The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Serż Minus (Sergey Lepenkov), <>
# Copyright (C) 1998-2025 D&D Corporation. All Rights Reserved
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
use Cwd;
# Load module
# Create instance
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($AUTHDB_WORKDIR, 'testauth.db');
my $file_out = File::Spec->catfile($AUTHDB_WORKDIR, 'testauth.json');
my $authdb = WWW::Suffit::AuthDB->with_roles('+CRUD')->new(
ds => qq{sqlite://$file?RaiseError=0&PrintError=0&sqlite_unicode=1},
sourcefile => "t/authdb-test.json",
initialized => 1, # This is fake marker
#note explain $authdb;
# Delete existed test DB file first
unlink $file if -e $file;
# Dump data pool
is($authdb->dump, 'null', "Data pool is `null`") or diag explain $authdb->dump;
# Load source file to data pool
if (-e $authdb->sourcefile) {
ok(!$authdb->error, "Load test AuthDB source file") or diag $authdb->error;
ok(ref($authdb->data) eq 'HASH', "Loaded data is hash");
#note explain $authdb->data;
} else {
note "Skipped loading test AuthDB source file: file not found";
# Save data pool to temp file
$authdb->save(File::Spec->catfile(getcwd(), 'testauth.json'));
ok(!$authdb->error, "Save test data to external file") or diag $authdb->error;
# Connect to database
ok(!$authdb->error, "Connect to database") or diag $authdb->error;
#goto DONE;
# Forsed Initialize schema
ok(!$authdb->model->error, "Initialize schema") or diag $authdb->model->error;
ok($authdb->model->is_initialized, "Schema is initialized");
# Skip if no connect
unless ($authdb->model->ping) {
fail sprintf(qq{Can't connect to database "%s"}, $authdb->model->dsn);
diag $authdb->model->error;
goto DONE;
# Checksum
subtest 'Checksum' => sub {
my $test = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'; # Test pangram
is $authdb->checksum($test => 'md5'), "9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6", "MD5";
is $authdb->checksum($test => 'sha1'), "2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12", "SHA1";
is $authdb->checksum($test => 'sha224'), "730e109bd7a8a32b1cb9d9a09aa2325d2430587ddbc0c38bad911525", "SHA224";
is $authdb->checksum($test => 'sha256'), "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592", "SHA256";
is $authdb->checksum($test => 'sha384'), "ca737f1014a48f4c0b6dd43cb177b0afd9e5169367544c494011e3317dbf9a509cb1e5dc1e85a941bbee3d7f2afbc9b1", "SHA384";
is $authdb->checksum($test => 'sha512'), "07e547d9586f6a73f73fbac0435ed76951218fb7d0c8d788a309d785436bbb642e93a252a954f23912547d1e8a3b5ed6e1bfd7097821233fa0538f3db854fee6", "SHA512";
# Meta test
subtest 'Meta CRUD' => sub {
my $now = time;
ok $authdb->meta("test.time" => $now), "The test key was created" or diag $authdb->error;
is $authdb->meta("test.time"), $now, "The test value was readed" or diag $authdb->error;
ok $authdb->meta("test.time" => undef), "The test key was deleted" or diag $authdb->error;
is $authdb->meta("test.time"), undef, "The test value value is unset" or diag $authdb->error;
# User CRUD
subtest 'User CRUD' => sub {
# Add new user
username => "foo",
name => "Foo",
email => 'foo@localhost',
password => "test",
algorithm => "MD5",
role => "Test foo user",
flags => 0,
public_key => "",
private_key => "",
attributes => qq/{"disabled": 0}/,
comment => "User for test only",
), "Add new user") or diag $authdb->error;
# Edit the user data directly, without preprocessing
username => "foo",
name => "Foo",
email => 'foo@localhost',
password => "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6",
algorithm => "MD5",
role => "Test foo user",
flags => 0,
public_key => "",
private_key => "",
attributes => qq/{"disabled": 0}/,
comment => "User for test only (edited)",
), "Edit the user data directly") or diag $authdb->error;
# Change password
username => "foo",
password => "password",
), "Change password") or diag $authdb->error;
# Set keys pair
username => "foo",
public_key => 'public_key',
private_key => 'private_key',
), "Set keys pair") or diag $authdb->error;
# Get data
my %data = $authdb->user_get("foo");
ok(!$authdb->error, "Get user data") or diag $authdb->error;
#note explain \%data;
# Delete user
ok($authdb->user_del( "foo" ), "Delete foo user") or diag $authdb->error;
# Group CRUD
subtest 'Group CRUD' => sub {
# Add new group
groupname => "wheel",
description => "Admin group",
), "Add new group") or diag $authdb->error;
# Get data
my %data = $authdb->group_get( "wheel" );
ok(!$authdb->error, "Get group data") or diag $authdb->error;
#note explain \%data;
# Get members list
my @members = $authdb->group_members( "wheel" );
ok(!$authdb->error, "Get members list") or diag $authdb->error;
# Delete group
ok($authdb->group_del( "wheel" ), "Delete wheel group") or diag $authdb->error;
# Realm CRUD
subtest 'Realm CRUD' => sub {
# Add new realm
realmname => "default",
realm => "Strict Zone",
description => "Default realm",
), "Add new realm") or diag $authdb->error;
# Get data
my %data = $authdb->realm_get( "default" );
ok(!$authdb->error, "Get realm data") or diag $authdb->error;
#note explain \%data;
# Delete default realm
ok($authdb->realm_del( "default" ), "Delete default realm") or diag $authdb->error;
# Route CRUD
subtest 'Route CRUD' => sub {
# Add new route
realmname => "default",
routename => "root",
method => "GET",
path => "/",
), "Add new route") or diag $authdb->error;
# Get data
my %data = $authdb->route_get( "root" );
ok(!$authdb->error, "Get route data") or diag $authdb->error;
#note explain \%data;
# Delete root route
ok($authdb->route_del( "root" ), "Delete root route") or diag $authdb->error;
# Token CRUD
subtest 'Token CRUD' => sub {
# Add new token
type => 'api',
jti => 'none',
username => 'foo',
clientid => 'qwertyuiqwertyui',
iat => time,
exp => time + 3600,
address => '',
), "Add new token") or diag $authdb->error;
# Get tokens
my @tokens = $authdb->token_get();
ok(!$authdb->error, "Get tokens") or diag $authdb->error;
#note explain \@tokens;
# Delete token
ok($authdb->token_del("foo", "none"), "Delete token") or diag $authdb->error;
# Import data from JSON file
ok $authdb->import_data, "Import data from JSON file" or diag $authdb->error;
# Export data to JSON file
ok $authdb->export_data($file_out), "Export data to JSON file" or diag $authdb->error;
# User
subtest 'User' => sub {
# Alice
my $alice = $authdb->cached_user("alice", 'd1b919$c1');
ok $alice->is_valid, "User is valid";
is $alice->username, 'alice', "Username";
#note explain $alice;
# Unknown
my $unknown = $authdb->user("unknown");
ok !$unknown->is_valid, "Unknown user is invalid";
# Group
subtest 'Group' => sub {
# Manager
my $manager = $authdb->cached_group("manager");
ok $manager->is_valid, "Group is valid";
is $manager->groupname, 'manager', "Groupname";
#note explain $manager;
# Realm
subtest 'Realm' => sub {
# Default realm
my $default = $authdb->cached_realm("Default");
ok $default->is_valid, "Realm is valid";
is $default->realmname, 'Default', "Realmname";
#note explain $default;
# Routes
subtest 'Routes' => sub {
# Routes
my $routes = $authdb->cached_routes("http://localhost");
ok !$authdb->error, "Get routes";
#note explain $routes;
# Cached user
subtest 'Cached user' => sub {
# Alice
my $alice = $authdb->cached_user("alice", 'd1b919$c1');
ok $alice->is_cached, "User is cached";
#note explain $alice;
DONE: done_testing;
AUTHDB_WORKDIR=/tmp prove -lv t/02-authdb.t