Changes for version 0.11
- Correction in the preprocessing module (the module Lingua::YaTeA:Corpus was not loaded)
Perl script for extracting terms from a corpus of biomedical texts (based on the module Lingua::YaTeA).
Perl script for carrying out a filtering of the extracted terms provided by BioYaTeA.
Perl script for rewriting the POS-tagged terms provided by TreeTagger.
Perl extension of Lingua::YaTeA for extracting terms from a biomedical corpus.
Perl extension for managing corpus of texts
Perl extension for postprocessing BioYaTeA term extraction.
Perl extension for preprocessing BioYaTeA input.
Perl extension of Twig::XML for BioYaTeA.
- examples/bioyatea+postfiltering-example
- examples/bioyatea-example
- examples/bioyatea.rc
- examples/post-processing-filtering.conf
- examples/postfiltering-example
- examples/preprocessing-example
- examples/sampleBio1-output.xml
- examples/sampleBio1.ttg
- examples/sampleEN-output.xml
- examples/sampleEN.ttg
- examples/testified_terms.txt