The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Serż Minus (Sergey Lepenkov), <>
# Copyright (C) 1998-2024 D&D Corporation. All Rights Reserved
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
use Cwd;
# Load module
# Create instance
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($AUTHDB_WORKDIR, 'testauth.db');
my $authdb = WWW::Suffit::AuthDB->with_roles('+AAA')->new(
ds => qq{sqlite://$file?RaiseError=0&PrintError=0&sqlite_unicode=1},
#note explain $authdb;
# Skip if no file
plan skip_all => "Please run previous tests in numeric order first" unless -e $file;
# Connect to database
ok(!$authdb->error, "Connect to database") or diag $authdb->error;
# Skip if no connect
unless ($authdb->model->ping) {
fail sprintf(qq{Can't connect to database "%s"}, $authdb->model->dsn);
diag $authdb->model->error;
goto DONE;
# Authentication
subtest 'Authentication' => sub {
# Alice
my $alice = $authdb->authn(u => "alice", p => "alice", a => "");
ok $alice, "Check password for alice (correct)" or diag $authdb->error;
#note explain $alice;
# Incorrect password
ok !$authdb->authn(u => "test", p => "123"), "Incorrect password" and note $authdb->error;
ok !$authdb->authn(u => "nobody", p => "alice"), "User not found" and note $authdb->error;
# Authorization
subtest 'Authentication' => sub {
# Alice
my $alice = $authdb->authz(u => "alice");
ok $alice && $alice->is_authorized, "Authorized" or diag $authdb->error;
# Anonymous (not authorized)
my $user = $authdb->authz(u => "anon");
ok !($user && $user->is_authorized), "Not authorized" and note $authdb->error;
# Access
subtest 'Access' => sub {
# Access granted for Alice user
controller => Mojolicious::Controller->new,
username => "alice",
base => "http://localhost",
method => "GET",
path => "/foo/bar",
remote_ip => "",
routename => "root",
), "Access granted for Alice user") or diag $authdb->error;;
DONE: done_testing;
AUTHDB_WORKDIR=/tmp prove -lv t/04-aaa.t