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use strict;
use Test::More ();
use Class::Load qw(load_class is_class_loaded);
use Moose::Util 'find_meta';
use Carp 'croak', 'carp';
sub _build_request_export {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return sub { _remote_request(@_) }
if $args->{remote};
my $class = $args->{class};
# Here we should be failing right away, but for some stupid backcompat thing
# I don't quite remember we fail lazily here. Needs a proper deprecation and
# then removal.
return sub { croak "Must specify a test app: use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp'" }
unless $class;
load_class($class) unless is_class_loaded($class);
return sub { _local_request( $class, @_ ) };
sub _build_get_export {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $request = $args->{request};
return sub { $request->(@_)->content };
sub _build_ctx_request_export {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my ($class, $request) = @{ $args }{qw(class request)};
return sub {
my $me = ref $self || $self;
# fail if ctx_request is being used against a remote server
Catalyst::Exception->throw("$me only works with local requests, not remote")
# check explicitly for the class here, or the Cat->meta call will blow
# up in our face
Catalyst::Exception->throw("Must specify a test app: use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp'") unless $class;
# place holder for $c after the request finishes; reset every time
# requests are done.
my $ctx_closed_over;
# hook into 'dispatch' -- the function gets called after all plugins
# have done their work, and it's an easy place to capture $c.
my $meta = find_meta($class);
$meta->add_after_method_modifier( "dispatch", sub {
$ctx_closed_over = shift;
$meta->make_immutable( replace_constructor => 1 );
Class::C3::reinitialize(); # Fixes RT#46459, I've failed to write a test for how/why, but it does.
# do the request; C::T::request will know about the class name, and
# we've already stopped it from doing remote requests above.
my $res = $args->{request}->( @_ );
# Make sure not to leave a reference $ctx hanging around.
# This means that the context will go out of scope as soon as the
# caller disposes of it, rather than waiting till the next time
# that ctx_request is called. This can be important if your $ctx
# ends up with a reference to a shared resource or lock (for example)
# which you want to clean up in test teardown - if the $ctx is still
# closed over then you're stuffed...
my $ctx = $ctx_closed_over;
undef $ctx_closed_over;
return ( $res, $ctx );
my $build_exports = sub {
my ($self, $meth, $args, $defaults) = @_;
my $class = $args->{class};
my $request = $self->_build_request_export({
class => $class,
my $get = $self->_build_get_export({ request => $request });
my $ctx_request = $self->_build_ctx_request_export({
class => $class,
request => $request,
return {
request => $request,
get => $get,
ctx_request => $ctx_request,
content_like => sub {
my $action = shift;
return Test::More->builder->like($get->($action),@_);
action_ok => sub {
my $action = shift;
my $meth = $request->($action)->request->method;
my @args = @_ ? @_ : ("$meth $action returns successfully");
return Test::More->builder->ok($request->($action)->is_success,@args);
action_redirect => sub {
my $action = shift;
my $meth = $request->($action)->request->method;
my @args = @_ ? @_ : ("$meth $action returns a redirect");
return Test::More->builder->ok($request->($action)->is_redirect,@args);
action_notfound => sub {
my $action = shift;
my $meth = $request->($action)->request->method;
my @args = @_ ? @_ : ("$meth $action returns a 404");
return Test::More->builder->is_eq($request->($action)->code,404,@args);
contenttype_is => sub {
my $action = shift;
my $res = $request->($action);
return Test::More->builder->is_eq(scalar($res->content_type),@_);
our $default_host;
my $import = Sub::Exporter::build_exporter({
groups => [ all => $build_exports ],
into_level => 1,
sub import {
my ($self, $class, $opts) = @_;
qq{Importing Catalyst::Test without an application name is deprecated:\n
Instead of saying: use Catalyst::Test;
say: use Catalyst::Test (); # If you don't want to import a test app right now.
or say: use Catalyst::Test 'MyApp'; # If you do want to import a test app.\n\n})
unless $class;
$import->($self, '-all' => { class => $class });
$opts = {} unless ref $opts eq 'HASH';
$default_host = $opts->{default_host} if exists $opts->{default_host};
return 1;
=head1 NAME
Catalyst::Test - Test Catalyst Applications
# Helper
# Tests
use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
my $content = get('index.html'); # Content as string
my $response = request('index.html'); # HTTP::Response object
my($res, $c) = ctx_request('index.html'); # HTTP::Response & context object
use HTTP::Request::Common;
my $response = request POST '/foo', [
bar => 'baz',
something => 'else'
# Run tests against a remote server
CATALYST_SERVER='http://localhost:3000/' prove -r -l lib/ t/
use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
use Test::More tests => 1;
ok( get('/foo') =~ /bar/ );
# mock virtual hosts
use Catalyst::Test 'MyApp', { default_host => 'myapp.com' };
like( get('/whichhost'), qr/served by myapp.com/ );
like( get( '/whichhost', { host => 'yourapp.com' } ), qr/served by yourapp.com/ );
local $Catalyst::Test::default_host = 'otherapp.com';
like( get('/whichhost'), qr/served by otherapp.com/ );
This module allows you to make requests to a Catalyst application either without
a server, by simulating the environment of an HTTP request using
L<HTTP::Request::AsCGI> or remotely if you define the CATALYST_SERVER
environment variable. This module also adds a few Catalyst-specific
testing methods as displayed in the method section.
The L<get|/"$content = get( ... )"> and L<request|/"$res = request( ... );">
functions take either a URI or an L<HTTP::Request> object.
While it used to be possible to inline a whole test app into a C<.t> file for
a distribution, this will no longer work.
The convention is to place your L<Catalyst> test apps into C<t/lib> in your
distribution. E.g.: C<t/lib/TestApp.pm>, C<t/lib/TestApp/Controller/Root.pm>,
etc.. Multiple test apps can be used in this way.
Then write your C<.t> files like so:
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use Test::More tests => 6;
use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
=head1 METHODS
=head2 $content = get( ... )
Returns the content.
my $content = get('foo/bar?test=1');
Note that this method doesn't follow redirects, so to test for a
correctly redirecting page you'll need to use a combination of this
method and the L<request|/"$res = request( ... );"> method below:
my $res = request('/'); # redirects to /y
warn $res->header('location');
use URI;
my $uri = URI->new($res->header('location'));
is ( $uri->path , '/y');
my $content = get($uri->path);
Note also that the content is returned as raw bytes, without any attempt
to decode it into characters.
=head2 $res = request( ... );
Returns an L<HTTP::Response> object. Accepts an optional hashref for request
header configuration; currently only supports setting 'host' value.
my $res = request('foo/bar?test=1');
my $virtual_res = request('foo/bar?test=1', {host => 'virtualhost.com'});
Alternately, you can pass in an L<HTTP::Request::Common> object to set arbitrary
request headers.
my $res = request(GET '/foo/bar',
X-Foo => 'Bar',
Authorization => 'Bearer JWT_HERE',
=head2 ($res, $c) = ctx_request( ... );
Works exactly like L<request|/"$res = request( ... );">, except it also returns the Catalyst context object,
C<$c>. Note that this only works for local requests.
sub _request {
my $args = shift;
my $request = Catalyst::Utils::request(shift);
my %extra_env;
_customize_request($request, \%extra_env, @_);
$args->{mangle_request}->($request) if $args->{mangle_request};
my $ret;
%{ $args },
app => sub { $args->{app}->({ %{ $_[0] }, %extra_env }) },
client => sub {
my ($psgi_app) = @_;
my $resp = $psgi_app->($request);
$args->{mangle_response}->($resp) if $args->{mangle_response};
$ret = $resp;
return $ret;
sub _local_request {
my $class = shift;
return _request({
app => ref($class) eq "CODE" ? $class : $class->_finalized_psgi_app,
mangle_response => sub {
my ($resp) = @_;
# HTML head parsing based on LWP::UserAgent
# This is because if you make a remote request with LWP, then the
# <BASE HREF="..."> from the returned HTML document will be used
# to fill in $res->base, as documented in HTTP::Response. We need
# to support this in local test requests so that they work 'the same'.
# This is not just horrible and possibly broken, but also really
# doesn't belong here. Whoever wants this should be working on
# getting it into Plack::Test, or make a middleware out of it, or
# whatever. Seriously - horrible.
if (!$resp->content_type || $resp->content_is_html) {
my $parser = HTML::HeadParser->new();
$parser->xml_mode(1) if $resp->content_is_xhtml;
$parser->utf8_mode(1) if $] >= 5.008 && $HTML::Parser::VERSION >= 3.40;
$parser->parse( $resp->content );
my $h = $parser->header;
for my $f ( $h->header_field_names ) {
$resp->init_header( $f, [ $h->header($f) ] );
# Another horrible hack to make the response headers have a
# 'status' field. This is for back-compat, but you should
# call $resp->code instead!
$resp->init_header('status', [ $resp->code ]);
}, @_);
my $agent;
sub _remote_request {
require LWP::UserAgent;
local $Plack::Test::Impl = 'ExternalServer';
unless ($agent) {
$agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(
keep_alive => 1,
max_redirect => 0,
timeout => 60,
# work around newer LWP max_redirect 0 bug
requests_redirectable => [],
my $server = URI->new($ENV{CATALYST_SERVER});
if ( $server->path =~ m|^(.+)?/$| ) {
my $path = $1;
$server->path("$path") if $path; # need to be quoted
return _request({
ua => $agent,
uri => $server,
mangle_request => sub {
my ($request) = @_;
# the request path needs to be sanitised if $server is using a
# non-root path due to potential overlap between request path and
# response path.
if ($server->path) {
# If request path is '/', we have to add a trailing slash to the
# final request URI
my $add_trailing = ($request->uri->path eq '/' || $request->uri->path eq '') ? 1 : 0;
my @sp = split '/', $server->path;
my @rp = split '/', $request->uri->path;
shift @sp; shift @rp; # leading /
if (@rp) {
foreach my $sp (@sp) {
$sp eq $rp[0] ? shift @rp : last
$request->uri->path(join '/', @rp);
if ( $add_trailing ) {
$request->uri->path( $request->uri->path . '/' );
}, @_);
for my $name (qw(local_request remote_request)) {
my $fun = sub {
carp <<"EOW";
Calling Catalyst::Test::${name}() directly is deprecated.
Please import Catalyst::Test into your namespace and use the provided request()
function instead.
return __PACKAGE__->can("_${name}")->(@_);
no strict 'refs';
*$name = $fun;
sub _customize_request {
my $request = shift;
my $extra_env = shift;
my $opts = pop(@_) || {};
$opts = {} unless ref($opts) eq 'HASH';
if ( my $host = exists $opts->{host} ? $opts->{host} : $default_host ) {
$request->header( 'Host' => $host );
if (my $extra = $opts->{extra_env}) {
@{ $extra_env }{keys %{ $extra }} = values %{ $extra };
=head2 action_ok($url [, $test_name ])
Fetches the given URL and checks that the request was successful. An optional
second argument can be given to specify the name of the test.
=head2 action_redirect($url [, $test_name ])
Fetches the given URL and checks that the request was a redirect. An optional
second argument can be given to specify the name of the test.
=head2 action_notfound($url [, $test_name ])
Fetches the given URL and checks that the request was not found. An optional
second argument can be given to specify the name of the test.
=head2 content_like( $url, $regexp [, $test_name ] )
Fetches the given URL and returns whether the content matches the regexp. An
optional third argument can be given to specify the name of the test.
=head2 contenttype_is($url, $type [, $test_name ])
Verify the given URL has a content type of $type and optionally specify a test name.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Catalyst>, L<Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst>,
L<Test::WWW::Selenium::Catalyst>, L<Test::More>, L<HTTP::Request::Common>
=head1 AUTHORS
Catalyst Contributors, see Catalyst.pm
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
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