## -*- Mode: CPerl -*-
## File: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict.pm
## Author: Bryan Jurish <moocow@cpan.org>
## Description: generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::Dict
use DTA::CAB::Analyzer ':child';
use Carp;
use strict;
## Globals
our @ISA = qw(DTA::CAB::Analyzer);
## Globals: Accessors
## + dict application is computed as:
## $dic->accessClosure($dic->{analyzeCode})->();
## + analysis closure compiled from $dic->{analyzeCode} can use vars:
## $dic ##-- analyzer object
## $anl ##-- analyzer object (alias provided by Analyzer::accessClosure)
## $lab ##-- $dic->{label}
## $dhash ##-- $dic->dictHash()
## #$doc ##-- document being analyzed
## #$types ##-- types being analyzed with analyzeTypes()
## #$opts ##-- user options to analyzeTypes()
## + the following lexical temporaries are provided:
## $key ##-- temporary; unused here
## $val ##-- temporary; unused here
## @keys ##-- temporary; unused here
## @vals ##-- temporary; unused here
## %vals ##-- temporary; unused here
our $CODE_DEFAULT = '$_->{$lab}=$dhash->{'._am_xlit().'};'; # '._am_clean('$_->{$lab}'); ##-- useless, since expandTypes() puts undef back!
## Constructors etc.
## $obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args)
## + object structure:
## (
## ##-- Filename Options
## dictFile=> $filename, ##-- default: none
## ##-- Analysis Output
## label => $lab, ##-- analyzer label
## analyzeCode => $code, ##-- pseudo-accessor ($code->()): apply dict to current token ($_)
## ##-- Analysis Options
## encoding => $enc, ##-- encoding of dict file (default='UTF-8')
## allowRegex => $re, ##-- only lookup tokens whose text matches $re (default=none)
## eqIdWeight => $w, ##-- weight for identity analyses for analyzeSet=>$DICT_SET_FST_EQ
## ##-- Analysis objects
## ttd => $ttdict, ##-- underlying Lingua::TT::Dict object
## )
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $dic = $that->SUPER::new(
##-- filenames
dictFile => undef,
##-- analysis objects
##-- options
encoding => 'UTF-8',
##-- analysis output
label => 'dict',
analyzeCode => $CODE_DEFAULT,
allowRegex => undef,
##-- user args
return $dic;
## $dic = $dic->clear()
sub clear {
my $dic = shift;
return $dic;
## Methods: Embedded API
## $bool = $dict->dictOk()
## + returns false iff dict is undefined or "empty"
sub dictOk {
return defined($_[0]{ttd}) && scalar(%{$_[0]{ttd}{dict}});
## \%key2val = $dict->dictHash()
## + returns a (possibly tie()d hash) representing dict contents
## + default just returns $dic->{ttd}{dict} or a new empty hash
sub dictHash {
return $_[0]{ttd} && $_[0]{ttd}{dict} ? $_[0]{ttd}{dict} : {};
## $val_or_undef = $dict->dictLookup($key)
## + get stored value for key $key
## + default returns $dict->{ttd}{dict}{$key} or undef
sub dictLookup {
return $_[0]{ttd} && $_[0]{ttd}{dict} ? $_[0]{ttd}{dict}{$_[1]} : undef;
## Methods: I/O
## Methods: I/O: Input: all
## $bool = $dic->ensureLoaded()
## + ensures analyzer data is loaded from default files
sub ensureLoaded {
my $dic = shift;
my $rc = 1;
if ( defined($dic->{dictFile}) && !$dic->dictOk ) {
$dic->info("loading dictionary file '$dic->{dictFile}'");
$rc &&= $dic->{ttd}->loadFile($dic->{dictFile}, encoding=>$dic->{encoding});
return $rc;
## Methods: Persistence
## Methods: Persistence: Perl
## @keys = $class_or_obj->noSaveKeys()
## + returns list of keys not to be saved
sub noSaveKeys {
my $that = shift;
return ($that->SUPER::noSaveKeys, qw(ttd));
## $saveRef = $obj->savePerlRef()
## + inherited from DTA::CAB::Persistent
## $loadedObj = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->loadPerlRef($ref)
## + OLD: implicitly calls $obj->clear()
sub loadPerlRef {
my ($that,$ref) = @_;
my $obj = $that->SUPER::loadPerlRef($ref);
return $obj;
## Methods: Analysis
## Methods: Analysis: Generic
## $bool = $anl->canAnalyze()
## + returns true if analyzer can perform its function (e.g. data is loaded & non-empty)
## + override calls dictOk()
sub canAnalyze {
return $_[0]->dictOk();
## Methods: Analysis: v1.x: API
## $doc = $anl->analyzeTypes($doc,\%types,\%opts)
## + perform type-wise analysis of all (text) types in $doc->{types}
sub analyzeTypes {
my ($dic,$doc,$types,$opts) = @_;
##-- setup common variables
my $allow_re = defined($dic->{allowRegex}) ? qr($dic->{allowRegex}) : undef;
my $acode = $dic->analyzeCode;
foreach (values %$types) {
next if (defined($allow_re) && $_->{text} !~ $allow_re);
return $doc;
## Methods: Analysis: Utils
## $prefix = $dict->analyzePre()
sub analyzePre {
my $dic = shift;
return join('',
(map {"my $_;\n"}
($dic->{analyzePre} ? $dic->{analyzePre} : qw()),
## $coderef = $dict->analyzeCode()
## $coderef = $dict->analyzeCode($code)
sub analyzeCode {
my ($dic,$code) = @_;
#return $dic->analyzeCode_dummy($code) if ($dic->{label} eq 'exlex'); ##-- DEBUG
$code = defined($dic->{analyzeCode}) ? $dic->{analyzeCode} : $CODE_DEFAULT if (!defined($code));
my $acode = $dic->accessClosure($code, pre=>$dic->analyzePre);
return $acode;
1; ##-- be happy
## POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl, edited
=head1 NAME
DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict - generic analysis dictionary API using Lingua::TT::Dict
use DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict;
## Constructors etc.
$obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
$dic = $dic->clear();
## Methods: Embedded API
$bool = $dict->dictOk();
\%key2val = $dict->dictHash();
$val_or_undef = $dict->dictLookup($key);
## Methods: I/O
$bool = $dic->ensureLoaded();
## Methods: Persistence: Perl
@keys = $class_or_obj->noSaveKeys();
$loadedObj = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->loadPerlRef($ref);
## Methods: Analysis
$bool = $anl->canAnalyze();
$doc = $anl->analyzeTypes($doc,\%types,\%opts);
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict: Globals
=head2 Globals
=over 4
=item Variable: @ISA
DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict inherits from
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict: Accessors
=head2 Accessors
Dict application is computed as:
Analysis closure compiled from $dic-E<gt>{analyzeCode} can use vars:
$dic ##-- analyzer object
$anl ##-- analyzer object (alias provided by Analyzer::accessClosure)
$lab ##-- $dic->{label}
$dhash ##-- $dic->dictHash()
#$doc ##-- document being analyzed
#$types ##-- types being analyzed with analyzeTypes()
#$opts ##-- user options to analyzeTypes()
The following lexical temporaries are provided for convenience:
$key ##-- dict key (temporary)
$val ##-- dict value (temporary, used by SET macros)
See L<DTA::CAB::Analyzer|DTA::CAB::Analyzer> for more details on access closures.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict: Constructors etc.
=head2 Constructors etc.
=over 4
=item new
$obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
%$obj, %args:
##-- Filename Options
dictFile=> $filename, ##-- default: none
##-- Analysis Output
label => $lab, ##-- analyzer label
analyzeGet => $code, ##-- pseudo-accessor ($code->($tok)): returns list of source keys for token (default='$_[0]{text}')
analyzeSet => $code, ##-- pseudo-accessor ($code->($tok,$key,$val)) sets analyses for $tok
##-- Analysis Options
encoding => $enc, ##-- encoding of dict file (default='UTF-8')
allowRegex => $re, ##-- only lookup tokens whose text matches $re (default=none)
eqIdWeight => $w, ##-- weight for identity analyses for analyzeSet=>$DICT_SET_FST_EQ
##-- Analysis objects
ttd => $ttdict, ##-- underlying Lingua::TT::Dict object
=item clear
$dic = $dic->clear();
Clears the object by calling $dic-E<ttd>clear().
Note that this may not be what you want if the underlying dictionary
uses persistent storage -- override this method if that is the case.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict: Methods: Embedded API
=head2 Methods: Embedded API
=over 4
=item dictOk
$bool = $dict->dictOk();
Returns false iff dict is undefined or "empty".
=item dictHash
\%key2val = $dict->dictHash();
Returns a (possibly tie()d hash) representing dict contents.
Default just returns $dic-E<gt>{ttd}{dict} or a new empty hash.
=item dictLookup
$val_or_undef = $dict->dictLookup($key);
Get stored value for key $key, or undef if no such value exists.
Default returns $dict-E<gt>{ttd}{dict}{$key}.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict: Methods: I/O: Input: all
=head2 Methods: I/O
=over 4
=item ensureLoaded
$bool = $dic->ensureLoaded();
Ensures analyzer data is loaded from default files.
Override calls $dic-E<gt>{ttd}-E<gt>loadFile().
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict: Methods: Persistence: Perl
=head2 Methods: Persistence: Perl
=over 4
=item noSaveKeys
@keys = $class_or_obj->noSaveKeys();
Returns list of keys not to be saved.
Default returns qw(ttd).
=item loadPerlRef
$loadedObj = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->loadPerlRef($ref);
Load object data from a retrieve()d perl reference.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Dict: Methods: Analysis
=head2 Methods: Analysis
=over 4
=item canAnalyze
$bool = $anl->canAnalyze();
Returns true if analyzer can perform its function (e.g. data is loaded & non-empty).
Override calls dictOk().
=item analyzeTypes
$doc = $anl->analyzeTypes($doc,\%types,\%opts);
Perform type-wise analysis of all (text) types in $doc-E<gt>{types}.
## END POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl
## Footer
=head1 AUTHOR
Bryan Jurish E<lt>moocow@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2011-2019 by Bryan Jurish
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
=head1 SEE ALSO