The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '9999.99.99_99'; # VERSION
use Test::More tests => 9;
use Cwd 'getcwd';
my $rexfile = "Rexfile";
my $file = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( "files", "foo.txt" );
my $path = Rex::Helper::Path::get_file_path( $file, "main", $rexfile );
my $expected = $file;
is( $path, $expected, "got file path if called from Rexfile" );
my $cwd = getcwd;
$file = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( $cwd, "ChangeLog" );
$path = Rex::Helper::Path::get_file_path( $file, "main", $rexfile );
$expected = $file;
is( $path, $file, "got file path if called from Rexfile - absolute path" );
$rexfile = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( "this", "is", "Rexfile" );
$file = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( "files", "foo.txt" );
$path = Rex::Helper::Path::get_file_path( $file, "main", $rexfile );
$expected = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( "this", "is", "files", "foo.txt" );
is( $path, $expected, "got file path if called Rexfile from other directory" );
$rexfile = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( Rex::Helper::File::Spec->rootdir(),
"this", "is", "Rexfile" );
$file = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( "files", "foo.txt" );
$path = Rex::Helper::Path::get_file_path( $file, "main", $rexfile );
$expected = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( Rex::Helper::File::Spec->rootdir(),
"this", "is", "files", "foo.txt" );
is( $path, $expected,
"got file path if called Rexfile from other directory (absolute)" );
my $module_path =
Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( "lib", "File", "Foo", "" );
$path = Rex::Helper::Path::get_file_path( $file, "File::Foo", $module_path );
$expected =
Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( "lib", "File", "Foo", "files", "foo.txt" );
is( $path, $expected, "got file path for File::Foo module" );
$path = Rex::Helper::Path::get_tmp_file();
my ( $filename, $directory, $suffix ) = fileparse( $path, '.tmp' );
ok( defined $filename, 'Got temp filename' );
is( $suffix, '.tmp', 'Got filename with .tmp suffix' );
ok( defined $directory, 'Got temp directory' );