git-glog - Spicey git-log with a hint of gravatars, nutmeg and cinnamon


git glog [options] [-- git-log options]

  --help|-h            brief help message
  --width|-w           set the width of the output ascii
  --dir|-d             directory to fetch/store ascii gravatars



Prints a brief help message and exits.


Controls how wide the resulting ascii is in columns. The Default will take up the entire width ( if necessary ).


The directory to store and read the gzipped ascii gravatars from. Same as glog.dir in the "SETTINGS" section of the man page. This option overrides any stored settings.


git-glog is a perl wrapper around git-log that displays gravatars in your 256 color terminal. git-glog is a part of the Git::Glog perl module distribution.


git-glog will attempt to read your git settings for the following:


The directory to store and read the gzipped ascii gravatars from. Default is $HOME/.git-glog/

git config --global --add glog.dir $HOME/.git-glog

To take a peek at the stored ascii gravatars, try:

cat $(git config --get glog.dir)/* | gunzip | less -R


cat ~/.git-glog/* | gunzip | less -R


A fancy git log:

git glog -- --stat --summary --pretty=fuller


git may complain of a non-zero exit code if git-glog does not complete. This will probably occur if the log is generated from a large repository or is left completely open ended ( no from... to ).

Right now the output is piped to less -R ( when STDOUT is a tty ). FYI.