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use strict;
$AnyEvent::MockTCPServer::VERSION = '1.172150';
# ABSTRACT: Mock TCP Server using AnyEvent
use constant {
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
my $finished_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $self =
connections => [],
listening => AnyEvent->condvar,
finished_cv => $finished_cv,
host => '',
port => 0,
timeout => 2,
on_timeout => subname('default_client_on_timeout_cb' =>
sub {
die "server timeout\n";
bless $self, $pkg;
foreach (@{$self->{connections}}) {
$self->{server} =
tcp_server $self->{host}, $self->{port}, subname('accept_cb' =>
sub {
my ($fh) = @_;
print STDERR "In server: $fh ", fileno($fh), "\n" if DEBUG;
my $handle;
$handle =
AnyEvent::Handle->new(fh => $fh,
on_error => subname('client_on_error_cb_'.$fh =>
sub {
my ($hdl, $fatal, $msg) = @_;
warn "error $msg\n";
if ($self->{on_error});
timeout => $self->{timeout},
on_timeout => $self->{on_timeout},
print STDERR "Connection handle: $handle\n" if DEBUG;
$self->{handles}->{$handle} = $handle;
my $con = $self->{connections};
unless (@$con) {
die "Server received unexpected connection\n";
my $actions = shift @$con;
print STDERR "Actions: ", (scalar @$actions), "\n" if DEBUG;
unless (@$con) {
delete $self->{server};
$self->next_action($handle, $actions);
}), subname('prepare_cb' => sub {
my ($fh, $host, $port) = @_;
die "tcp_server setup failed: $!\n" unless ($fh);
$self->{listening}->send([$host, $port]);
return $self;
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{listening};
delete $self->{server};
foreach (values %{$self->{handles}}) {
next unless (defined $_);
delete $self->{handles}->{$_};
sub listening {
sub connect_address {
sub connect_host {
sub connect_port {
sub connect_string {
join ':', shift->connect_address
sub finished_cv {
my $self = shift;
sub next_action {
my ($self, $handle, $actions) = @_;
print STDERR 'In handle connection ', scalar @$actions, "\n" if DEBUG;
my $action = shift @$actions;
unless (defined $action) {
print STDERR "closing connection\n" if DEBUG;
delete $self->{handles}->{$handle};
my $method = shift @$action;
print STDERR "executing action: ", $method, "\n" if DEBUG;
$self->$method($handle, $actions, @$action);
sub send {
my ($self, $handle, $actions, $send, $desc) = @_;
print STDERR 'Sending: ', $send, ' ', $desc, "\n" if DEBUG;
print STDERR 'Sending ', length $send, " bytes\n" if DEBUG;
$self->next_action($handle, $actions);
sub packsend {
my ($self, $handle, $actions, $data, $desc) = @_;
my $send = $data;
$send =~ s/\s+//g;
print STDERR 'Sending: ', $send, ' ', $desc, "\n" if DEBUG;
$send = pack 'H*', $send;
print STDERR 'Sending ', length $send, " bytes\n" if DEBUG;
$self->next_action($handle, $actions);
sub recv {
my ($self, $handle, $actions, $recv, $desc) = @_;
print STDERR 'Waiting for ', $recv, ' ', $desc, "\n" if DEBUG;
my $len = length $recv;
print STDERR 'Waiting for ', $len, " bytes\n" if DEBUG;
$handle->push_read(chunk => $len,
sub {
my ($hdl, $data) = @_;
print STDERR "In receive handler\n" if DEBUG;
is($data, $recv,
'... correct message received by server - '.$desc);
$self->next_action($hdl, $actions);
sub recvline {
my ($self, $handle, $actions, $recv, $desc) = @_;
print STDERR 'Waiting for ', $recv, ' ', $desc, "\n" if DEBUG;
print STDERR "Waiting for line\n" if DEBUG;
$handle->push_read(line =>
sub {
my ($hdl, $data) = @_;
print STDERR "In receive handler\n" if DEBUG;
$recv = $recv->() if (ref $recv && ref $recv eq 'CODE');
if (ref $recv) {
like($data, $recv,
'... correct message received by server - '.$desc);
} else {
is($data, $recv,
'... correct message received by server - '.$desc);
$self->next_action($hdl, $actions);
sub packrecv {
my ($self, $handle, $actions, $data, $desc) = @_;
my $recv = $data;
$recv =~ s/\s+//g;
my $expect = $recv;
print STDERR 'Waiting for ', $recv, ' ', $desc, "\n" if DEBUG;
my $len = .5*length $recv;
print STDERR 'Waiting for ', $len, " bytes\n" if DEBUG;
$handle->push_read(chunk => $len,
sub {
my ($hdl, $data) = @_;
print STDERR "In receive handler\n" if DEBUG;
my $got = uc unpack 'H*', $data;
is($got, $expect,
'... correct message received by server - '.$desc);
$self->next_action($hdl, $actions);
sub sleep {
my ($self, $handle, $actions, $interval, $desc) = @_;
print STDERR 'Sleeping for ', $interval, ' ', $desc, "\n" if DEBUG;
my $w;
$w = AnyEvent->timer(after => $interval,
cb => sub {
$self->next_action($handle, $actions);
undef $w;
sub code {
my ($self, $handle, $actions, $code, $desc) = @_;
print STDERR 'Executing ', $code, ' for ', $desc, "\n" if DEBUG;
$code->($self, $handle, $desc);
$self->next_action($handle, $actions);
=head1 NAME
AnyEvent::MockTCPServer - Mock TCP Server using AnyEvent
=head1 VERSION
version 1.172150
use AnyEvent::MockTCPServer qw/:all/;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $server =
AnyEvent::MockTCPServer->new(connections =>
[ # first connection
[ recv => 'HELLO', 'wait for "HELLO"' ],
[ sleep => 0.1, 'wait 0.1s' ],
[ code => sub { $cv->send('done') },
'send "done" with condvar' ],
[ send => 'BYE', 'send "BYE"' ],
# ...
[ # second connection
# ...
# ...
This module provides a TCP server with a set of defined behaviours for
use in testing of TCP clients. It is intended to be use when testing
AnyEvent TCP client interfaces.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<new(%parameters)>
Constructs a new L<AnyEvent::MockTCPServer> object. The parameter hash
can contain values for the following keys:
=item C<connections>
A list reference containing elements for each expected connection.
Each element is another list reference contain action elements. Each
action element is a list with an action method name and any arguments
to the action method. By convention, the final argument to the action
method should be a description. See the
L<action method|/ACTION METHODS> descriptions for the other arguments.
=item C<host>
The host IP that the server should listen on. Default is the IPv4
loopback address, C<>.
=item C<port>
The port that the server should listen on. Default is to pick a
free port.
=item C<timeout>
The timeout for IO operations in seconds. Default is 2 seconds.
=item C<on_timeout>
The callback to call when a timeout occurs. Default is to die
with message C<"server timeout\n">.
=head2 C<listening()>
Condvar that is notified when the mock server is ready. The value
received is an array reference containing the address and port that
the server is listening on.
=head2 C<connect_address()>
An array reference containing the address and port that the server is
listening on. This method blocks on the L</listening()> condvar until
the server is listening.
=head2 C<connect_host()>
The address that the server is listening on. This method blocks on
the L</listening()> condvar until the server is listening.
=head2 C<connect_port()>
The port that the server is listening on. This method blocks on
the L</listening()> condvar until the server is listening.
=head2 C<connect_string()>
A string containing the address and port that the server is listening
on separated by a colon, 'C<:>'. This method blocks on the
L</listening()> condvar until the server is listening.
=head2 C<finished_cv()>
Condvar that is notified when the mock server has completed processing
of all the expected connections.
=head2 C<next_action($handle, $actions)>
Internal method called by the action methods when the server should
proceed with the next action. Must be called by any action methods
written in subclasses of this class.
These methods (and methods added by derived classes) can be used in
action lists passed via the constructor C<connections> parameter. The
C<$handle> and C<$actions> arguments should be omitted from the action
lists as they are supplied by the framework.
=head2 C<send($handle, $actions, $send, $desc)>
Sends the payload, C<$send>, to the client.
=head2 C<packsend($handle, $actions, $send, $desc)>
Sends the payload, C<$send>, to the client after removing whitespace
and packing it with 'H*'. This method is equivalent to the
L</send($handle, $actions, $send, $desc)> method when passed the
packed string but debug messages contain the unpacked strings are
easier to read.
=head2 C<recv($handle, $actions, $expect, $desc)>
Waits for the data C<$expect> from the client.
=head2 C<recvline($handle, $actions, $expect, $desc)>
Waits for a line of data C<$expect> from the client. See
L<AnyEvent::Handle> for the definition of 'line'.
=head2 C<packrecv($handle, $actions, $expect, $desc)>
Removes whitespace and packs the string C<$expect> with 'H*' and then
waits for the resulting data from the client. This method is
equivalent to the L</recv($handle, $actions, $expect, $desc)> method
when passed the packed string but debug messages contain the unpacked
strings are easier to read.
=head2 C<sleep($handle, $actions, $interval, $desc)>
Causes the server to sleep for C<$interval> seconds.
=head2 C<code($handle, $actions, $code, $desc)>
Causes the server to execute the code reference with the client handle
as the first argument.
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Hindess <soft-cpan@temporalanomaly.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2014, 2017 by Mark Hindess.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.