AnyEvent::Subprocess::Role::WithDelegates::Manager - manage delegate shortcuts


version 1.102912


Creating an instance of a delegate to pass to AnyEvent::Subprocess's constructor is tedious. This module maps sugary names to builders of delegate objects, so that the user can say 'Foo' instead of AnyEvent::Subprocess::Job::Delegate::Foo->new.

If you are writing a delegate for AnyEvent::Subprocess, simply call register_delegate in your module. When the users uses your module, the sugary name will become available. And yeah, it's global, so be careful.


None by default, but you can request register_delegate and build_delegate.


register_delegate( $name, &$builder )

Register $builder to build delegates named $name. $builder is a coderef that is eventually called with the key/value pairs supplied by the user. (The docs say this has to be a hashref, but it can actually be any scalar value. Checking is up to you.) The builder must return an instance of a class that does AnyEvent::Subprocess::Delegate, although this condition is not checked by this module. (You will get a type error when you are building the class that uses the delegate.)

In the common case where the args should be passed directly to some class' constructor, you can just supply the class name as the $builder. new will be called with any args the user supplies.

You get a noisy warning if you reuse a $name. This is almost always an error, though; only the most recent name/builder pair is remembered.

build_delegate( $spec )

Given a $spec, return an instance of the correct delegate. Dies if we don't know how to build a delegate according to $spec.

$spec can be a string naming the delegate to be built, or it can be a hashref or arrayref of name/args pair. Name is the same name passed to register_delegate, and the args should be a hashref.






Jonathan Rockway <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Jonathan Rockway.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.