Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::ClassicExtensions - Class containing generic enhancements to SQL::Abstract::Classic
This module is not intended to be used standalone. Instead it represents
a quasi-role, that one would "mix in" via classic C<@ISA> inheritance into
a DBIx::Class::SQLMaker-like provider. See
L<DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI/connect_call_rebase_sqlmaker> for more info.
Currently the enhancements over L<SQL::Abstract::Classic> are:
=item * Support for C<JOIN> statements (via extended C<table/from> support)
=item * Support of functions in C<SELECT> lists
=item * C<GROUP BY>/C<HAVING> support (via extensions to the order_by parameter)
=item * A rudimentary multicolumn IN operator
=item * Support of C<...FOR UPDATE> type of select statement modifiers
# to pull in CAG and the frame-boundary-markers
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors (simple => qw/quote_char name_sep limit_dialect/);
sub _quoting_enabled {
( defined $_[0]->{quote_char} and length $_[0]->{quote_char} ) ? 1 : 0
# for when I need a normalized l/r pair
sub _quote_chars {
# in case we are called in the old !!$sm->_quote_chars fashion
return () if !wantarray and ( ! defined $_[0]->{quote_char} or ! length $_[0]->{quote_char} );
{ defined $_ ? $_ : '' }
( ref $_[0]->{quote_char} ? (@{$_[0]->{quote_char}}) : ( ($_[0]->{quote_char}) x 2 ) )
# FIXME when we bring in the storage weaklink, check its schema
# weaklink and channel through $schema->throw_exception
sub throw_exception { DBIx::Class::Exception->throw($_[1]) }
sub belch {
shift; # throw away $self
carp( "Warning: ", @_ );
sub puke {
shift->throw_exception("Fatal: " . join ('', @_));
# constants-methods are used not only here, but also in comparison tests
sub __rows_bindtype () {
+{ sqlt_datatype => 'integer' }
sub __offset_bindtype () {
+{ sqlt_datatype => 'integer' }
sub __total_bindtype () {
+{ sqlt_datatype => 'integer' }
# the "oh noes offset/top without limit" constant
# limited to 31 bits for sanity (and consistency,
# since it may be handed to the like of sprintf %u)
# Also *some* builds of SQLite fail the test
# some_column BETWEEN ? AND ?: 1, 4294967295
# with the proper integer bind attrs
# Implemented as a method, since ::Storage::DBI also
# refers to it (i.e. for the case of software_limit or
# as the value to abuse with MSSQL ordered subqueries)
sub __max_int () { 0x7FFFFFFF };
# we ne longer need to check this - DBIC has ways of dealing with it
# specifically ::Storage::DBI::_resolve_bindattrs()
sub _assert_bindval_matches_bindtype () { 1 };
# poor man's de-qualifier
sub _quote {
$_[0]->next::method( ( $_[0]{_dequalify_idents} and ! ref $_[1] )
? $_[1] =~ / ([^\.]+) $ /x
: $_[1]
sub _where_op_NEST {
carp_unique ("-nest in search conditions is deprecated, you most probably wanted:\n"
.q|{..., -and => [ \%cond0, \@cond1, \'cond2', \[ 'cond3', [ col => bind ] ], etc. ], ... }|
# Handle limit-dialect selection
sub select {
my ($self, $table, $fields, $where, $rs_attrs, $limit, $offset) = @_;
($fields, @{$self->{select_bind}}) = $self->_recurse_fields($fields);
if (defined $offset) {
$self->throw_exception('A supplied offset must be a non-negative integer')
if ( $offset =~ /\D/ or $offset < 0 );
$offset ||= 0;
if (defined $limit) {
$self->throw_exception('A supplied limit must be a positive integer')
if ( $limit =~ /\D/ or $limit <= 0 );
elsif ($offset) {
$limit = $self->__max_int;
my ($sql, @bind);
if ($limit) {
# this is legacy code-flow from SQLA::Limit, it is not set in stone
($sql, @bind) = $self->next::method ($table, $fields, $where);
my $limiter;
if( $limiter = $self->can ('emulate_limit') ) {
'Support for the legacy emulate_limit() mechanism inherited from '
. 'SQL::Abstract::Limit has been deprecated, and will be removed at '
. 'some future point, as it gets in the way of architectural and/or '
. 'performance advances within DBIC. If your code uses this type of '
. 'limit specification please file an RT and provide the source of '
. 'your emulate_limit() implementation, so an acceptable upgrade-path '
. 'can be devised'
else {
my $dialect = $self->limit_dialect
or $self->throw_exception( "Unable to generate SQL-limit - no limit dialect specified on $self" );
$limiter = $self->can ("_$dialect")
or $self->throw_exception(__PACKAGE__ . " does not implement the requested dialect '$dialect'");
$sql = $self->$limiter (
{ %{$rs_attrs||{}}, _selector_sql => $fields },
else {
($sql, @bind) = $self->next::method ($table, $fields, $where, $rs_attrs);
push @{$self->{where_bind}}, @bind;
# this *must* be called, otherwise extra binds will remain in the sql-maker
my @all_bind = $self->_assemble_binds;
$sql .= $self->_lock_select ($rs_attrs->{for})
if $rs_attrs->{for};
return wantarray ? ($sql, @all_bind) : $sql;
sub _assemble_binds {
my $self = shift;
return map { @{ (delete $self->{"${_}_bind"}) || [] } } (qw/pre_select select from where group having order limit/);
my $for_syntax = {
update => 'FOR UPDATE',
shared => 'FOR SHARE',
sub _lock_select {
my ($self, $type) = @_;
my $sql;
if (ref($type) eq 'SCALAR') {
$sql = "FOR $$type";
else {
$sql = $for_syntax->{$type} || $self->throw_exception( "Unknown SELECT .. FOR type '$type' requested" );
return " $sql";
# Handle default inserts
sub insert {
# optimized due to hotttnesss
# my ($self, $table, $data, $options) = @_;
# FIXME SQLMaker will emit INSERT INTO $table ( ) VALUES ( )
# which is sadly understood only by MySQL. Change default behavior here,
# until we fold the extra pieces into SQLMaker properly
if (! $_[2] or (ref $_[2] eq 'HASH' and !keys %{$_[2]} ) ) {
my @bind;
my $sql = sprintf(
'INSERT INTO %s DEFAULT VALUES', $_[0]->_quote($_[1])
if ( ($_[3]||{})->{returning} ) {
my $s;
($s, @bind) = $_[0]->_insert_returning ($_[3]);
$sql .= $s;
return ($sql, @bind);
sub _recurse_fields {
my ($self, $fields) = @_;
my $ref = ref $fields;
return $self->_quote($fields) unless $ref;
return $$fields if $ref eq 'SCALAR';
if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
my (@select, @bind);
for my $field (@$fields) {
my ($select, @new_bind) = $self->_recurse_fields($field);
push @select, $select;
push @bind, @new_bind;
return (join(', ', @select), @bind);
elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
my %hash = %$fields; # shallow copy
my $as = delete $hash{-as}; # if supplied
my ($func, $rhs, @toomany) = %hash;
# there should be only one pair
if (@toomany) {
$self->throw_exception( "Malformed select argument - too many keys in hash: " . join (',', keys %$fields ) );
if (lc ($func) eq 'distinct' && ref $rhs eq 'ARRAY' && @$rhs > 1) {
$self->throw_exception (
'The select => { distinct => ... } syntax is not supported for multiple columns.'
.' Instead please use { group_by => [ qw/' . (join ' ', @$rhs) . '/ ] }'
.' or { select => [ qw/' . (join ' ', @$rhs) . '/ ], distinct => 1 }'
my ($rhs_sql, @rhs_bind) = $self->_recurse_fields($rhs);
my $select = sprintf ('%s( %s )%s',
? sprintf (' %s %s', $self->_sqlcase('as'), $self->_quote ($as) )
: ''
return ($select, @rhs_bind);
elsif ( $ref eq 'REF' and ref($$fields) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
return @{$$fields};
else {
$self->throw_exception( $ref . qq{ unexpected in _recurse_fields()} );
# this used to be a part of _order_by but is broken out for clarity.
# What we have been doing forever is hijacking the $order arg of
# SQLAC::select to pass in arbitrary pieces of data (first the group_by,
# then pretty much the entire resultset attr-hash, as more and more
# things in the SQLMaker space need to have more info about the $rs they
# create SQL for. The alternative would be to keep expanding the
# signature of _select with more and more positional parameters, which
# is just gross.
# FIXME - this will have to transition out to a subclass when the effort
# of folding the SQL generating machinery into SQLMaker takes place
sub _parse_rs_attrs {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
my $sql = '';
if ($arg->{group_by}) {
if ( my ($group_sql, @group_bind) = $self->_recurse_fields($arg->{group_by}) ) {
$sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' group by ') . $group_sql;
push @{$self->{group_bind}}, @group_bind;
if (defined $arg->{having}) {
my ($frag, @bind) = $self->_recurse_where($arg->{having});
push(@{$self->{having_bind}}, @bind);
$sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' having ') . $frag;
if (defined $arg->{order_by}) {
$sql .= $self->_order_by ($arg->{order_by});
return $sql;
sub _order_by {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
# check that we are not called in legacy mode (order_by as 4th argument)
if (ref $arg eq 'HASH' and not grep { $_ =~ /^-(?:desc|asc)/i } keys %$arg ) {
return $self->_parse_rs_attrs ($arg);
else {
my ($sql, @bind) = $self->next::method($arg);
push @{$self->{order_bind}}, @bind;
return $sql;
sub _split_order_chunk {
my ($self, $chunk) = @_;
# strip off sort modifiers, but always succeed, so $1 gets reset
$chunk =~ s/ (?: \s+ (ASC|DESC) )? \s* $//ix;
return (
( $1 and uc($1) eq 'DESC' ) ? 1 : 0,
sub _table {
# optimized due to hotttnesss
# my ($self, $from) = @_;
if (my $ref = ref $_[1] ) {
if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
return $_[0]->_recurse_from(@{$_[1]});
elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
return $_[0]->_recurse_from($_[1]);
elsif ($ref eq 'REF' && ref ${$_[1]} eq 'ARRAY') {
my ($sql, @bind) = @{ ${$_[1]} };
push @{$_[0]->{from_bind}}, @bind;
return $sql
return $_[0]->next::method ($_[1]);
sub _generate_join_clause {
my ($self, $join_type) = @_;
$join_type = $self->{_default_jointype}
if ! defined $join_type;
return sprintf ('%s JOIN ',
$join_type ? $self->_sqlcase($join_type) : ''
sub _recurse_from {
my $self = shift;
return join (' ', $self->_gen_from_blocks(@_) );
sub _gen_from_blocks {
my ($self, $from, @joins) = @_;
my @fchunks = $self->_from_chunk_to_sql($from);
for (@joins) {
my ($to, $on) = @$_;
# check whether a join type exists
my $to_jt = ref($to) eq 'ARRAY' ? $to->[0] : $to;
my $join_type;
if (ref($to_jt) eq 'HASH' and defined($to_jt->{-join_type})) {
$join_type = $to_jt->{-join_type};
$join_type =~ s/^\s+ | \s+$//xg;
my @j = $self->_generate_join_clause( $join_type );
if (ref $to eq 'ARRAY') {
push(@j, '(', $self->_recurse_from(@$to), ')');
else {
push(@j, $self->_from_chunk_to_sql($to));
my ($sql, @bind) = $self->_join_condition($on);
push(@j, ' ON ', $sql);
push @{$self->{from_bind}}, @bind;
push @fchunks, join '', @j;
return @fchunks;
sub _from_chunk_to_sql {
my ($self, $fromspec) = @_;
return join (' ', do {
if (! ref $fromspec) {
elsif (ref $fromspec eq 'SCALAR') {
elsif (ref $fromspec eq 'REF' and ref $$fromspec eq 'ARRAY') {
push @{$self->{from_bind}}, @{$$fromspec}[1..$#$$fromspec];
elsif (ref $fromspec eq 'HASH') {
my ($as, $table, $toomuch) = ( map
{ $_ => $fromspec->{$_} }
( grep { $_ !~ /^\-/ } keys %$fromspec )
$self->throw_exception( "Only one table/as pair expected in from-spec but an exra '$toomuch' key present" )
if defined $toomuch;
($self->_from_chunk_to_sql($table), $self->_quote($as) );
else {
$self->throw_exception('Unsupported from refkind: ' . ref $fromspec );
sub _join_condition {
my ($self, $cond) = @_;
# Backcompat for the old days when a plain hashref
# { 't1.col1' => 't2.col2' } meant ON t1.col1 = t2.col2
if (
ref $cond eq 'HASH'
keys %$cond == 1
(keys %$cond)[0] =~ /\./
! ref ( (values %$cond)[0] )
) {
"ResultSet {from} structures with conditions not conforming to the "
. "SQL::Abstract::Classic syntax are deprecated: you either need to stop "
. "abusing {from} altogether, or express the condition properly using the "
. "{ -ident => ... } operator"
$cond = { keys %$cond => { -ident => values %$cond } }
elsif ( ref $cond eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# do our own ORing so that the hashref-shim above is invoked
my @parts;
my @binds;
foreach my $c (@$cond) {
my ($sql, @bind) = $self->_join_condition($c);
push @binds, @bind;
push @parts, $sql;
return join(' OR ', @parts), @binds;
return $self->_recurse_where($cond);
# This is rather odd, but vanilla SQLA* variants do not have support for
# multicolumn-IN expressions
# Currently has only one callsite in ResultSet, body moved into this subclass
# to raise API questions like:
# - how do we convey a list of idents...?
# - can binds reside on lhs?
sub _where_op_multicolumn_in {
my ($self, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
if (! ref $lhs or ref $lhs eq 'ARRAY') {
my (@sql, @bind);
for (ref $lhs ? @$lhs : $lhs) {
if (! ref $_) {
push @sql, $self->_quote($_);
elsif (ref $_ eq 'SCALAR') {
push @sql, $$_;
elsif (ref $_ eq 'REF' and ref $$_ eq 'ARRAY') {
my ($s, @b) = @$$_;
push @sql, $s;
push @bind, @b;
else {
$self->throw_exception("ARRAY of @{[ ref $_ ]}es unsupported for multicolumn IN lhs...");
$lhs = \[ join(', ', @sql), @bind];
elsif (ref $lhs eq 'SCALAR') {
$lhs = \[ $$lhs ];
elsif (ref $lhs eq 'REF' and ref $$lhs eq 'ARRAY' ) {
# noop
else {
$self->throw_exception( ref($lhs) . "es unsupported for multicolumn IN lhs...");
# is this proper...?
$rhs = \[ $self->_recurse_where($rhs) ];
for ($lhs, $rhs) {
$$_->[0] = "( $$_->[0] )"
unless $$_->[0] =~ /^ \s* \( .* \) \s* $/xs;
\[ join( ' IN ', shift @$$lhs, shift @$$rhs ), @$$lhs, @$$rhs ];
### Code that mostly used to be in DBIC::SQLMaker::LimitDialects
sub _LimitOffset {
my ( $self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset ) = @_;
$sql .= $self->_parse_rs_attrs( $rs_attrs ) . " LIMIT ?";
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__rows_bindtype => $rows ];
if ($offset) {
$sql .= " OFFSET ?";
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset ];
return $sql;
sub _LimitXY {
my ( $self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset ) = @_;
$sql .= $self->_parse_rs_attrs( $rs_attrs ) . " LIMIT ";
if ($offset) {
$sql .= '?, ';
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset ];
$sql .= '?';
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__rows_bindtype => $rows ];
return $sql;
sub _RowNumberOver {
my ($self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset ) = @_;
# get selectors, and scan the order_by (if any)
my $sq_attrs = $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs ( $sql, $rs_attrs );
# make up an order if none exists
my $requested_order = (delete $rs_attrs->{order_by}) || $self->_rno_default_order;
# the order binds (if any) will need to go at the end of the entire inner select
local $self->{order_bind};
my $rno_ord = $self->_order_by ($requested_order);
push @{$self->{select_bind}}, @{$self->{order_bind}};
# this is the order supplement magic
my $mid_sel = $sq_attrs->{selection_outer};
if (my $extra_order_sel = $sq_attrs->{order_supplement}) {
for my $extra_col (sort
{ $extra_order_sel->{$a} cmp $extra_order_sel->{$b} }
keys %$extra_order_sel
) {
$sq_attrs->{selection_inner} .= sprintf (', %s AS %s',
# and this is order re-alias magic
for my $map ($sq_attrs->{order_supplement}, $sq_attrs->{outer_renames}) {
for my $col (sort { (length $b) <=> (length $a) } keys %{$map||{}} ) {
my $re_col = quotemeta ($col);
$rno_ord =~ s/$re_col/$map->{$col}/;
# whatever is left of the order_by (only where is processed at this point)
my $group_having = $self->_parse_rs_attrs($rs_attrs);
my $qalias = $self->_quote ($rs_attrs->{alias});
my $idx_name = $self->_quote ('rno__row__index');
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset + 1], [ $self->__total_bindtype => $offset + $rows ];
return <<EOS;
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer} FROM (
SELECT $mid_sel, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( $rno_ord ) AS $idx_name FROM (
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_inner} $sq_attrs->{query_leftover}${group_having}
) $qalias
) $qalias WHERE $idx_name >= ? AND $idx_name <= ?
# some databases are happy with OVER (), some need OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT (1)) )
sub _rno_default_order {
return undef;
sub _SkipFirst {
my ($self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset) = @_;
$sql =~ s/^ \s* SELECT \s+ //ix
or $self->throw_exception("Unrecognizable SELECT: $sql");
return sprintf ('SELECT %s%s%s%s',
? do {
push @{$self->{pre_select_bind}}, [ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset];
'SKIP ? '
: ''
do {
push @{$self->{pre_select_bind}}, [ $self->__rows_bindtype => $rows ];
'FIRST ? '
$self->_parse_rs_attrs ($rs_attrs),
sub _FirstSkip {
my ($self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset) = @_;
$sql =~ s/^ \s* SELECT \s+ //ix
or $self->throw_exception("Unrecognizable SELECT: $sql");
return sprintf ('SELECT %s%s%s%s',
do {
push @{$self->{pre_select_bind}}, [ $self->__rows_bindtype => $rows ];
'FIRST ? '
? do {
push @{$self->{pre_select_bind}}, [ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset];
'SKIP ? '
: ''
$self->_parse_rs_attrs ($rs_attrs),
sub _RowNum {
my ( $self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset ) = @_;
my $sq_attrs = $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs ($sql, $rs_attrs);
my $qalias = $self->_quote ($rs_attrs->{alias});
my $idx_name = $self->_quote ('rownum__index');
my $order_group_having = $self->_parse_rs_attrs($rs_attrs);
# if no offset (e.g. first page) - we can skip one of the subqueries
if (! $offset) {
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__rows_bindtype => $rows ];
return <<EOS;
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer} FROM (
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_inner} $sq_attrs->{query_leftover}${order_group_having}
) $qalias WHERE ROWNUM <= ?
# There are two ways to limit in Oracle, one vastly faster than the other
# However Oracle is retarded and does not preserve stable ROWNUM() values
# when called twice in the same scope. Therefore unless the resultset is
# ordered by a unique set of columns, it is not safe to use the faster
# method, and the slower BETWEEN query is used instead
# FIXME - this is quite expensive, and does not perform caching of any sort
# as soon as some of the SQLMaker-inlining work becomes viable consider adding
# some rudimentary caching support
if (
@{$rs_attrs}{qw/from order_by where/}
) {
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__total_bindtype => $offset + $rows ], [ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset + 1 ];
return <<EOS;
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer} FROM (
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer}, ROWNUM AS $idx_name FROM (
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_inner} $sq_attrs->{query_leftover}${order_group_having}
) $qalias WHERE ROWNUM <= ?
) $qalias WHERE $idx_name >= ?
else {
push @{$self->{limit_bind}}, [ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset + 1 ], [ $self->__total_bindtype => $offset + $rows ];
return <<EOS;
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer} FROM (
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer}, ROWNUM AS $idx_name FROM (
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_inner} $sq_attrs->{query_leftover}${order_group_having}
) $qalias
) $qalias WHERE $idx_name BETWEEN ? AND ?
# used by _Top and _FetchFirst below
sub _prep_for_skimming_limit {
my ( $self, $sql, $rs_attrs ) = @_;
# get selectors
my $sq_attrs = $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs ($sql, $rs_attrs);
my $requested_order = delete $rs_attrs->{order_by};
$sq_attrs->{order_by_requested} = $self->_order_by ($requested_order);
$sq_attrs->{grpby_having} = $self->_parse_rs_attrs ($rs_attrs);
# without an offset things are easy
if (! $rs_attrs->{offset}) {
$sq_attrs->{order_by_inner} = $sq_attrs->{order_by_requested};
else {
$sq_attrs->{quoted_rs_alias} = $self->_quote ($rs_attrs->{alias});
# localise as we already have all the bind values we need
local $self->{order_bind};
# make up an order unless supplied or sanity check what we are given
my $inner_order;
if ($sq_attrs->{order_by_requested}) {
$self->throw_exception (
'Unable to safely perform "skimming type" limit with supplied unstable order criteria'
) unless ($rs_attrs->{result_source}->schema->storage->_order_by_is_stable(
$inner_order = $requested_order;
else {
$inner_order = [ map
{ "$rs_attrs->{alias}.$_" }
( @{
'Unable to auto-construct stable order criteria for "skimming type" limit '
. "dialect based on source '%s'", $rs_attrs->{result_source}->name) );
} )
$sq_attrs->{order_by_inner} = $self->_order_by ($inner_order);
my @out_chunks;
for my $ch ($self->_order_by_chunks ($inner_order)) {
$ch = $ch->[0] if ref $ch eq 'ARRAY';
($ch, my $is_desc) = $self->_split_order_chunk($ch);
# !NOTE! outside chunks come in reverse order ( !$is_desc )
push @out_chunks, { ($is_desc ? '-asc' : '-desc') => \$ch };
$sq_attrs->{order_by_middle} = $self->_order_by (\@out_chunks);
# this is the order supplement magic
$sq_attrs->{selection_middle} = $sq_attrs->{selection_outer};
if (my $extra_order_sel = $sq_attrs->{order_supplement}) {
for my $extra_col (sort
{ $extra_order_sel->{$a} cmp $extra_order_sel->{$b} }
keys %$extra_order_sel
) {
$sq_attrs->{selection_inner} .= sprintf (', %s AS %s',
$sq_attrs->{selection_middle} .= ', ' . $extra_order_sel->{$extra_col};
# Whatever order bindvals there are, they will be realiased and
# reselected, and need to show up at end of the initial inner select
push @{$self->{select_bind}}, @{$self->{order_bind}};
# and this is order re-alias magic
for my $map ($sq_attrs->{order_supplement}, $sq_attrs->{outer_renames}) {
for my $col (sort { (length $b) <=> (length $a) } keys %{$map||{}}) {
my $re_col = quotemeta ($col);
$_ =~ s/$re_col/$map->{$col}/
for ($sq_attrs->{order_by_middle}, $sq_attrs->{order_by_requested});
sub _Top {
my ( $self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset ) = @_;
my $lim = $self->_prep_for_skimming_limit($sql, $rs_attrs);
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT TOP %u %s %s %s %s',
$rows + ($offset||0),
$offset ? $lim->{selection_inner} : $lim->{selection_original},
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT TOP %u %s FROM ( %s ) %s %s',
) if $offset;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT %s FROM ( %s ) %s %s',
) if $offset and (
$lim->{order_by_requested} or $lim->{selection_middle} ne $lim->{selection_outer}
return $sql;
sub _FetchFirst {
my ( $self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset ) = @_;
my $lim = $self->_prep_for_skimming_limit($sql, $rs_attrs);
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT %s %s %s %s FETCH FIRST %u ROWS ONLY',
$offset ? $lim->{selection_inner} : $lim->{selection_original},
$rows + ($offset||0),
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT %s FROM ( %s ) %s %s FETCH FIRST %u ROWS ONLY',
) if $offset;
$sql = sprintf ('SELECT %s FROM ( %s ) %s %s',
) if $offset and (
$lim->{order_by_requested} or $lim->{selection_middle} ne $lim->{selection_outer}
return $sql;
sub _GenericSubQ {
my ($self, $sql, $rs_attrs, $rows, $offset) = @_;
my $main_rsrc = $rs_attrs->{result_source};
# Explicitly require an order_by
# GenSubQ is slow enough as it is, just emulating things
# like in other cases is not wise - make the user work
# to shoot their DBA in the foot
$self->throw_exception (
'Generic Subquery Limit does not work on resultsets without an order. Provide a stable, '
. 'main-table-based order criteria.'
) unless $rs_attrs->{order_by};
my $usable_order_colinfo = $main_rsrc->storage->_extract_colinfo_of_stable_main_source_order_by_portion(
'Generic Subquery Limit can not work with order criteria based on sources other than the main one'
) if (
! keys %{$usable_order_colinfo||{}}
{ $_->{-source_alias} ne $rs_attrs->{alias} }
(values %$usable_order_colinfo)
### we need to know the directions after we figured out the above - reextract *again*
### this is eyebleed - trying to get it to work at first
my $supplied_order = delete $rs_attrs->{order_by};
my @order_bits = do {
local $self->{quote_char};
local $self->{order_bind};
map { ref $_ ? $_->[0] : $_ } $self->_order_by_chunks ($supplied_order)
# truncate to what we'll use
$#order_bits = ( (keys %$usable_order_colinfo) - 1 );
# @order_bits likely will come back quoted (due to how the prefetch
# rewriter operates
# Hence supplement the column_info lookup table with quoted versions
if ($self->quote_char) {
$usable_order_colinfo->{$self->_quote($_)} = $usable_order_colinfo->{$_}
for keys %$usable_order_colinfo;
# calculate the condition
my $count_tbl_alias = 'rownum__emulation';
my $main_alias = $rs_attrs->{alias};
my $main_tbl_name = $main_rsrc->name;
my (@unqualified_names, @qualified_names, @is_desc, @new_order_by);
for my $bit (@order_bits) {
($bit, my $is_desc) = $self->_split_order_chunk($bit);
push @is_desc, $is_desc;
push @unqualified_names, $usable_order_colinfo->{$bit}{-colname};
push @qualified_names, $usable_order_colinfo->{$bit}{-fq_colname};
push @new_order_by, { ($is_desc ? '-desc' : '-asc') => $usable_order_colinfo->{$bit}{-fq_colname} };
my (@where_cond, @skip_colpair_stack);
for my $i (0 .. $#order_bits) {
my $ci = $usable_order_colinfo->{$order_bits[$i]};
my ($subq_col, $main_col) = map { "$_.$ci->{-colname}" } ($count_tbl_alias, $main_alias);
my $cur_cond = { $subq_col => { ($is_desc[$i] ? '>' : '<') => { -ident => $main_col } } };
push @skip_colpair_stack, [
{ $main_col => { -ident => $subq_col } },
# we can trust the nullability flag because
# we already used it during _id_col_set resolution
if ($ci->{is_nullable}) {
push @{$skip_colpair_stack[-1]}, { $main_col => undef, $subq_col=> undef };
$cur_cond = [
($is_desc[$i] ? $subq_col : $main_col) => { '!=', undef },
($is_desc[$i] ? $main_col : $subq_col) => undef,
$subq_col => { '!=', undef },
$main_col => { '!=', undef },
-and => $cur_cond,
push @where_cond, { '-and', => [ @skip_colpair_stack[0..$i-1], $cur_cond ] };
# reuse the sqlmaker WHERE, this will not be returning binds
my $counted_where = do {
local $self->{where_bind};
# construct the rownum condition by hand
my $rownum_cond;
if ($offset) {
$rownum_cond = 'BETWEEN ? AND ?';
push @{$self->{limit_bind}},
[ $self->__offset_bindtype => $offset ],
[ $self->__total_bindtype => $offset + $rows - 1]
else {
$rownum_cond = '< ?';
push @{$self->{limit_bind}},
[ $self->__rows_bindtype => $rows ]
# and what we will order by inside
my $inner_order_sql = do {
local $self->{order_bind};
my $s = $self->_order_by (\@new_order_by);
$self->throw_exception('Inner gensubq order may not contain binds... something went wrong')
if @{$self->{order_bind}};
### resume originally scheduled programming
# we need to supply the order for the supplements to be properly calculated
my $sq_attrs = $self->_subqueried_limit_attrs (
$sql, { %$rs_attrs, order_by => \@new_order_by }
my $in_sel = $sq_attrs->{selection_inner};
# add the order supplement (if any) as this is what will be used for the outer WHERE
$in_sel .= ", $_" for sort keys %{$sq_attrs->{order_supplement}};
my $group_having_sql = $self->_parse_rs_attrs($rs_attrs);
return sprintf ("
SELECT $sq_attrs->{selection_outer}
SELECT $in_sel $sq_attrs->{query_leftover}${group_having_sql}
) %s
WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s %s $counted_where ) $rownum_cond
", map { $self->_quote ($_) } (
# !!! THIS IS ALSO HORRIFIC !!! /me ashamed
# Generates inner/outer select lists for various limit dialects
# which result in one or more subqueries (e.g. RNO, Top, RowNum)
# Any non-main-table columns need to have their table qualifier
# turned into a column alias (otherwise names in subqueries clash
# and/or lose their source table)
# Returns mangled proto-sql, inner/outer strings of SQL QUOTED selectors
# with aliases (to be used in whatever select statement), and an alias
# index hashref of QUOTED SEL => QUOTED ALIAS pairs (to maybe be used
# for string-subst higher up).
# If an order_by is supplied, the inner select needs to bring out columns
# used in implicit (non-selected) orders, and the order condition itself
# needs to be realiased to the proper names in the outer query. Thus we
# also return a hashref (order doesn't matter) of QUOTED EXTRA-SEL =>
# QUOTED ALIAS pairs, which is a list of extra selectors that do *not*
# exist in the original select list
sub _subqueried_limit_attrs {
my ($self, $proto_sql, $rs_attrs) = @_;
'Limit dialect implementation usable only in the context of DBIC (missing $rs_attrs)'
) unless ref ($rs_attrs) eq 'HASH';
# mangle the input sql as we will be replacing the selector entirely
unless (
$proto_sql =~ s/^ \s* SELECT \s* \Q$rs_attrs->{_selector_sql}//ix
) {
$self->throw_exception("Unrecognizable SELECT: $proto_sql");
my ($re_sep, $re_alias) = map { quotemeta $_ } ( $self->{name_sep}, $rs_attrs->{alias} );
# correlate select and as, build selection index
my (@sel, $in_sel_index);
for my $i (0 .. $#{$rs_attrs->{select}}) {
my $s = $rs_attrs->{select}[$i];
my $sql_alias = (ref $s) eq 'HASH' ? $s->{-as} : undef;
# we throw away the @bind here deliberately
my ($sql_sel) = $self->_recurse_fields ($s);
push @sel, {
arg => $s,
sql => $sql_sel,
unquoted_sql => do {
local $self->{quote_char};
($self->_recurse_fields ($s))[0]; # ignore binds again
as =>
$self->throw_exception("Select argument $i ($s) without corresponding 'as'")
# anything with a placeholder in it needs re-selection
$in_sel_index->{$sql_sel}++ unless $sql_sel =~ / (?: ^ | \W ) \? (?: \W | $ ) /x;
$in_sel_index->{$self->_quote ($sql_alias)}++ if $sql_alias;
# record unqualified versions too, so we do not have
# to reselect the same column twice (in qualified and
# unqualified form)
if (! ref $s && $sql_sel =~ / $re_sep (.+) $/x) {
# re-alias and remove any name separators from aliases,
# unless we are dealing with the current source alias
# (which will transcend the subqueries as it is necessary
# for possible further chaining)
# same for anything we do not recognize
my ($sel, $renamed);
for my $node (@sel) {
push @{$sel->{original}}, $node->{sql};
if (
! $in_sel_index->{$node->{sql}}
$node->{as} =~ / (?<! ^ $re_alias ) \. /x
$node->{unquoted_sql} =~ / (?<! ^ $re_alias ) $re_sep /x
) {
$node->{as} = $self->_unqualify_colname($node->{as});
my $quoted_as = $self->_quote($node->{as});
push @{$sel->{inner}}, sprintf '%s AS %s', $node->{sql}, $quoted_as;
push @{$sel->{outer}}, $quoted_as;
$renamed->{$node->{sql}} = $quoted_as;
else {
push @{$sel->{inner}}, $node->{sql};
push @{$sel->{outer}}, $self->_quote (ref $node->{arg} ? $node->{as} : $node->{arg});
# see if the order gives us anything
my $extra_order_sel;
for my $chunk ($self->_order_by_chunks ($rs_attrs->{order_by})) {
# order with bind
$chunk = $chunk->[0] if (ref $chunk) eq 'ARRAY';
($chunk) = $self->_split_order_chunk($chunk);
next if $in_sel_index->{$chunk};
$extra_order_sel->{$chunk} ||= $self->_quote (
'ORDER__BY__' . sprintf '%03d', scalar keys %{$extra_order_sel||{}}
return {
query_leftover => $proto_sql,
(map {( "selection_$_" => join (', ', @{$sel->{$_}} ) )} keys %$sel ),
outer_renames => $renamed,
order_supplement => $extra_order_sel,
sub _unqualify_colname {
my ($self, $fqcn) = @_;
$fqcn =~ s/ \. /__/xg;
return $fqcn;
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