All releases to date by SAMV.
RELEASE 0.02, 10 Oct 2009
This release fixes a couple of glaring bugs, and proves that the module now works even better than before by porting another of the examples scripts from Net::SSLeay!
In detail:
COPYING.txt is now included, to dot another legal I
A few functions which wouldn't have worked in Net::SSLeay::OO::SSL are now not imported from Net::SSLeay
One of which would just work if it was exported into the Context class, see "set_cert_and_key" in Net::SSLeay::OO::Context.
The "accept" in Net::SSLeay::OO::Context and "connect" in Net::SSLeay::OO::Context methods now return the Net::SSLeay::OO::SSL object, as advertised in the docs.
Work around an OpenSSL bug with client certificates and using
without passing a callback.New old example: examples/sslecho.pl
RELEASE 0.01, 6 Oct 2009
Check out the 'v0.01' tag from git if you are interested in the features of the first release.