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## -*- Mode: CPerl -*-
## File: DTA::CAB::Chain.pm
## Author: Bryan Jurish <moocow@cpan.org>
## Description: generic analyzer API: analyzer "chains" / "cascades" / "pipelines" / ...
use DTA::CAB::Datum ':all';
use Carp;
use strict;
## Globals
our @ISA = qw(DTA::CAB::Analyzer);
*isa = \&UNIVERSAL::isa;
*can = \&UNIVERSAL::can;
## Constructors etc.
## $obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args)
## + object structure:
## (
## ##-- Analyzers
## chain => [ $a1, $a2, ..., $aN ], ##-- default analysis chain; see also chain() method (default: empty)
## ##-- verbose trace
## logTrace => $level, ##-- trace sub-analyzer execution (default: 'none')
## )
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $ach = bless({
##-- user args
chain => [],
logTrace => 'none',
}, ref($that)||$that);
$ach->{label} = $ach->defaultLabel if (!defined($ach->{label}));
return $ach;
## undef = $ach->initialize();
## + default implementation does nothing
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## undef = $ach->dropClosures();
## + drops '_analyze*' closures
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## @keys = $anl->typeKeys(\%opts)
## + returns list of type-wise keys to be expanded for this analyzer by expandTypes()
## + default just concatenates keys for sub-analyzers
sub typeKeys {
my $ach = shift;
return map {ref($_) ? $_->typeKeys(@_) : qw()} @{$ach->chain(@_)}
## Methods: Chain selection
## \@analyzers = $ach->chain()
## \@analyzers = $ach->chain(\%opts)
## + get selected analyzer chain
### + OLD: default method just returns $anl->{chain}
### + NEW: default method returns all globally enabled analyzers in $anl->{chain}
sub chain {
my $ach = shift;
#return $ach->{chain};
return [grep {$_ && $_->enabled} @{$ach->{chain}}];
## \@analyzers = $ach->subAnalyzers()
## \@analyzers = $ach->subAnalyzers(\%opts)
## + returns a list of all sub-analyzers
## + override just calls chain()
sub subAnalyzers {
return $_[0]->chain(@_[1..$#_]);
## Methods: I/O
## Methods: I/O: Input: all
## $bool = $ach->ensureLoaded()
## $bool = $ach->ensureLoaded(\%opts)
## + ensures analysis data is loaded from default files
## + default version calls $a->ensureLoaded() for each $a in $ach->subAnalyzers(\%opts)
sub ensureLoaded {
my $ach = shift;
my $subs = $ach->subAnalyzers(@_);
my $rc = 1;
foreach (@$subs) {
$rc &&= $_->ensureLoaded() if (ref($_) && $_->can('ensureLoaded'));
last if (!$rc); ##-- short-circuit
return $rc;
## Methods: Persistence
## Methods: Persistence: Perl
## @keys = $class_or_obj->noSaveKeys()
## + returns list of keys not to be saved
## + default just greps for CODE-refs
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## $loadedObj = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->loadPerlRef($ref)
## + default implementation just clobbers $CLASS_OR_OBJ with $ref and blesses
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## Methods: Persistence: Bin
## @keys = $class_or_obj->noSaveBinKeys()
## + returns list of keys not to be saved for binary mode
## + default just returns list of known '_analyze' keys
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## $loadedObj = $CLASS_OR_OBJ->loadBinRef($ref)
## + drops closures
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## Methods: Analysis
## Methods: Analysis: Generic
## $bool = $ach->canAnalyze()
## $bool = $ach->canAnalyze(\%opts)
## + returns true if analyzer can perform its function (e.g. data is loaded & non-empty)
## + returns true if all enabled analyzers in the chain can analyze
sub canAnalyze {
my $ach = shift;
my $subs = $ach->subAnalyzers(@_);
foreach (grep {ref($_) && $_->enabled(@_)} @$subs) {
if (!$_ || !$_->canAnalyze) {
#$ach->logwarn("canAnalyze() returning 0 for sub-analyzer \"$_\"");
return 0;
return 1;
## $bool = $anl->enabled(\%opts)
## + returns $anl->{enabled} and disjunction over all sub-analyzers
sub enabled {
my $ach = shift;
return $ach->SUPER::enabled(@_) && scalar(grep {$_->enabled(@_)} @{$ach->subAnalyzers(@_)});
## undef = $anl->initInfo()
## + logs initialization info
## + default method reports values of {label}, enabled()
sub initInfo {
my $anl = shift;
if (!$anl->{initQuiet}) {
$_->initInfo(@_) foreach (@{$anl->subAnalyzers(@_)});
## Methods: Analysis: v1.x
## Methods: Analysis: v1.x: API
## $doc = $ach->analyzeDocument($doc,\%opts)
## + analyze a DTA::CAB::Document $doc
## + top-level API routine
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## $doc = $ach->analyzeTypes($doc,$types,\%opts)
## + perform type-wise analysis of all (text) types in $doc->{types}
## + Chain default calls $a->analyzeTypes for each analyzer $a in the chain
sub analyzeTypes {
my ($ach,$doc,$types,$opts) = @_;
foreach (@{$ach->chain($opts)}) {
next if (!$_->doAnalyze($opts,'Types') || !$_->enabled($opts));
$ach->vlog($opts->{logTrace}//$ach->{logTrace},"analyzeTypes: $_->{label}");
return $doc;
## $doc = $ach->analyzeTokens($doc,\%opts)
## + perform token-wise analysis of all tokens $doc->{body}[$si]{tokens}[$wi]
## + default implementation just shallow copies tokens in $doc->{types}
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## $doc = $ach->analyzeSentences($doc,\%opts)
## + perform sentence-wise analysis of all sentences $doc->{body}[$si]
## + Chain default calls $a->analyzeSentences for each analyzer $a in the chain
sub analyzeSentences {
my ($ach,$doc,$opts) = @_;
foreach (@{$ach->chain($opts)}) {
next if (!$_->doAnalyze($opts,'Sentences') || !$_->enabled($opts));
$ach->vlog($opts->{logTrace}//$ach->{logTrace},"analyzeSentences: $_->{label}");
return $doc;
## $doc = $ach->analyzeLocal($doc,\%opts)
## + perform local document-level analysis of $doc
## + Chain default calls $a->analyzeLocal for each analyzer $a in the chain
sub analyzeLocal {
my ($ach,$doc,$opts) = @_;
foreach (@{$ach->chain($opts)}) {
next if (!$_->doAnalyze($opts,'Local') || !$_->enabled($opts));
$ach->vlog($opts->{logTrace}//$ach->{logTrace},"analyzeLocal: $_->{label}");
return $doc;
## $doc = $ach->analyzeClean($doc,\%opts)
## + cleanup any temporary data associated with $doc
## + Chain default calls $a->analyzeClean for each analyzer $a in the chain,
## then superclass Analyzer->analyzeClean
sub analyzeClean {
my ($ach,$doc,$opts) = @_;
foreach (@{$ach->chain($opts)}) {
next if (!$_->doAnalyze($opts,'Clean') || !$_->enabled($opts));
$ach->vlog($opts->{logTrace}//$ach->{logTrace},"analyzeClean: $_->{label}");
return $ach->SUPER::analyzeClean($doc,$opts) if ($ach->doAnalyze($opts,'Clean'));
return $doc;
## Methods: Analysis: v1.x: Wrappers
## $tok = $ach->analyzeToken($tok_or_string,\%opts)
## + perform type- and token-analyses on $tok_or_string
## + wrapper for $ach->analyzeDocument()
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## $tok = $ach->analyzeSentence($sent_or_array,\%opts)
## + perform type-, token-, and sentence-analyses on $sent_or_array
## + wrapper for $ach->analyzeDocument()
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## $rpc_xml_base64 = $anl->analyzeData($data_str,\%opts)
## + analyze a raw (formatted) data string $data_str with internal parsing & formatting
## + wrapper for $anl->analyzeDocument()
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
## Methods: XML-RPC
## + INHERITED from DTA::CAB::Analyzer
1; ##-- be happy
## POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl
=head1 NAME
DTA::CAB::Chain - serial multi-analyzer pipeline
use DTA::CAB::Chain;
## Constructors etc.
$obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
@keys = $anl->typeKeys(\%opts);
## Methods: Chain selection
\@analyzers = $ach->chain();
\@analyzers = $ach->subAnalyzers();
## Methods: I/O
$bool = $ach->ensureLoaded();
## Methods: Analysis
$bool = $ach->canAnalyze();
$bool = $anl->enabled(\%opts);
undef = $anl->initInfo();
$doc = $ach->analyzeTypes($doc,$types,\%opts);
$doc = $ach->analyzeSentences($doc,\%opts);
$doc = $ach->analyzeLocal($doc,\%opts);
$doc = $ach->analyzeClean($doc,\%opts);
is an abstract L<DTA::CAB::Analyzer|DTA::CAB::Analyzer> subclass
for implementing serial document processing "pipelines" or "cascades"
in terms of a flat list of L<DTA::CAB::Analyzer|DTA::CAB::Analyzer> objects.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Chain: Constructors etc.
=head2 Constructors etc.
=over 4
=item new
$obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
%$obj, %args:
chain => [ $a1, $a2, ..., $aN ], ##-- default analysis chain; see also chain() method (default: empty)
=item typeKeys
@keys = $anl->typeKeys(\%opts);
Returns list of type-wise keys to be expanded for this analyzer by expandTypes()
Default implementation just concatenates typeKeys() for sub-analyzers.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Chain: Methods: Chain selection
=head2 Methods: Chain selection
=over 4
=item chain
\@analyzers = $ach->chain();
\@analyzers = $ach->chain(\%opts)
Get selected analyzer chain.
Default method returns all globally enabled analyzers in $anl-E<gt>{chain}.
=item subAnalyzers
\@analyzers = $ach->subAnalyzers();
\@analyzers = $ach->subAnalyzers(\%opts)
Returns a list of all sub-analyzers.
Override just calls chain().
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Chain: Methods: I/O
=head2 Methods: I/O
=over 4
=item ensureLoaded
$bool = $ach->ensureLoaded();
$bool = $ach->ensureLoaded(\%opts)
Ensures analysis data is loaded from default files
Override calls $a-E<gt>ensureLoaded() for each $a in $ach-E<gt>subAnalyzers(\%opts).
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Chain: Methods: Analysis
=head2 Methods: Analysis
=over 4
=item canAnalyze
$bool = $ach->canAnalyze();
$bool = $ach->canAnalyze(\%opts)
Returns true if analyzer can perform its function (e.g. data is loaded & non-empty).
Override returns true if all enabled analyzers in the chain can analyze.
=item enabled
$bool = $anl->enabled(\%opts);
Returns $anl-E<gt>{enabled} and (disjunction over all sub-analyzers).
=item initInfo
undef = $anl->initInfo();
Logs initialization info.
Default method reports values of {label}, enabled().
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Chain: Methods: Analysis: API
=head2 Methods: Analysis: API
=over 4
=item analyzeTypes
$doc = $ach->analyzeTypes($doc,$types,\%opts);
Perform type-wise analysis of all (text) types in $doc-E<gt>{types}.
Chain default calls $a-E<gt>analyzeTypes for each analyzer $a in the chain.
=item analyzeSentences
$doc = $ach->analyzeSentences($doc,\%opts);
Perform sentence-wise analysis of all sentences $doc-E<gt>{body}[$si].
Chain default calls $a-E<gt>analyzeSentences for each analyzer $a in the chain.
=item analyzeLocal
$doc = $ach->analyzeLocal($doc,\%opts);
Perform local document-level analysis of $doc.
Chain default calls $a-E<gt>analyzeLocal for each analyzer $a in the chain.
=item analyzeClean
$doc = $ach->analyzeClean($doc,\%opts);
Cleanup any temporary data associated with $doc.
Chain default calls $a-E<gt>analyzeClean for each analyzer $a in the chain,
then superclass Analyzer-E<gt>analyzeClean.
## END POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl
## Footer
=head1 AUTHOR
Bryan Jurish E<lt>moocow@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 by Bryan Jurish
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
=head1 SEE ALSO