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Unicode::Diacritic::Strip - strip diacritics from Unicode text


use utf8;
my $in = 'àÀâÂäçéÉèÈêÊëîïôùÙûüÜがぎぐげご';
print strip_diacritics ($in), "\n";
print fast_strip ($in), "\n";

produces output


(This example is included as synopsis.pl in the distribution.)


This documents Unicode::Diacritic::Strip version 0.14 corresponding to git commit b7ac4488df75b33bfbf0ace7b8eb2b81b2bf52a8 released on Wed Dec 7 12:16:07 2022 +0900.


This module offers two ways to remove diacritics from Unicode text. One of them, "strip_diacritics", uses the Unicode decompositions to break the characters down. The other one, "fast_strip", is a faster alternative based on a hash of alphabetical characters with and without diacritics. There is also "strip_alphabet", which is the same as "strip_diacritics", but it also returns a list of what characters were changed.



my $stripped = strip_diacritics ($text);

Strip diacritics from $text. The diacritics are as defined by the Unicode Character Database. See Unicode::UCD.


my ($stripped, $swaps) = strip_alphabet ($text);

Strip diacritics from $text in the same way as "strip_diacritics", and also return the alphabet of diacritic to non-diacritic characters as a hash reference.

use utf8;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Unicode::Diacritic::Strip 'strip_alphabet';
my $stuff = '89. ročník udílení Oscarů';
my ($out, $list) = strip_alphabet ($stuff);
for my $k (keys %$list) {
print "$k was converted to $list->{$k}\n";

produces output

č was converted to c
ů was converted to u
í was converted to i

(This example is included as strip-alphabet.pl in the distribution.)

This was added to the module in version 0.08. Prior to that it was in another module called Unicode::StripDiacritics which I wrote as a duplicate of this module, but fortunately hadn't released to CPAN.


my $stripped = fast_strip ($text);

Rapidly strip alphabetical Unicode characters to the nearest plain ASCII equivalents. This is just a big list of characters and a substitution statement which zaps them into ASCII. It also contains a few other things like the thorn character and a ligature.

use utf8;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Unicode::Diacritic::Strip 'fast_strip';
my $unicode = 'Bjørn Łódź';
print fast_strip ($unicode), "\n";

produces output

Bjorn Lodz

(This example is included as ask.pl in the distribution.)

This was added to the module in version 0.07. It has been in service for several years at the following website: http://www.sljfaq.org/cgi/e2k.cgi for converting the user's inputs into the closest English equivalent. It was changed from a tr to a substitution in version 0.12.


CPAN modules


This is an XS module dating from more than ten years ago which has problems compiling on 64 bit systems.


This overlaps with Unicode::Diacritic::Strip.


This somewhat bizarre module converts any Unicode to ASCII.


Web pages

How to remove diacritic marks from characters by Ivan Kurmanov.




Nothing is exported by default. The functions "strip_diacritics", "strip_alphabet", and "fast_strip" are exported on demand. A tag :all exports all the functions from the module.


Test failures on Perl 5.14

The test failures on CPAN testers for version 0.08 of this module and Perl version 5.14, such as these, containing the error string

perl: hv.c:2663: S_unshare_hek_or_pvn: Assertion `he->shared_he_he.hent_hek == hek' failed.

are due to a bug in that version of Perl, and are completely beyond my control. Unicode::Diacritic::Strip is a pure Perl module with no XS components. (I have tried to contact the tester responsible for these reports with no success, due to the registered email address bouncing.)


Ben Bullock, <bkb@cpan.org>


This package and associated files are copyright (C) 2012-2022 Ben Bullock.

You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the Perl Artistic Licence or the GNU General Public Licence.