is( $elems->[0]->as_string, "=this is\nstill code=",
"elem 0 as_string");
is( $elems->[1]->as_string, "\n\n=this is\nno longer\ncode=\n",
"elem 1 as_string");
# markup can contain links, even *[[link][description with * in it]]*. also # timestamp, etc. test_parse( name => 'link inside markup', filter_elements => 'Org::Element::Text', doc => <<'_', *bolded [[link]]* _ test_after_parse => sub { my %args = @_; my $doc = $args{result}; my $elems = $args{elements}; is($elems->[0]->style, "B", "elem 0 bold"); is($elems->[0]->children->[0]->as_string, "bolded ", "bolded text"); is(ref($elems->[0]->children->[1]), "Org::Element::Link", "link inside bolded"); }, );
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 91:
Unknown directive: =this
- Around line 94:
Unknown directive: =this