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Mecom - A Perl program for protein contact interfaces evolutive analysis


Version 1.15


MECOM is a command line program. It can be launch just by typing mecom in the command line. However, several params are request in order to carry out the analysis.

Once MECOM is correctly installed, this manual can be obtained by typing:

$ man mecom

Also, you can obtain a summarized help as following:

$ mecom --help

NOTE: This manual is also available at


$ mecom [--pdb <pdbfile> --contactfile <strfile>] --chain <chainid> --alignment <msafile> [ --proximityth <float> --exposureth <float> --exposuretherror <float> --informat <msaformat> --oformat <msaformat> --gc <int> --ocontact <filepath> --report <htmpath>]


(*) Required arguments [1] Just one of them is required

--help Display a summarized help document

--pdb [1] A valid PDB file path

--contactfile [1] A valid *.str file path. See Contact File section for further explanation.

--alignment (*) A valid multiple sequence alignment (MSA) file path

--chain (*) Chain Id annotated at PDB file for the current subunits

--ocontact A valid file path where output structural analysis will be written (default 'data.str'). See Contact File section for further explanation.

--exposureth Exposure threshold. The value used to distinguish between exposed and buried residues (default 0.05)

--exposuretherror Exposure threshold margin (default 0)

--proximityth The value in Angstroms for the maximum distance between two atoms to be considered as contact pair (default 4)

--informat File format for multiple alignment provided by the user (default 'fasta'). See MSA Valid format section for a complete list of readable MSA formats

--oformat File format for multiple alignment retrieved by MECOM (default 'clustalw'). See MSA Valid format section for a complete list of readable MSA formats

--gc Genetic code for sequences within the input alignment (default 0). See Genetic codes section for a complete list of genetic codes available

--report File path where the program will write a HTML report with the results (default ./report.html)

--struct Carry out just the structural analysis


This program provide multiple output files in order to report a detailed view of each step. Four different classes of files are created after running:

Structural file: A file (usually with the extension *.str) containing the results from structural analysis (surface exposure and residue proximity). Path can be set by the option --ocontact

Sub-alignments: Several MSA files, one for each existent category, with the specified format by the option --informat (default fasta)

Evolutive results: Several files, one for each existent category, with the extension *.dat containing the results from evolutive analysis (carried out by PAML -yn00-)

HTML report: A html file with a summary of the input data and params, path to the recently created files, statistical results and the list of codon positions corresponding to each category. This html output file path can be set by the option --report


Before run MECOM, input data (PDB or MSA files) must meet certain criteria:

For PDB files: chain ids must be unique. That it means, in PDBs with more than one atomic models such as homomonomers, each chain must be identified differently than the others. If it is necessary, the user will need to edit the PDB file before use it as structural input data

For MSA files: the alignment must be an ungapped alignment. Unexpected error could be occur if MSA file contains gaps.


The called "Contact file", which usually uses the extension .str, is a plain text file which contains a table with the results of the structural analysis carried out by the first step of the program. It contains the information about which subunits and residues are involved in intermolecular contacts, as well as the information about exposure and residue type.


Raw Table for subunit M

ChainID ChainID2 Res num. AA AA2 Contact (th=4) Exposition (th=0.05)

M A 1 I V(A)|K(A)|D(A)|T(A) 1 1

M A 2 T V(A)|L(A)|T(A) 1 1

M A 3 A L(A)|T(A)|E(A) 1 1

M A|D 4 K S(D)|E(A)|R(A)|L(A) 1 1

M -- 5 P - 0 1

M A 6 A K(A)|S(A) 1 1

M A 7 K K(A)|S(A)|E(A) 1 1

M A|L 8 T S(A)|K(A)|A(A)|K(L) 1 1

ChainID: The subunit where the current residue is part from

ChainID2: The subunit or subunits where the residue/s is/are in contact with the current residue

Res num.: The PDB annotated residue number

AA: The current residue type

AA2: The residue type/s and, in brackets, the corresponding owner chain

Contact (th=prox. th.): If the value is 1, the current residue is in close proximity (<--proximityth) from other subunit and 0 if not

Exposition (th= exp. th.): If the value is 1, the current residue is exposed (>--exposureth) and 0 if not

This information is used as conventional database. MECOM extract fractions of this table in order to build multiple sequences alignments as evolutionary data.

This contact file can be used as input. By this way, the more heavy computational process is bypassed. On the contrary, if the input contact file is not set, MECOM will write this file into the specified path through the argument --ocontact. This is set as data.str by default.


There are 11 different genetic codes, corresponding to transl_table of GENEBANK. As value for the argument --gc, the user must provide one of the following integers to specify the genetic code used to translate DNA alignments. The default value is 0 (Standar).

Value Genetic code

0 Standar

1 Mammalian mitochondrial

2 Yeast mitochondrial

3 Mold mitochondrial

4 Invertebrate mitochondrial

5 Ciliate nuclear

6 Echinoderm mitochondrial

7 Euplotid mitochondrial

8 Alternative yeast nuclear

9 Ascidian mitochondrial

10 Blepharisma nuclear

If the selected genetic code do not correspond with the origin of the user provided MSA, stop codons may be introduced in translation. If it occurs, the program will not work correctly and a unexpected error will be dumped.


By the argument --informat and/or --oformat, user must give a valid MSA format (see above). The valid MSA formats are listed below:

bl2seq Bl2seq Blast output

clustalw clustalw (.aln) format

emboss EMBOSS water and needle format

fasta FASTA format

maf Multiple Alignment Format

mase mase (seaview) format

mega MEGA format

meme MEME format

msf msf (GCG) format

nexus Swofford et al NEXUS format

pfam Pfam sequence alignment format

phylip Felsenstein PHYLIP format

prodom prodom (protein domain) format

psi PSI-BLAST format

selex selex (hmmer) format

stockholm stockholm format

Specifically, mase, stockholm and prodom have only been implemented for input. If no format is specified and a filename is given, then the module will attempt to deduce it from the filename suffix. If this is unsuccessful, fasta format is assumed.

The format name is case insensitive; FASTA, Fasta and fasta are all treated equivalently.


The workflow for a single subunit analysis is carried out as explained in home page. The simplest way to launch it, using the datasets provided as examples here, is leaving all the optionals values by default, and only the requested arguments are introduced:

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain M --alignment ChainM_alignment.fas

By this way, MECOM will carry out the analysis for the subunit M, also called subunit 8B.

In complex IV of respiratory chain, the subunits A, B and C are encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Thus, the option --gc, whose default value is 0 (Standar) must be set to 1 (Vertebrate mitochondrial) in the case of the example alignments. Thus, the command line instruction must be as follow to analyze a mtDNA-encoded subunit:

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain A --alignment ChainA_alignment.fas --gc 1

Those above explained examples will be computationally slow due to the heavy and unperformed structural analysis. However, once those calcules has been carried out, a new file with the structural result is written an allocated in the path specified by the option --ocontact (default data.str). Thus, if this file is provided by the user as an input file through the option --contactfile, the analysis will be faster:

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --contactfile data_for_chain_A.str --chain A --alignment ChainA_alignment.fas --gc 1

By this way, the option --pdb becomes optional.

Other interesting option is --contactwith. The user can choose what chains will be considered to label close residues as contact ones. For examples, the user wants ignore contacts from chain A with the others mtDNA-encoded subunits (B and C), and only consider this residues in close proximity with nDNA-encoded subunits. To get this kind of analysis, the user must specify the subunits to consider as follow:

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --contactfile data_for_chain_A.str --chain A --alignment ChainA_alignment.fas --gc 1 --contactwith "D E F G H I J K L M Q R S T U V W X Y Z"

Ignoring chains A, B, C, N, O and P, which are encoded by the mitochondrial genome.


MECOM implements a Bioperl method to concatenate alignments. Thus, the program can carry out evolutive analysis for several subunits together.

The following example adress the evolutive behaviour of mitochondrial encoded subunits, considering as contact residues just those in close proximity with nuclear encoded subunits:

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --contactfile data_for_chains_ABC.str --chain "A B C" --alignment "ChainA_alignment.fas ChainB_alignment.fas ChainC_alignment.fas" --gc 1 --contactwith "D E F G H I J K L M Q R S T U V W X Y Z" --report reportABC_nu.html

This kind of analysis are a little fussy. It is important to maintain the same order within the values of the options --chain and --alignment, marked between quotes and provide the same number of MSA files than chains identifiers. In this example, the results will be written in the file reportABC_nu.html.


As described above, multiple parameters can be set, such as the proximity threshold, --proximityth, or exposure threshold, --exposureth. The following example is a series of executions where the value of proximity threshold changes in order to evaluate how it affects on the evolutive results:

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain M --alignment ChainM_alignment.fas --proximityth 1 --ocontact pth1_M.str --report pth1_M.html

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain M --alignment ChainM_alignment.fas --proximityth 2 --ocontact pth2_M.str --report pth2_M.html

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain M --alignment ChainM_alignment.fas --proximityth 4 --ocontact pth4_M.str --report pth4_M.html

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain M --alignment ChainM_alignment.fas --proximityth 7 --ocontact pth7_M.str --report pth7_M.html

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain M --alignment ChainM_alignment.fas --proximityth 10 --ocontact pth10_M.str --report pth10_M.html

$ mecom --pdb 2OCC.pdb --chain M --alignment ChainM_alignment.fas --proximityth 15 --ocontact pth15_M.str --report pth15_M.html

AUTHOR - Hector Valverde

Hector Valverde, <>


Juan Carlos Aledo, <>



Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-Mecom at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Further information about this project is available at:


Copyright 2013 Hector Valverde and Juan Carlos Aledo.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.