db_get_every_distro() };
my %stats = (
total => scalar @distros,
has_vcs => 0,
vcs => {},
has_ci => 0,
ci => {},
for my $ci (@ci_names) {
$stats{ci}{$ci} = 0;
for my $dist (@distros) {
$dist->{dashboard} = $self->{dashboards}{ $dist->{author} };
if ($dist->{vcs_name}) {
$stats{vcs}{ $dist->{vcs_name} }++;
if ($dist->{has_ci}) {
for my $ci (@ci_names) {
$stats{ci}{$ci}++ if $dist->{$ci};
if ($stats{total}) {
$stats{has_vcs_percentage} = int(100 * $stats{has_vcs} / $stats{total});
$stats{has_ci_percentage} = int(100 * $stats{has_ci} / $stats{total});
my $tt = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => './templates',
WRAPPER => '',
}) or die "$Template::ERROR\n";
my $report;
$tt->process('', {
distros => \@distros,
version => $VERSION,
timestamp => DateTime->now,
stats => \%stats,
}, \$report) or die $tt->error(), "\n";
my $html_file = File::Spec->catfile($self->{html}, 'index.html');
open(my $fh, '>', $html_file) or die "Could not open '$html_file'";
print $fh $report;
close $fh;
sub report {
my ($self) = @_;
return if not $self->{report};
print "Report\n";
print "------------\n";
my @distros = @{ $self->{db}->db_get_every_distro() };
if ($self->{limit} and @distros > $self->{limit}) {
@distros = @distros[0 .. $self->{limit}-1];
for my $distro (@distros) {
#die Dumper $distro;
printf "%s %-40s %-7s", $distro->{date}, $distro->{distribution}, ($distro->{vcs_url} ? '' : 'NO VCS');
if ($self->{check_vcs}) {
printf "%-7s", ($distro->{has_ci} ? '' : 'NO CI');
print "\n";
if ($self->{days}) {
my $distros = $self->{db}->get_distro_count($self->{start_date}, $self->{end_date});
my $authors = $self->{db}->get_author_count($self->{start_date}, $self->{end_date});
my $vcs_count = $self->{db}->get_vcs_count($self->{start_date}, $self->{end_date});
my $ci_count = $self->{db}->get_ci_count($self->{start_date}, $self->{end_date});
"Last week there were a total of %s uploads to CPAN of %s distinct distributions by %s different authors. Number of distributions with link to VCS: %s. Number of distros with CI: %s.\n",
$self->{total}, $distros, $authors, $vcs_count,
sub collect {
my ($self) = @_;
my @all_the_distributions;
my $log_level = $self->{log}; # TODO: shall we validate?
level => $log_level,
layout => '%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %p - %m%n',
my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
$logger->info("Tempdir: $tempdir");
$logger->info("Recent: $self->{recent}") if $self->{recent};
$logger->info("Author: $self->{author}") if $self->{author};
my $mcpan = MetaCPAN::Client->new();
my $rset;
if ($self->{author}) {
my $author = $mcpan->author($self->{author});
#print $author;
$rset = $author->releases;
} else {
$rset = $mcpan->recent($self->{recent});
$logger->info("MetaCPAN::Client::ResultSet received with a total of $rset->{total} items");
my %distros;
my @fields = get_fields();
while ( my $item = $rset->next ) {
if ($self->{days}) {
next if $item->date lt $self->{start_date};
next if $self->{end_date} le $item->date;
next if $distros{ $item->distribution }; # We have already deal with this in this session
$distros{ $item->distribution } = 1;
my $row = $self->{db}->db_get_distro($item->distribution);
next if $row and $row->{version} eq $item->version; # we already have this in the database (shall we call last?)
my %data = $self->get_data($item);
#die Dumper \%data;
push @all_the_distributions, \%data;
if ($self->{author}) {
@all_the_distributions = reverse sort {$a->{date} cmp $b->{date}} @all_the_distributions;
if ($self->{limit} and @all_the_distributions > $self->{limit}) {
@all_the_distributions = @all_the_distributions[0 .. $self->{limit}-1];
# Check on the VCS
if ($self->{check_vcs}) {
$logger->info("Starting to check GitHub");
for my $data (@all_the_distributions) {
my $distribution = $data->{distribution};
my $data_ref = $self->{db}->db_get_distro($distribution);
next if not $data_ref->{vcs_name};
my %data = %$data_ref;
$self->{db}->db_update($distribution, @data{@fields});
sleep $self->{sleep} if $self->{sleep};
=head1 NAME
CPAN::Digger - To dig CPAN
This is a command line program to collect some meta information about CPAN modules.
Copyright (C) 2020 by L<Gabor Szabo|>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.26.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.