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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '1.16.0'; # VERSION
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
require Exporter;
use base qw(Exporter);
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
use Cwd 'realpath';
require Rex;
require Rex::Config;
@EXPORT = qw(get_file_path get_tmp_file resolv_path parse_path resolve_symlink);
set "path_map", {};
# CALL: get_file_path("foo.txt", caller());
# RETURNS: module file
sub get_file_path {
my ( $file_name, $caller_package, $caller_file ) = @_;
$file_name = resolv_path($file_name);
my $ends_with_slash = 0;
if ( $file_name =~ m/\/$/ ) {
$ends_with_slash = 1;
my $has_wildcard = 0;
my $base_name = basename($file_name);
if ( $base_name =~ qr{\*} ) {
$has_wildcard = 1;
$file_name = dirname($file_name);
my $fix_path = sub {
my ($path) = @_;
$path =~ s:^\./::;
if ($has_wildcard) {
$path = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->catfile( $path, $base_name );
if ($ends_with_slash) {
if ( $path !~ m/\/$/ ) {
return "$path/";
return $path;
if ( !$caller_package ) {
( $caller_package, $caller_file ) = caller();
# check if a file in $BASE overwrites the module file
# first get the absolute path to the rexfile
$::rexfile ||= $0;
if ( $caller_file =~ m|^/loader/[^/]+/$| ) {
$caller_file = $::rexfile;
my @path_parts;
if ( $^O =~ m/^MSWin/ && !Rex::is_ssh() ) {
@path_parts = split( /\//, $::rexfile );
else {
@path_parts = split( /\//, realpath($::rexfile) );
pop @path_parts;
my $real_path = join( '/', @path_parts );
my $map_setting = get("path_map");
my %path_map = (
map { ( ( substr( $_, -1 ) eq '/' ) ? $_ : "$_/" ) => $map_setting->{$_} }
keys %$map_setting
foreach my $prefix (
sort { length($b) <=> length($a) }
grep { $file_name =~ m/^$_/ } keys %path_map
foreach my $pattern ( @{ $path_map{$prefix} } ) {
my $expansion =
Rex::Helper::File::Spec->catfile( parse_path($pattern),
substr( $file_name, length($prefix) ) );
if ( -e $expansion ) {
return $fix_path->($expansion);
$expansion = Rex::Helper::File::Spec->catfile( $real_path, $expansion );
if ( -e $expansion ) {
return $fix_path->($expansion);
if ( -e $file_name ) {
return $fix_path->($file_name);
my $cat_file_name =
Rex::Helper::File::Spec->catfile( $real_path, $file_name );
if ( -e $cat_file_name ) {
return $fix_path->($cat_file_name);
# walk down the wire to find the file...
my ($old_caller_file) = $caller_file;
my $i = 0;
while ( $caller_package && $i <= 50 ) {
( $caller_package, $caller_file ) = caller($i);
if ( !$caller_package ) {
my $module_path = Rex::get_module_path($caller_package);
$cat_file_name =
Rex::Helper::File::Spec->catfile( $module_path, $file_name );
if ( -e $cat_file_name ) {
return $fix_path->($cat_file_name);
$file_name =
Rex::Helper::File::Spec->catfile( dirname($old_caller_file), $file_name );
return $fix_path->($file_name);
sub get_tmp_file {
return Rex::Helper::File::Spec->join( Rex::Config->get_tmp_dir(),
Rex::Commands::get_random( 12, 'a' .. 'z' ) . '.tmp' );
sub resolv_path {
my ( $path, $local ) = @_;
if ( $path !~ m/^~/ ) {
# path starts not with ~ so we don't need to expand $HOME.
# just return it.
return $path;
my $home_path;
require Rex::User;
my $user_o = Rex::User->get;
if ($local) {
if ( $^O =~ m/^MSWin/ ) {
# windows path:
$home_path = $ENV{'USERPROFILE'};
else {
if ( $path =~ m/^~([a-zA-Z0-9_][^\/]+)\// ) {
my $user_name = $1;
my %user_info = $user_o->get_user($user_name);
$home_path = $user_info{home};
$path =~ s/^~$user_name/$home_path/;
else {
$home_path = $ENV{'HOME'};
$path =~ s/^~/$home_path/;
else {
if ( $path =~ m/^~([a-zA-Z0-9_][^\/]+)\// ) {
my $user_name = $1;
my %user_info = $user_o->get_user($user_name);
$home_path = $user_info{home};
$path =~ s/^~$user_name/$home_path/;
else {
my $exec = Rex::Interface::Exec->create;
my $remote_home = $exec->exec("echo \$HOME");
$remote_home =~ s/[\r\n]//gms;
$home_path = $remote_home;
$path =~ s/^~/$home_path/;
return $path;
sub parse_path {
my ( $path_with_macro, $replacement_for ) = @_;
my $replace_macros = sub {
my ( $path, $substitution_for ) = @_;
my $macro = join q(|), keys %{$substitution_for};
( my $substitution = $path ) =~ s/{($macro)}/$substitution_for->{$1}/gmsx;
return $substitution;
$replacement_for->{server} //= Rex::Commands::connection()->server;
$replacement_for->{environment} //= Rex::Commands::environment();
my $replacement_path =
$replace_macros->( $path_with_macro, $replacement_for );
if ( $replacement_path =~ m/\{([^\}]+)\}/ ) {
# if there are still some macros to replace, we need some
# information of the system
my %hw = Rex::Commands::Gather::get_system_information();
$replacement_path = $replace_macros->( $replacement_path, \%hw );
return $replacement_path;
sub resolve_symlink {
my $path = shift;
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs::create();
my $resolution;
if ( $fs->is_symlink($path) ) {
while ( my $link = $fs->readlink($path) ) {
if ( $link !~ m/^\// ) {
$path = dirname($path) . "/" . $link;
else {
$path = $link;
$link = $fs->readlink($link);
$resolution = $path;
return $resolution;