mix_summarize_crac - a script to outline % locations per library


Usage: mix_summarize_crac [options] file1 file2 file3

Main option :

-globalonly      	- Show only global mapping values
-explainedsonly   - Show only explained mapping values
-output filename  - the filename the stats are written (STDOUT by default)
-namecolumns 'columns header'   - Split filename with /-/, and set header columns (ex: Exp-Nb-lib)
-separator char                 - Separator (default -) to use to split filename and namecolumns
-verbose value                  - verbose mode (2=DEBUG)

-help             - help / usage
-man              - print man page


This script will create a report with statistic data.

The options are:

-namecolumns 'columns header'   - Split filename with /-/, and set header columns (ex: Exp-Nb-lib)
-separator char                 - Separator (default -) to use to split filename and namecolumns
-verbose value                  - verbose mode (2=DEBUG)


Anthony Boureux <>


- generate a %mapping.. graph