Mojar::Guide::GoogleAnalytics - Reporting from Google Analytics
Before you start coding against the API, first ensure you can get results via the query explorer (see link below). To use that, you log into GA using credentials that have access to the appropriate analytics account. Typically this means logging out of the account you use for email and logging back in with an email account that someone has authorised to access the analytics account (although there is no technical problem with these being the same email account).
In the query browser you also select a profile. If your analytics account has multiple profiles, take care which one you test, and ensure that you use the same one when coding against the API.
In order to use the API, you will need
- auth_user
The API user that Google created for you when you registered to use the API. This is typically something of the form
- private_key
The private key you generated to use against the API. This is typically held in a file (with a .pem suffix) and slurped up each time you want to use it. Check that the file contains a line for "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" and also for "END PRIVATE KEY".
- profile_id
A string of digits identifying the appropriate profile; exactly the same one you tested earlier.
Then create your analytics object.
my $analytics = Mojar::Google::Analytics->new(
auth_user => q{},
private_key => $pk,
profile_id => '123456'
You may optionally disable timeouts (default 60 sec) by including
timeout => 0
Build the Request
dimensions => [qw(pagePath)],
metrics => [qw(entrances exits bounces)],
sort => 'pagePath',
start_date => $day,
end_date => $day,
start_index => $start,
max_results => $max_resultset
For the first iteration, start_index should be 1. It is often quicker/easier to test with yesterday's data than today's data. I usually set max_results to be 10_000, so any result set larger than that is fetched in batches.
Get the Result Set
$res = $analytics->fetch;
if (defined $res and $res->success) {
# Success
else {
# Failure: check $analytics->res->error (or ->code or ->message)
If you have success you will want to extract the data from the resultset within res
; if you have failure you should abort.
Once you have a resultset, check its headers
to ensure they are what your code expects. Then iterate through
processing your data as appropriate.
If you are using DBI you may find you enjoy faster inserts using columns:
my @tuple_status;
my $qty = $insert->execute_array(
{ArrayTupleStatus => \@tuple_status},
Update Your Cursor
$start = $1 if $res->{next_link} and $res->{next_link} =~ /start-index=(\d+)/;
so that you can go round the next iteration with the start_index that the API said to use next.
To see the communications between client and server, simply set the MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG
variable in your environment. For example, in bash this would be
and then set it to 0 (or unset it completely) to disable all that debug output.
To view an object, you already have dumper
use Mojar::Util 'dumper';
$self->log->debug(dumper $res);
for overview material,
for the reference documentation, and
for the query explorer.