Changes for version 0.500 - 2013-02-05
A collection of star map generation tools for the RPG Traveller
Constants used for readability in (Mega)Traveller applications.
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Encapsulates a parsec for (Mega)Traveller
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Base class for a star
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Encapsulates the behavior of an orbital plane
Encapsulates the behavior of a primary star
Blah...blah...blah.. tell the author to put something here...
Encapsulates a (Mega)Traveller subsector