Clownfish::Type::Arbitrary - An arbitrary type.


The "arbitrary" type class is a hack that spares us from having to support C types with complex declaration syntaxes -- such as unions, structs, enums, or function pointers -- from within Clownfish itself.

The only constraint is that the specifier must end in "_t". This allows us to create complex types in a C header file...

typedef union { float f; int i; } floatint_t;

... pound-include the C header, then use the resulting typedef in a Clownfish header file and have it parse as an "arbitrary" type.

floatint_t floatint;



my $type = Clownfish::Type->new(
    specifier => 'floatint_t',    # required
    parcel    => 'Crustacean',    # default: undef
  • specifier - The name of the type, which must end in "_t".

  • parcel - A Clownfish::Parcel or a parcel name.

If parcel is supplied and specifier begins with a capital letter, the Parcel's prefix will be prepended to the specifier:

foo_t         -> foo_t                # no prefix prepending
Lobster_foo_t -> crust_Lobster_foo_t  # prefix prepended


Copyright 2008-2011 Marvin Humphrey

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.