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Changes for version 1.0.49

  • Unimarc -> Marc21


Read and output MARC record file
Lint ISO2709 file against validation rules


Moose based MARC records set of tools
Marc field base object
Control Marc field (tag < 010)
Standard Marc Field (tag >= 010)
Base class to format Marc record
Convert authority record from UNIMARC to MARC21
MARC::Moose record formater into ISO 2709 format
Record formater into a Json representation
Record formater into the legacy MARC::Record object
MARC::Moose record formater into MARCXML
Record formater into a text representation
Convert biblio record from UNIMARC to MARC21
Marc record formater into YAML representation
A Moose::Role to 'lint' biblio record
A class to 'lint' biblio record based on a rules file
Processor to lint a biblio records file
A record parser base class
ISIS records parser
Parser for ISO2709 records
Parser for JSON records
Parser for MARC::Record legacy records
Parser for Marcedit records
Parser for MARXML records
Parser for MARXML records using SAX parser
SAX handler for parsing MARXML records
Parser for MARXML records using SAX::Simple parser
Parser for YAML records
Base class for a reader returning MARC::Moose records
A Moose::Role MARC::Moose::Record reader from a file
A file reader for ISIS (DOS) encoded records
File reader for MARC::Moose record from ISO2709 file
File reader for MARC::Moose record from Marcedit file (.mrk)
File reader for MARCXML file
A Moose::Role reader from a string
File reader for MARC::Moose record from ISO2709 string
MARC::Moose bibliographic record
A Moose::Role to write somewhere MARC::Moose records