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Changes for version v0.991 - 2022-07-17

  • Fix Signature V4 when uri contains tilde (issue #119, thanks marcusclip)
  • API->bucket now accepts optional region (issue #117)
  • Disable Signature V4 uri simplification for S3 service (issue #96)
  • Build user agent lazily


Command line for Amazon s3 cloud storage
Amazon S3 ACL support
Features available in Net::Amazon::S3


Use the Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service
Representation of canned ACL
Base class for misc ACL grantee representations
Represents user reference by email address for ACL
Represents group reference for ACL
Represents user reference for ACL
Representation of explicit ACL
Authorization context base class
Basic authorization information
IAM authorization information
convenience object for working with Amazon S3 buckets
An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client
An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client bucket
An easy-to-use Amazon S3 client object
Object extension allowing to fetch part of an object
Misc constants used by S3
Moose constraint - valid Canned ACL constants
Moose constraint - Etag format
A base class for S3 response error handler
An internal class to report errors via Carp::confess
An internal class to report errors like legacy API
An internal class to report response errors via err properties
Throw error specific exception
Create a signed HTTP::Request
Internal class to perform GetBucketAcl operation
An internal class to get a bucket's access control
An internal class to handle fetch bucket acl response
Internal class to perform PutBucketAcl operation
An internal class to set a bucket's access control
An internal class to handle bucket set acl response
Internal class to perform CreateBucket operation
An internal class to create a bucket
An internal class to handle bucket create response
Internal class to perform DeleteBucket operation
An internal class to delete a bucket
An internal class to handle bucket delete responses
Internal class for service operation ListBuckets
An internal class to get a bucket's location constraint
An internal class to handle bucket location response
Internal class to perform PutBucketTagging operation
Internal class to build PutObjectTagging requests
An internal class to handle PutBucketTagging responses
Internal class to perform DeleteBucketTagging operation
Internal class to build PutObjectTagging requests
An internal class to handle DeleteBucketTagging responses
Internal class for service operation ListBuckets
An internal class to list all buckets
An internal class to process list all buckets response
Internal class to perform GetObjectAcl operation
An internal class to get an object's access control
An internal class to handle fetch object acl response
Internal class to perform PutObjectAcl operation
An internal class to set an object's access control
An internal class to handle set object acl response
Internal class to perform PutObject operation
An internal class to add an object to a bucket.
An internal class to handle object add response
Internal class to perform DeleteObject operation
An internal class to delete an object
An internal class to handle object delete responses
Internal class to perform PutObject operation
An internal class to get an object
An internal class to handle object fetch response
Internal class to perform HeadObject operation
An internal class to handle HeadObject request
An internal class to handle HeadObject response
Internal class to perform RestoreObject operation
An internal class implementing RestoreObject operation
An internal class to handle object restore responses
Internal class to perform PutObjectTagging operation
Internal class to build PutObjectTagging request
An internal class to handle PutObjectTagging responses
Internal class to perform DeleteObjectTagging operation
Internal class to build PutObjectTagging requests
An internal class to handle DeleteObjectTagging responses
Internal class to perform AbortMultipartUpload operation
An internal class to abort a multipart upload
An internal class to handle abort multipart upload response
Internal class to perform CompleteMultipartUpload operation
An internal class to complete a multipart upload
An internal class to handle complete a multipart upload response
Internal class to perform CreateMultipartUpload operation
An internal class to begin a multipart upload
An internal class to handle create multipart upload response
Internal class to perform UploadPart operation
An internal class to put part of a multipart upload
Internal class to handle UploadPart operation's response
Internal class to perform ListParts operation
List the parts in a multipart upload.
An internal class to handle multipart upload parts list responses
Internal class for service operation DeleteObjects
An internal class to delete multiple objects from a bucket
An internal class to handle delete multiple objects responses
Internal class for service operation ListObjects
An internal class to list a bucket (List Objects Version 1)
An internal class to list a bucket (List Objects Version 1)
Base class for request objects
Base class for all S3 Bucket operations
Base class for all S3 Object operations
x-amz-server-side-encryption header role
Add tags request parts common to Bucket and Object
Base class for all S3 Service operations
Behaviour common to most S3 responses.
ACL specification
S3 Signature implementation base class
Implements the Amazon Web Services signature version 4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 (copy of Net::Amazon::Signature::V4)
Base class for vendor specific behaviour
Amazon AWS specific behaviour
Net::Amazon::S3 exceptions
used for testing and as example
used for testing and as example
used for testing and as example
used for testing to provide test fixtures
Shared::Examples providing error fixture
Shared::Examples providing error fixture
Shared::Examples providing response fixture
Shared::Examples providing response fixture
used for testing and as example