yaml2adoc [-o output] [file ...]


This script does something very similar to, which is a helper tool to aid in documenting Ansible roles used by All yaml2rst basically does is take a YAML file, collect the comment lines (starting with #), and output those as text (well, reStructuredText). The remaining, source lines are converted to literal blocks.

This module does the same, but it outputs AsciiDoc rather than reStructuredText for folks like me who would rather document their roles using the latter.

You can simply call yaml2adoc with an input file path as a parameter; without this, YAML input is read from the standard input. Normally, output is written to the standard output, but you may use the -o option to specify an output file.


-o output

Write output to output instead of stdout.


This script returns 0 on success or a value greater than 0 on failure.


Generate documentation for main.yaml:

yaml2adoc -o defaults.adoc defaults.yaml


This module is as bare-bones as it gets. YAML is not actually parsed, simply the leading comment markers are checked.

The implementation is also most likely suboptimal; your contributions are welcome :-)