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use strict;
$Config::Entities::VERSION = '1.07';
# ABSTRACT: An multi-level overridable perl based configuration module
# PODNAME: Config::Entities
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
my $logger = Log::Any->get_logger();
sub new {
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
return bless( {}, $class )->_init(@args);
sub as_hashref {
return _copy(@_);
sub _copy {
my ($value) = @_;
my $ref = ref($value);
if ($ref) {
if ( $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return [ map { _copy($_) } @$value ];
elsif ( $ref eq 'HASH' || $value->isa('Config::Entities') ) {
return { map { $_ => _copy( $value->{$_} ) } keys(%$value) };
elsif ( $ref eq 'SCALAR' ) {
return $value;
else {
croak("unsupported type '$ref'");
else {
return $value;
sub _add_properties {
my ( $self, $properties, $more_properties ) = @_;
foreach my $key ( keys( %{$more_properties} ) ) {
$properties->{$key} = $more_properties->{$key};
sub fill {
my ( $self, $coordinate, $hashref, %options ) = @_;
my @entity = $self->get_entity( $coordinate, %options );
foreach my $key ( keys(%$hashref) ) {
if ( ref( $entity[0] ) eq 'HASH' && exists( $entity[0]->{$key} ) ) {
$hashref->{$key} = $entity[0]->{$key};
elsif ( $hashref->{$key} && $hashref->{$key} eq 'Config::Entities::entity' ) {
$hashref->{$key} = $entity[0];
elsif ( $options{ancestry} ) {
for ( my $index = 1; $index < scalar(@entity); $index++ ) {
if ( defined( $entity[$index]->{$key} ) ) {
$hashref->{$key} = $entity[$index]->{$key};
return $hashref;
sub get_entity {
my ( $self, $coordinate, %options ) = @_;
my @result = ($self);
if ($coordinate) {
foreach my $coordinate_part ( split( /\./, $coordinate ) ) {
my $child = $result[0]->{$coordinate_part};
return if ( !defined($child) );
unshift( @result, $child );
return $options{ancestry} ? @result : shift(@result);
sub _init {
my ( $self, @args ) = @_;
# if last arg is a hash, it is an options hash
my $options =
ref( $args[$#args] ) eq 'HASH'
? pop(@args)
: {};
# all other args are entities roots
my @entities_roots = @args;
my $properties = {};
if ( $options->{properties_file} ) {
# merge in properties from files
my @properties_files =
ref( $options->{properties_file} ) eq 'ARRAY'
? @{ $options->{properties_file} }
: ( $options->{properties_file} );
foreach my $properties_file (@properties_files) {
$self->_add_properties( $properties, do($properties_file) );
if ( $options->{properties} ) {
# merge in direct properties
$self->_add_properties( $properties, $options->{properties} );
if ( $options->{entity} ) {
foreach my $key ( keys( %{ $options->{entity} } ) ) {
_merge( $self, $key, $options->{entity}{$key} );
if ( scalar(@entities_roots) ) {
sub {
if ( $_ =~ /^(.*)\.pmc?$/ && -f $File::Find::name ) {
my $key = $1;
my $hashref = $self;
my @directories = File::Spec->splitdir(
substr( $File::Find::dir, length($File::Find::topdir) ) );
if ( scalar(@directories) ) {
shift(@directories) while ( !$directories[0] );
foreach my $dir (@directories) {
if ( !defined( $hashref->{$dir} ) ) {
$hashref->{$dir} = {};
$hashref = $hashref->{$dir};
my $entity;
# export %properties to the entity file
local $Config::Entities::properties = $properties;
## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict)
no strict 'vars';
local %properties = $properties ? %$properties : ();
$entity = do($File::Find::name);
## use critic
$logger->warn( 'unable to compile ', $File::Find::name, ': ', $@, "\n" )
if ($@);
_merge( $hashref, $key, $entity );
map { Cwd::abs_path($_) } @entities_roots
&$_($self) foreach $self->_inherit( undef, $self );
return $self;
sub _inherit {
my ( $self, $parent, $child ) = @_;
my @after_inherit = ();
if ($child) {
my $ref = ref($child);
if ( $ref eq 'HASH' || $ref eq 'Config::Entities' ) {
if ( $parent && $child->{'Config::Entities::inherit'} ) {
delete( $child->{'Config::Entities::inherit'} ),
$parent, $child
push( @after_inherit, $self->_inherit( $child, $child->{$_} ) ) foreach keys(%$child);
return @after_inherit;
sub _inherit_each {
my ( $self, $inherit, $parent, $child ) = @_;
my @after_inherit = ();
if ( ref($inherit) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
foreach my $spec (@$inherit) {
my $spec_ref = ref($spec);
if ($spec_ref) {
if ( $spec_ref eq 'HASH' ) {
push( @after_inherit, $self->_inherit_spec( $spec, $parent, $child ) );
else {
croak('invalid inherit');
elsif ( defined( $parent->{$spec} ) ) {
$child->{$spec} = $parent->{$spec}
unless ( defined( $child->{$spec} ) );
return @after_inherit;
sub _inherit_spec {
my ( $self, $spec, $parent, $child ) = @_;
if ( $spec->{name} ) {
my $as = $spec->{as} || $spec->{name};
$child->{$as} = $parent->{ $spec->{name} }
unless ( defined( $child->{$as} ) );
elsif ( $spec->{coordinate} ) {
my $as = $spec->{as};
unless ($as) {
$as = $spec->{coordinate};
$as =~ s/^.*\.//;
return sub {
my ($entities) = @_;
$child->{$as} = _copy( $entities->get_entity( $spec->{coordinate} ) );
_merge( $child, $as, $spec->{using} ) if ( $spec->{using} );
sub _merge {
my ( $hashref, $key, $value ) = @_;
if ( ref($value) eq 'HASH' ) {
# transfer key/value pairs from hashref
# will merge rather than replace...
if ( !defined( $hashref->{$key} ) ) {
$hashref->{$key} = {};
$hashref = $hashref->{$key};
while ( my ( $sub_key, $sub_value ) = each(%$value) ) {
_merge( $hashref, $sub_key, $sub_value );
else {
# anything not a hashref will replace
$hashref->{$key} = $value;
=head1 NAME
Config::Entities - An multi-level overridable perl based configuration module
=head1 VERSION
version 1.07
use Config::Entities;
# Assuming this directory structure:
# /project/config/entities
# |_______________________/a
# |_________________________/b.pm
# | { e => 'f' }
# |
# |_______________________/c.pm
# | { g => 'h' }
# |
# |_______________________/c
# |_________________________/d.pm
# | { i => 'j' };
my $entities = Config::Entities->new( '/project/config/entities' );
my $abe = $entities->{a}{b}{e}; # 'f'
my $ab = $entities->{a}{b}; # '{e=>'f'}
my $ab_e = $ab->{e}; # 'f'
my $cg = $entities->{c}{g}; # 'h'
my $cd = $entities->{c}{d}; # {i=>'j'}
my $cdi = $entities->{c}{d}{i}; # 'j'
my $c = $entities->{c}; # {g=>'h',d=>{i=>'j'}}
# Entities can be constructed with a set of properties to be used by configs.
# Assuming this directory structure:
# /project/config/entities
# |_______________________/a.pm
# | {
# | file => $properties{base_folder}
# | . '/sub/folder/file.txt'
# | }
my $entities = Config::Entities->new( '/project/config/entities',
{ properties => { base_folder => '/project' } } );
my $file = $entities->{a}{file}; # /project/sub/folder/file.txt
# You can also supply multiple entities folders
# Assuming this directory structure:
# /project/config
# |______________/entities
# |_______________________/a.pm
# | { b => 'c' }
# |
# |______________/more_entities
# |____________________________/d.pm
# | { e => $properties{f} }
my $entities = Config::Entities->new(
{ properties => {f => 'g'} } ); # { b => 'c', e => 'g' }
# You can also specify a properties file
# Assuming this directory structure:
# /project/config
# |______________/entities
# |_______________________/a.pm
# | { b => $properties{e} }
# |
# |______________/properties.pl
# | { e => 'f' }
my $entities = Config::Entities->new(
{ properties_file => '/project/config/properties.pl } );
my $ab = $entities->{a}{b}; # 'f'
# Assuming:
# {
# a => {
# b => {
# c => 'd',
# e => 'f'
# },
# g => 'h'
# }
# }
# You can use dotted notation to refer to entities using get_entity
my $ab = $entities->get_entity( 'a.b' ); # {c=>'d',e=>'f'}
# You can fill a hash with many values at once using fill
my $ab_abc_abe = $entities->fill( 'a.b',
{c=>undef, e=>undef} ); # {c=>'d',e=>'f'}
# Perhaps the most useful approach is filling a hash from a coordinate
# or its parents
my $ab_abc_abe_ag = $entities->fill( 'a.b',
{c=>undef, e=>undef, g=>undef},
ancestry => 1 ); # {c=>'d',e=>'f',g=>'h'}
In essense, this module will recurse a directory structure, running C<do FILE>
for each entry and merging its results into the Entities object which can be
treated as a hash. Given that it runs C<do FILE>, each config node is a fully
capable perl script.
=head2 new( $entities_root_dir [, $entities_root_dir, ...] \%options )
Recurses into each C<$entities_root_dir> loading its contents into the entities
map. The filesystem structure will be propagated to the map, each sub folder
representing a sub hash. If both C<Xxx.pm> and a folder C<Xxx> are found, the
C<Xxx.pm> will be loaded first then the recursion will enter C<Xxx> and merge
its results over the top of what is already in the map. If properties are
provided via C<properties> or C<properties_file>, they can be accessed using
C<%properties> in the individual config files. The currently available options
=over 4
=item entity
A hashref containing configuration. Will be overriden by the contents of any
C<$entities_root_dir>'s that are passed in.
=item properties
Properties to be loaded into C<%properties>. Will override any properties with
the same name loaded by C<properties_file>.
=item properties_file
A file or array reference of files that will be loaded into C<%properties> using
C<do FILE>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 as_hashref
Will return a hashref representation of the current entities. It will be a deep
copy so changes to the hash will not affect the entities object.
=head2 fill( $coordinate, $hashref, [%options] )
Will iterate through the keys of C<$hashref> setting the associated value to the
value found at the same key in the entity matching C<$coordinate>. If the
supplied C<$hashref> has a key whose value is C<'Config::Entities::entity'> and
the key is not found in the entity at C<$coordinate> the value in C<$hashref>
will be set to the entity itself. The currently available options are:
=over 4
=item ancestry
If true, the search will continue up the ancestry until it finds a match.
=head2 get_entity( $coordinate, [%options] )
A simple dotted notation for indexing into the map. For example,
C<$entities->get_entity( 'a.b.c' )> is equivalent to
C<$entities->{a}{b}{c}. The currently available options are:
=over 4
=item ancestry
If true, a list will be returned where the first element is the matching entity,
and each successive entity is its parent, all the way up to C<$self>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Lucas Theisen <lucastheisen@pastdev.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Lucas Theisen.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.