txdextrema - find maxima/minima in textual data files


txdextrema [n] < data.dat


The column we are interested in is simply given as a number (starting at 1) after any options; default is the second one (making sense for x-y data) or the only present one. By default the occuring extremal value is printed, but you can choose to print all rows where it occurs.


These are the general rules for specifying parameters to this program:

txdextrema -s -xyz -s=value --long --long=value [--] [files/stuff]

You mention the options to change parameters in any order or even multiple times. They are processed in the oder given, later operations overriding/extending earlier settings. Using the separator "--" stops option parsing An only mentioned short/long name (no "=value") means setting to 1, which is true in the logical sense. Also, prepending + instead of the usual - negates this, setting the value to 0 (false). Specifying "-s" and "--long" is the same as "-s=1" and "--long=1", while "+s" and "++long" is the sames as "-s=0" and "--long=0".

There are also different operators than just "=" available, notably ".=", "+=", "-=", "*=" and "/=" for concatenation / appending array/hash elements and scalar arithmetic operations on the value. Arrays are appended to via "array.=element", hash elements are set via "hash.=name=value". You can also set more array/hash elements by specifying a separator after the long parameter line like this for comma separation:

--array/,/=1,2,3  --hash/,/=name=val,name2=val2

The available parameters are these, default values (in Perl-compatible syntax) at the time of generating this document following the long/short names:

black (scalar)

ignore whitespace at beginning and end of line (disables strict mode) (from Text::NumericData)

comchar (scalar)

comment character (if not set, deduce from data or use #) (from Text::NumericData)

comregex (scalar)

regex for matching comments (from Text::NumericData)

config, I (array)

Which configfile(s) to use (overriding automatic search in likely paths); special: just -I or --config causes printing a current config file to STDOUT

empty (scalar)

treat empty lines as empty data sets, preserving them in output (from Text::NumericData)

fill (scalar)

fill value for undefined data (from Text::NumericData)

help, h (scalar)

Show the help message. Value 1..9: help level, par: help for paramter par (long name) only.

Additional fun with negative values, optionally followed by comma-separated list of parameter names: -1: list par names, -2: list one line per name, -3: -2 without builtins, -10: dump values (Perl style), -11: dump values (lines), -100: print POD.

lineend (scalar)

line ending to use: (DOS, MAC, UNIX or be explicit if you can, taken from data if undefined, finally resorting to UNIX) (from Text::NumericData)

minima, m (scalar)

look for minima (=0 means looking for maxima)

numformat, N (array)

printf formats to use (if there is no "%" present at all, one will be prepended) (from Text::NumericData)

numregex (scalar)

regex for matching numbers (from Text::NumericData)

outsep (scalar)

use this separator for output (leave undefined to use input separator, fallback to TAB) (from Text::NumericData)

print, p (scalar)

print the concerned data sets (otherwise only printing the found value)

quote (scalar)

quote titles (from Text::NumericData)

quotechar (scalar)

quote character to use (derived from input or ") (from Text::NumericData)

separator (scalar)

use this separator for input (otherwise deduce from data; TAB is another way to say "tabulator", fallback is ) (from Text::NumericData)

strict, S (scalar)

strictly split data lines at configured separator (otherwise more fuzzy logic is involved) (from Text::NumericData)

text, T (scalar)

allow text as data (not first column) (from Text::NumericData)

version (scalar)

print out the program version


Thomas Orgis <>


Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Thomas Orgis, Free Software licensed under the same terms as Perl 5.10