Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

our $VERSION = '0.08';
use strict;
sub init {
my $class = shift;
$class->set_sql( deeply_and_broadly => qq{%s} );
sub deep_search_where : Plugged
my $class = shift;
my ($what, $from, $where, $bind) = $class->get_deep_where(@_);
my $sql = <<"";
FROM $from
WHERE $where
return $class->sth_to_objects($class->sql_deeply_and_broadly($sql), $bind);
sub count_deep_search_where : Plugged
my $class = shift;
my ($what, $from, $where, $bind) = $class->get_deep_where(@_);
my $sql = <<"";
FROM $from
WHERE $where
return $class->sql_deeply_and_broadly($sql)->select_val(@$bind);
# my ($what, $from, $where, $bind) = CDBI->get_deep_where($where, $attr);
sub get_deep_where : Plugged
my $class = shift;
my $where = (ref $_[0]) ? $_[0] : { @_ };
my $attr = (ref $_[0]) ? $_[1] : undef;
my $order = ($attr) ? delete($attr->{order_by}) : undef;
my $joins = {};
my $order_fields = '';
## Collect tables
$where = _transform_where($class, $joins, $where);
if ($order) {
my %order_fields;
$order = join(", ", @$order) if ref $order;
$order = _transform_order($class, $joins, $order, \%order_fields);
$order_fields = join(", ", map { /\./ ? $_ : () } keys %order_fields);
$order_fields = ", $order_fields"
if $order_fields;
## Translate to SQL
my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new(%$attr);
my($filter, @bind) = $sql->where($where, $order);
$filter = "WHERE 1=1 $filter"
unless $filter =~ /^\s*WHERE/i;
my $op = (keys(%$joins) > 1) ? 'AND' : '';
$filter =~ s/^\s*WHERE/$op/i;
## Build __TABLEs__
my $tables = join(', ', map { "__TABLE($_->{class}=$_->{alias})__" } values %$joins) || "__TABLE__";
## Build __JOINs__
my $join = join(' AND ', map { $_->{fclass} ? "__JOIN($_->{fclass} $_->{alias})__" : () } values %$joins);
## Build pseudo-query
my $alias = $joins->{''}->{alias};
my $essential = defined ($alias) ? "__ESSENTIAL($alias)__" : "__ESSENTIAL__";
$sql = join("\0", "$essential$order_fields", $tables, "$join $filter");
## Transform to real SQL
$sql = $class->transform_sql($sql);
return (split(/\0/, $sql), \@bind);
# Replace field names with fully qualified (table_alias.field) names
sub _transform_where {
my ($class, $joins, $where, $hint) = @_;
my $ref = ref $where || '';
my $val;
$hint ||= '';
if($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
my @where = @$where;
if ($hint ne 'exps' || $where->[0] !~ /^[a-z]/i) {
## transforming [ operator, expr1, expr2 ]
## or array in { operator => ['assigned', 'in-progress']}
$val = [];
while ($_ = shift @where) {
push @$val, ((ref $_) ? _transform_where($class, $joins, $_) : $_);
} else {
## transforming [ field1 => expr1, field2 => expr2 ]
## or array in { operator => [ field1 => expr1, field2 => expr2 ]}
$val = [];
while ($_ = shift @where) {
push @$val, _transform_field($class, $joins, $_);
push @$val, _transform_where($class, $joins, shift @where);
} elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
$val = {};
foreach my $key (keys %$where) {
if($key !~ /^[a-z]/i) {
## transforming { operator => expr }
## or operator in field => { operator => [ values ] }
if($key =~ /^-?\s*(not[\s_]+)?(in|between)\s*$/i) {
## special case for IN and BETWEEN
$hint = 'val';
} else {
$hint ||= 'exps';
$val->{$key} = _transform_where($class, $joins, $where->{$key}, $hint);
} else {
## transforming { field => expr }
$val->{_transform_field($class, $joins, $key)} =
_transform_where($class, $joins, $where->{$key}, 'val');
} else {
## literal or SQL
$val = $where;
# Change "table.field1.field2, table.field3.field4 DESC" into
# "t_table_field1.field2, t_table_field3.field4 DESC"
sub _transform_order {
my ($class, $joins, $order, $order_fields) = @_;
join(", ", map {
my @ord = split /\s+/, $_;
$ord[0] = _transform_field($class, $joins, $ord[0]);
$order_fields->{$ord[0]} = 1;
join(" ", @ord);
} (split /\s*,\s*/, $order));
# Change "table.field1.field2" into "t_table_field1.field2"
sub _transform_field {
my ($class, $joins, $field) = @_;
my @path = split /\./, $field;
$field = pop @path;
my $join = _get_join($class, $joins, @path);
# Return the join for (table, field1, field2, field3)
sub _get_join {
my ($class, $joins, @path) = @_;
my $join_key = lc join('.', @path);
my $join = $joins->{$join_key};
if(!$join) {
if(my $field = pop @path) {
## Joined table
my $prev_join = _get_join($class, $joins, @path);
my $fcl = $prev_join->{class};
my $falias = $prev_join->{alias};
my $col = $fcl->find_column($field)
or $class->_croak("$fcl doesn't contain column '$field'");
my $has_a = $fcl->meta_info('has_a')
or $class->_croak("$fcl column '$col' doesn't have a 'has_a' relationship");
$has_a = $has_a->{$col}
or $class->_croak("$fcl column '$col' doesn't have a 'has_a' relationship");
my $cl = $has_a->foreign_class;
$join = { fclass => $falias, fkey => "$col", class => $cl, alias => "${falias}_$col" }
} else {
## Primary table
$join = { class => $class, alias => "t_" . $class->table }
## Add join to list of joins
$joins->{$join_key} = $join;
=head1 NAME
Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch - deep_search_where() for Class::DBI
use base 'Class::DBI';
use Class::DBI::Plugin::DeepAbstractSearch;
my @cds = Music::CD->deep_search_where(
'artist.name' => $artist_name
This plugin provides a L<SQL::Abstract> search method for L<Class::DBI>.
It is similar to L<Class::DBI::AbstractSearch>, but allows you to search
and sort by fields from joined tables.
Note: When searching and sorting by the fields of the current class only,
it is more efficient to use L<Class::DBI::AbstractSearch>.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 deep_search_where
my @cds = Music::CD->deep_search_where(
'artist.name' => $artist_name
This method will be exported into the calling class, and allows for searching
of objects using L<SQL::Abstract> format based on fields from the calling
class as well as using fields in classes related through a (chain of) 'has_a'
relationships to the calling class.
When specifying a field in a related class, you separate it with a period
from the corresponding foreign key field in the primary class.
package Music::Artist;
use base 'Class::DBI';
Music::Artist->columns(All => qw/artistid name/);
Music::Artist->has_many(cds => 'Music::CD');
package Music::CD;
use base 'Class::DBI';
Music::CD->columns(All => qw/cdid artist title year/);
Music::CD->has_many(tracks => 'Music::Track');
Music::CD->has_a(artist => 'Music::Artist');
package Music::Track;
use base 'Class::DBI';
Music::Track->columns(All => qw/trackid cd position title/);
## Tracks on all CDs with the title "Greatest Hits"
@tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where(
'cd.title' => "Greatest Hits"
sort_by => 'cd.title'
## Tracks on CDs by Willie Nelson, sorted by CD Title and Track Position
@tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where(
'cd.artist.name' => "Willie Nelson"
sort_by => 'cd.title, position'
## First 3 Tracks on CDs, whose title contains "Outlaw", by Willie Nelson
@tracks = Music::Track->deep_search_where(
'cd.artist.name' => "Willie Nelson",
'cd.title' => { -like => '%Outlaw%' },
position => { '<=' => 3 }
sort_by => 'cd.title, position'
=head2 count_deep_search_where
my $num_cds = Music::CD->count_deep_search_where(
'artist.name' => $artist_name
This method will be exported into the calling class, and allows for counting
of objects using L<SQL::Abstract> format based on fields from the calling
class as well as using fields in classes related through a (chain of) 'has_a'
relationships to the calling class.
=head2 get_deep_where
my ($what, $from, $where, $bind) = $class->get_deep_where($where, $attr);
This method will be exported into the calling class, and allows for retrieving
SQL fragments used for creating queries. The parameters are the same as to
=head1 AUTHOR
Stepan Riha, C<sriha@cpan.org>
Copyright (C) 2005, 2007, 2008 Stepan Riha. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Class::DBI>, L<SQL::Abstract>, L<Class::DBI::AbstractSearch>