The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

Passes additional @args to the pintod command line. Default is empty.

Sets the port that the server will listen on. If not specified during construction, defaults to a randomly generated but open port.

Sets the hostname that the server will bind to. Defaults to localhost.

Returns the process id for the server (if it has been started). Read-only.

Returns the full URL that the server will listen on. Read-only.

Sets the path to the pintod executable. If not specified, we will search in ./blib/script, ./bin, PINTO_HOME, and finally your PATH An exception is thrown if pintod cannot be found.

Starts the pintod server. Emits a warning if the server is already started.

Stops the pintod server. Emits a warning if the server is not currently running.

Asserts that the server is running.

Asserts that the server is not running.

Returns true if the server is able to receive and respond to a connection request.

11 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 29:

Unknown directive: =attr

Around line 42:

Unknown directive: =attr

Around line 56:

Unknown directive: =attr

Around line 70:

Unknown directive: =attr

Around line 83:

Unknown directive: =attr

Around line 96:

Unknown directive: =attr

Around line 135:

Unknown directive: =method

Around line 178:

Unknown directive: =method

Around line 201:

Unknown directive: =method

Around line 220:

Unknown directive: =method

Around line 237:

Unknown directive: =method