# name of your plugin , valid characters are [a-zA-Z0-9._-]
# author name
# type
=version_from vimlib/plugin/new_plugin.vim
# extract version infomation from this file
=vim_version >= 7.0
# is compatible with vim 7.0 or later
=vim_version 7.2
# is compatible with vim 7.2 or later
autocomplpop.vim > 0.3
# check autocomplpop for version 0.3 from installed record , then try to parse installed file (version from)
# and retrieve package from vim script archive network (not ready yet)
# comments are allowed
something.vim >= 0.3
rainbow.vim >= 1.2
# for required plugins that don't have package on vim script archive network website # we intent to download them by urls
| autoload/acp.vim | [url]
| plugin/acp.vim | [url2]
# check for file $runtimepath/autoload/acp.vim , if it's not exist.
# then get the file from url and put it into "$vimruntime/autoload"
# directory
# for plugins which can't detect version.
# | $(VIM_BASEDIR)/autoload/libperl.vim | http://github.com/c9s/libperl.vim/raw/master/autoload/libperl.vim
# XXX: we should support this.
libperl.vim > 0.2 | http://path/to/package/package.tar.gz
# check for libperl.vim version
# if require newer version
# we download the package elsewhere and install it.
# these files should be installed to ~/.vim/bin/
6 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 4:
Unknown directive: =name
- Around line 8:
Unknown directive: =author
- Around line 12:
Unknown directive: =type
- Around line 28:
Unknown directive: =dependency
- Around line 60:
Unknown directive: =script
- Around line 67:
Unknown directive: =repository