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use strict;
use utf8;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
WWW::Suffit::AuthDB - Suffit Authorization Database
use WWW::Suffit::AuthDB;
my $authdb = WWW::Suffit::AuthDB->new(
Suffit Authorization Database
This class implements the following attributes
=head2 cached
cached => 1
cached => 'yes'
cached => 'on'
cached => 'enable'
This attribute performs enabling caching while establishing of connection with database
$authdb = $authdb->cached("On");
my $cached = $authdb->cached;
Default: false (no caching connection)
=head2 initialized
initialized => 1
initialized => 'yes'
initialized => 'on'
initialized => 'enable'
This attribute marks the schema as initialized or performs read this status
=head2 code
code => undef
Read only attribute to get the HTTP code
my $code = $authdb->code; # 200
=head2 data
data => undef
Read only attribute to get the current data pool
my $data = $authdb->data;
=head2 ds, dsuri
Data source URI. See L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Model>
$authdb = $authdb->ds("sqlite:///tmp/auth.db?sqlite_unicode=1");
my $ds = $authdb->ds;
Default: 'sponge://'
=head2 error
error => undef
Read only attribute to get the error message
my $error = $authdb->error;
=head2 expiration
expiration => 300
The expiration time
$authdb = $authdb->expiration(60*5);
my $expiration = $authdb->expiration;
B<NOTE!> This attribute MUST be defined before first calling the cache method
Default: 300 (5 min)
=head2 max_keys
max_keys => 1024
The maximum keys number in cache
$authdb = $authdb->max_keys(1024*10);
my $max_keys = $authdb->max_keys;
B<NOTE!> This attribute MUST be defined before first calling the cache method
Default: 1024*1024 (1`048`576 keys max)
=head2 sourcefile
sourcefile => '/tmp/authdb.json'
Path to the source file in JSON format
$authdb = $authdb->sourcefile("/tmp/authdb.json");
my $sourcefile = $authdb->sourcefile;
Default: none
=head1 METHODS
This class inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones
=head2 new
my $authdb = WWW::Suffit::AuthDB->new(
sourcefile => "/tmp/authdb.json"
die $authdb->error if $authdb->error;
Create new AuthDB object
=head2 cache
my $cache = $authdb->cache;
Get cache instance
=head2 cached_group
my $group = $authdb->cached_group("manager");
my $group = $authdb->cached_group("manager", 'd1b919c1');
This method returns cached data of specified groupname as L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group> object by cachekey
=head2 cached_realm
my $realm = $authdb->cached_realm("default");
my $realm = $authdb->cached_realm("default", 'd1b919c1');
This method returns cached data of specified realm name as L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Realm> object by cachekey
=head2 cached_routes
my $routes = $authdb->cached_routes("http://localhost/");
my $routes = $authdb->cached_routes("http://localhost/", 'd1b919c1');
Returns cached hash of routes by base URL and cachekey optionaly
=head2 cached_user
my $user = $authdb->cached_user("alice");
my $user = $authdb->cached_user("alice", 'd1b919c1');
This method returns cached data of specified username as L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::User> object by cachekey
=head2 checksum
my $digest = $authdb->checksum("string", "algorithm");
This method generates checksum for string.
Supported algorithms: MD5 (unsafe), SHA1 (unsafe), SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512
Default algorithm: SHA256
=head2 clean
Cleans state vars on the AuthDB object and returns it
=head2 connect
$authdb->connect('yes'); # cached connection
This method performs regular or cached connection with database. See also L</cached> attribute
=head2 dump
print $authdb->dump;
Returns JSON dump of loaded authentication database
=head2 group
my $group = $authdb->group("manager");
This method returns data of specified groupname as L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group> object
=head2 is_connected
$authdb->connect unless $authdb->is_connected
This method checks connection status
=head2 load
die $authdb->error if $authdb->error;
$authdb->load(); # from `sourcefile`
die $authdb->error if $authdb->error;
This method performs loading file to C<data> pool
=head2 model
my $model = $authdb->model;
Get model L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Model> instance
=head2 raise
return $authdb->raise("Error string");
return $authdb->raise("Error %s", "string");
return $authdb->raise(200 => "Error string");
return $authdb->raise(200 => "Error %s", "string");
Sets error string and returns false status (undef). Also this method can performs sets the HTTP status code
=head2 realm
my $realm = $authdb->realm("default");
This method returns data of specified realm name as L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Realm> object
=head2 save
$authdb->save(); # to `sourcefile`
die $authdb->error if $authdb->error;
Performs flush database to file that was specified in constructor
die $authdb->error if $authdb->error;
Performs flush database to file that specified directly
=head2 user
my $user = $authdb->user("alice");
This method returns data of specified username as L<WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::User> object
=head2 META KEYS
Meta keys define the AuthDB setting parameters
=over 4
=item schema.version
Version of the current schema
List of AuthDB Suffit API error codes
E1300 [500] Can't load file. File not found
E1301 [500] Can't load data pool from file
E1302 [500] File did not return a JSON object
E1303 [500] Can't serialize data pool to JSON
E1304 [500] Can't save data pool to file
E1305 [500] Can't connect to database (model)
E1306 [500] Connection failed
E1307 [500] The authorization database is not initialized
E1308 [---] Reserved
E1309 [---] Reserved
E1310 [ * ] User not found
E1311 [ * ] Incorrect username stored
E1312 [ * ] Incorrect password stored
E1313 [ * ] The user data is expired
E1314 [ * ] Group not found
E1315 [ * ] Incorrect groupname stored
E1316 [ * ] The group data is expired
E1317 [403] External requests is blocked
E1318 [403] Internal requests is blocked
E1319 [403] Access denied
E1320 [400] No username specified
E1321 [413] The username is too long (1-256 chars required)
E1322 [400] No password specified
E1323 [413] The password is too long (1-256 chars required)
E1324 [403] Account frozen for 5 min
E1325 [501] Incorrect digest algorithm
E1326 [401] Incorrect username or password
E1327 [403] User is disabled
E1328 [---] Reserved
E1329 [500] Database request error (meta_get)
E1330 [400] No key specified
E1331 [500] Database request error (meta_set)
E1332 [400] Incorrect digest algorithm
E1333 [500] Database request error (user_get)
E1334 [400] User already exists
E1335 [500] Database request error (user_add)
E1336 [400] User not found
E1337 [500] Database request error (user_edit)
E1338 [500] Database request error (user_getall)
E1339 [500] Database request error (meta_del)
E1340 [500] Database request error (user_del)
E1341 [500] Database request error (grpusr_del)
E1342 [500] Database request error (user_search)
E1343 [500] Database request error (user_groups)
E1344 [400] No password specified
E1345 [500] Database request error (user_passwd)
E1346 [500] Database request error (user_setkeys)
E1347 [500] Database request error (user_tokens)
E1348 [500] Database request error (group_get)
E1349 [400] Group already exists
E1350 [500] Database request error (group_add)
E1351 [500] Database request error (user_set)
E1352 [500] Database request error (grpusr_add)
E1353 [500] Database request error (group_set)
E1354 [---] Reserved
E1355 [500] Database request error (group_getall)
E1356 [500] Database request error (group_del)
E1357 [500] Database request error (grpusr_get)
E1358 [500] Database request error (group_members)
E1359 [500] Database request error (realm_get)
E1360 [400] Realm already exists
E1361 [500] Database request error (realm_add)
E1362 [500] Database request error (route_release)
E1363 [500] Database request error (route_assign)
E1364 [500] Database request error (realm_requirement_del)
E1365 [500] Database request error (realm_requirement_add)
E1366 [500] Database request error (realm_set)
E1367 [500] Database request error (realm_getall)
E1368 [500] Database request error (realm_del)
E1369 [500] Database request error (token_add)
E1370 [500] Database request error (route_add)
E1371 [500] Database request error (realm_requirements)
E1372 [500] Database request error (realm_routes)
E1373 [500] Database request error (route_get)
E1374 [400] Route already exists
E1375 [500] Database request error (route_set)
E1376 [500] Database request error (route_getall)
E1377 [500] Database request error (route_del)
E1378 [500] Database request error (route_search)
E1379 [500] Database request error (token_del)
E1380 [500] Database request error (token_get)
E1381 [500] Database request error (token_get_cond)
E1382 [500] Database request error (token_set)
E1383 [500] Database request error (token_getall)
E1384 [500] Database request error (stat_get)
E1385 [500] Database request error (stat_set)
B<*> -- this code will be defined later on the interface side
See also list of common Suffit API error codes in L<WWW::Suffit::API/"ERROR CODES">
=head1 EXAMPLE
Example of default authdb.json
See C<src/authdb.json>
=head1 HISTORY
See C<Changes> file
=head1 TO DO
See C<TODO> file
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<WWW::Suffit>, L<Mojolicious>
=head1 AUTHOR
Serż Minus (Sergey Lepenkov) L<> E<lt>abalama@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 1998-2025 D&D Corporation. All Rights Reserved
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
See C<LICENSE> file and L<>
our $VERSION = '1.02';
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::Util qw/md5_sum decode encode steady_time/;
use Mojo::File qw/path/;
use Mojo::JSON qw/from_json to_json/;
use Digest::SHA qw/sha1_hex sha224_hex sha256_hex sha384_hex sha512_hex/;
use Acrux::RefUtil qw/is_integer is_hash_ref is_true_flag/;
use constant {
DEFAULT_URL => 'http://localhost',
MAX_CACHE_KEYS => 1024*1024, # 1`048`576 keys max
CACHE_EXPIRES => 60*5, # 5min
has data => '';
has error => '';
has code => 200;
has sourcefile => ''; # JSON source file
has ds => ''; # Data Source URI
has dsuri => ''; # Data Source URI (= ds)
has max_keys => MAX_CACHE_KEYS;
has expiration => CACHE_EXPIRES;
has cached => 0;
has initialized => 0;
sub raise {
my $self = shift(@_);
return undef unless scalar(@_);
if (@_ == 1) { # "message"
} else { # ("code", "message") || ("code", "format", "message") || ("format", "message")
my $code_or_format = shift @_; # Get fisrt arg
if (is_integer($code_or_format)) { # first is "code"
if (@_ == 1) { # second is "message"
} else { # "format", "message", ...
$self->error(sprintf(shift(@_), @_));
} else { # first is "format"
$self->error(sprintf($code_or_format, @_));
return undef;
sub clean {
my $self = shift;
# Flush session variables
return $self;
sub cache {
my $self = shift;
$self->{cache} ||= WWW::Suffit::Cache->new(
max_keys => $self->max_keys,
expiration => $self->expiration,
return $self->{cache};
sub model {
my $self = shift;
$self->{model} ||= WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Model->new($self->dsuri || $self->ds);
return $self->{model};
sub dump {
my $self = shift;
sub load {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift;
$self->clean; # Flush error first
if ($file) {
$self->sourcefile($file) unless $self->sourcefile;
} else {
$file = $self->sourcefile;
return $self unless $file;
$self->raise(500 => "E1300: Can't load file \"$file\". File not found") && return $self
unless -e $file;
# Load data pool from file
my $file_path = path($file);
my $cont = decode('UTF-8', $file_path->slurp) // '';
if (length($cont)) {
my $data = eval { from_json($cont) };
if ($@) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1301: Can't load data pool from file \"%s\": %s", $file, $@);
} elsif (ref($data) ne 'HASH') {
$self->raise(500 => "E1302: File \"%s\" did not return a JSON object", $file);
} else {
$self->{data} = $data;
return $self;
sub save {
my $self = shift;
my $file = shift || $self->sourcefile;
$self->clean; # Flush error first
return $self unless $file;
# Save data pool to file
my $json = eval { to_json($self->{data}) };
if ($@) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1303: Can't serialize data pool to JSON: %s", $@);
return $self;
path($file)->spew(encode('UTF-8', $json));
$self->raise(500 => "E1304: Can't save data pool to file \"%s\": %s", $file, ($! // 'unknown error')) unless -e $file;
return $self;
sub connect {
my $self = shift;
$self->clean; # Flush error first
# Connect
my $cached = is_true_flag(shift // $self->cached);
my $model = $self->model;
if ($cached) {
} else {
$model->connect unless $model->dbh && $model->ping;
if ($model->error) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1305: %s", $model->error);
return $self;
} elsif (!$model->ping) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1306: %s", "Connection failed");
return $self;
# Check initialize status
unless (is_true_flag($self->initialized)) { # if NOT initialized
if ($model->is_initialized) {
$self->initialized(1); # On
} else {
# The authorization database is not inialized
$self->raise(500 => "E1307: %s", $model->error) if $model->error;
return $self;
sub is_connected {
my $self = shift;
my $model = $self->model;
return 0 unless $model;
return 1 if $model->dbh;
return 0;
sub checksum {
my $self = shift;
my $str = shift // '';
my $alg = uc(shift // DEFAULT_ALGORITHM);
return '' unless length $str;
my $enc_str = encode('UTF-8', $str);
my $h = '';
if ($alg eq 'MD5') { $h = md5_sum($enc_str) }
elsif ($alg eq 'SHA1') { $h = sha1_hex($enc_str) }
elsif ($alg eq 'SHA224') { $h = sha224_hex($enc_str) }
elsif ($alg eq 'SHA256') { $h = sha256_hex($enc_str) }
elsif ($alg eq 'SHA384') { $h = sha384_hex($enc_str) }
elsif ($alg eq 'SHA512') { $h = sha512_hex($enc_str) }
return $h;
# Methods that returns sub-objects
sub user {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift // '';
$self->clean; # Flush error
# Check username
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::User->new() unless length($username); # No user specified
# Get model
my $model = $self->model;
# Get data from model
my %data = $model->user_get($username);
if ($model->error) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1333: %s", $model->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::User->new(error => $self->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::User->new() unless $data{id}; # No user found - empty user data, no errors
# Get groups list of user
my @grpusr = $model->grpusr_get( username => $username );
#print STDERR Mojo::Util::dumper({ username => $username, groups => \@grpusr});
if ($model->error) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1357: %s", $model->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::User->new(error => $self->error);
$data{groups} = [sort map {$_->{groupname}} @grpusr];
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::User->new(%data);
sub group {
my $self = shift;
my $groupname = shift // '';
$self->clean; # Flush error
# Check username
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group->new() unless length($groupname); # No user specified
# Get model
my $model = $self->model;
# Get data from model
my %data = $model->group_get($groupname);
if ($model->error) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1348: %s", $model->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group->new(error => $self->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group->new() unless $data{id}; # No group found - empty group data, no errors
# Get users list of group
my @grpusr = $model->grpusr_get( groupname => $groupname );
if ($model->error) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1357: %s", $model->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group->new(error => $self->error);
$data{users} = [sort map {$_->{username}} @grpusr];
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Group->new(%data);
sub realm {
my $self = shift;
my $realmname = shift // '';
$self->clean; # Flush error
# Check realmname
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Realm->new() unless length($realmname); # No realm specified
# Get model
my $model = $self->model;
# Get data from model
my %data = $model->realm_get($realmname);
if ($model->error) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1359: %s", $model->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Realm->new(error => $self->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Realm->new() unless $data{id}; # No realm found - empty group data, no errors
# Get requirements
my @requirements = $model->realm_requirements($realmname);
if ($model->error) {
$self->raise(500 => "E1371: %s", $model->error);
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Realm->new(error => $self->error);
# Segregate by provider
my %providers;
foreach my $rec (@requirements) {
my $prov = $rec->{provider} or next;
my $box = ($providers{$prov} //= []);
push @$box, {
entity => $rec->{entity} // '',
op => lc($rec->{op} // ''),
value => $rec->{value} // '',
# Set as requirements
$data{requirements} = {%providers};
return WWW::Suffit::AuthDB::Realm->new(%data);
# Methods that returns cached sub-objects (cached methods)
sub cached_user {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift // '';
my $cachekey = shift // '';
my $now = time;
# Get user object from cache by key
$cachekey =~ s/[^a-z0-9]/?/gi;
my $key = $cachekey
? sprintf('user.%s.%s', $cachekey, $username || '__anonymous')
: sprintf('user.%s', $username // '__anonymous');
#my $upd = $self->meta(sprintf("%s.updated", $key)) // 0;
#my $obj = (($upd + CACHE_EXPIRES) < time) ? $self->cache->get($key) : undef;
my $obj = $self->cache->get($key);
return $obj if $obj && $obj->is_valid; # Return user object from cache if exists
# Get real object (not cached) otherwise
$obj = $self->user($username);
return $obj if $self->error;
# Set expires time and marks object as cached
$obj->expires($now + $self->expiration)->mark(steady_time);
$obj->cachekey($cachekey) if $cachekey;
$self->cache->set($key, $obj) if $obj->is_valid;
# Return object
return $obj;
sub cached_group {
my $self = shift;
my $groupname = shift // '';
my $cachekey = shift // '';
my $now = time;
# Get group object from cache by key
$cachekey =~ s/[^a-z0-9]/?/gi;
my $key = $cachekey
? sprintf('group.%s.%s', $cachekey, $groupname // '__default')
: sprintf('group.%s', $groupname // '__default');
#my $upd = $self->meta(sprintf("%s.updated", $key)) // 0;
#my $obj = (($upd + CACHE_EXPIRES) < time) ? $self->cache->get($key) : undef;
my $obj = $self->cache->get($key);
return $obj if $obj && $obj->is_valid; # Return group object from cache if exists
# Get real object (not cached) otherwise
$obj = $self->group($groupname);
return $obj if $self->error;
# Set expires time
$obj->expires($now + $self->expiration)->mark(steady_time);
$obj->cachekey($cachekey) if $cachekey;
$self->cache->set($key, $obj) if $obj->is_valid;
# Return object
return $obj;
sub cached_realm {
my $self = shift;
my $realmname = shift // '';
my $cachekey = shift // '';
my $now = time;
# Get realm object from cache by key
$cachekey =~ s/[^a-z0-9]/?/gi;
my $key = $cachekey
? sprintf('realm.%s.%s', $cachekey, $realmname // '__default')
: sprintf('realm.%s', $realmname // '__default');
#my $upd = $self->meta(sprintf("%s.updated", $key)) // 0;
#my $obj = (($upd + CACHE_EXPIRES) < time) ? $self->cache->get($key) : undef;
my $obj = $self->cache->get($key);
return $obj if $obj && $obj->is_valid; # Return realm object from cache if exists
# Get real object (not cached) otherwise
$obj = $self->realm($realmname);
return $obj if $self->error;
# Set expires time
$obj->expires($now + $self->expiration)->mark(steady_time);
$obj->cachekey($cachekey) if $cachekey;
$self->cache->set($key, $obj) if $obj->is_valid;
# Return object
return $obj;
sub cached_routes {
my $self = shift;
my $url = _url_fix_localhost(shift(@_)); # Base URL (fixed!)
my $cachekey = shift // '';
my $now = time;
$self->clean; # Flush error
# Get from cache
$cachekey =~ s/[^a-z0-9]/?/gi;
my $key = $cachekey
? sprintf('routes.%s.%s', $cachekey, $url // '__default')
: sprintf('routes.%s', $url // '__default');
#my $upd = $self->meta(sprintf("%s.updated", $key)) // 0;
#my $val = (($upd + CACHE_EXPIRES) < time) ? $self->cache->get($key) : undef;
my $val = $self->cache->get($key);
return $val->{data} if $val && is_hash_ref($val) && $val->{exp} < $now;
# Get model
my $model = $self->model;
# Get routes list
my @routes = $model->route_getall;
return $self->raise(500 => "E1376: %s", $model->error) if $model->error;
my $ret = {}; # `id`,`realmname`,`routename`,`method`,`url`,`base`,`path`
foreach my $r (@routes) {
my $base_url_fixed = _url_fix_localhost($r->{base});
next unless $r->{realmname} && $base_url_fixed eq $url;
$ret->{$r->{routename}} = {
routename => $r->{routename},
realmname => $r->{realmname},
method => $r->{method},
path => $r->{path},
# Set cache record
$self->cache->set($key, {
data => $ret,
exp => $now + $self->expiration,
cached => steady_time,
cachekey => $cachekey,
# Return data only!
return $ret;
sub _url_fix_localhost {
my $url = shift || DEFAULT_URL;
my $uri = Mojo::URL->new($url);
my $host = $uri->host // 'localhost';
if ($host =~ /^(((\w+\.)*localhost)|(127\.0\.0\.1)|(ip6-(localhost|loopback))|(\[?\:{2,}1\]?))$/) {
return $uri->to_string;