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use strict;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw/register_error_responses error_response/;
use Params::ValidationCompiler 'validation_for';
use Types::Standard qw/ StrMatch Maybe HashRef CodeRef Str Any /;
my $_error_code_to_status_map = {
xmlrpc => {default => 200},
jsonrpc => {default => 200},
restrpc => {default => 500},
sub register_error_responses {
shift if $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__;
my $plugin_re = Dancer::RPCPlugin::PluginNames->new->regex;
my ($plugin, $status_map, $handler_name, $error_handler) = validation_for(
params => [
{ type => StrMatch [$plugin_re], optional => 0 },
{ type => HashRef, optional => 0 },
{ type => Maybe [Str], optional => 1 },
{ type => Maybe [CodeRef], optional => 1 },
# maybe this is an update, so only touch the values mentioned
for my $error_code (keys %$status_map) {
$_error_code_to_status_map->{$plugin}{$error_code} = $status_map->{$error_code};
if (@_ > 2 && ref($error_handler) eq 'CODE') {
no strict 'refs';
*{"$handler_name"} = $error_handler;
sub error_response {
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %self = validation_for(
params => {
error_code => { type => Str, optional => 0 },
error_message => { type => Str, optional => 0 },
error_data => { type => Maybe [Any], optional => 1 },
return bless(\%self, $class);
sub error_code { $_[0]->{error_code} }
sub error_message { $_[0]->{error_message} }
sub error_data { exists $_[0]->{error_data} ? $_[0]->{error_data} : undef }
sub return_status {
my $self = shift;
my $check_plugins = Dancer::RPCPlugin::PluginNames->new->regex;
my ($plugin) = validation_for(
params => [
{ type => StrMatch [$check_plugins], optional => 0 },
my $default = $_error_code_to_status_map->{$plugin}{default} // 200;
my $http_status = $_error_code_to_status_map->{$plugin}
->{ $self->error_code } // $default;
return $http_status;
sub as_xmlrpc_fault {
my $self = shift;
return {
faultCode => $self->error_code,
faultString => $self->error_message,
sub as_jsonrpc_error {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->error_data;
return {
error => {
code => $self->error_code,
message => $self->error_message,
($data ? (data => $data) : ()),
sub as_restrpc_error {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->error_data;
return {
error => {
code => $self->error_code,
message => $self->error_message,
($data ? (data => $data) : ()),
=head1 NAME
Dancer::RPCPlugin::ErrorResponse - Interface to pass error-responses without knowlage of the protocol
use Dancer::RPCPlugin::ErrorResponse;
sub handle_rpc_call {
return error_response(
error_code => 42,
error_message => 'That went belly-up',
=head2 error_response(%parameters)
Factory function that retuns an instantiated L<Dancer::RPCPlugin::ErrorResponse>.
=head3 Parameters
=item error_code => $error_code [required]
=item error_message => $error_message [required]
=item error_data => $error_data [optional]
=head3 Responses
An instance or an exception from L<Params::ValidationCompiler>.
=head2 register_error_responses($protocol => \%error_code_to_status_map)
xmlrpc => {
default => 200,
restish => {
default => 500,
-32700 => 400,
-32701 => 400,
-32702 => 400,
-32600 => 400,
=head2 Dancer::RPCPlugin::ErrorResponse->new(%parameters)
=head3 Parameters
=item error_code => $error_code [required]
=item error_message => $error_message [required]
=item error_data => $error_data [optional]
=head3 Responses
An instance or an exception from L<Params::ValidationCompiler>.
=head2 $er->return_status
Method that returns the HTTP status code from the map provided in
=head2 $er->error_code
Getter for the C<error_code> attribute.
=head2 $er->error_message
Getter for the C<error_message> attribute.
=head2 $er->error_data
Getter for the C<error_data> attribute.
=head2 $er->as_jsonrpc_error
Returns a data-structure for the use in the C<error> field of a jsonrpc response.
=head2 $er->as_restrpc_error
Returns a data-structure like the C<error-field> in a JSONRPC2 error response.
=head2 $er->as_xmlrpc_fault
Returns a data-structure for the use as a C<fault> response in XMLRPC.
(c) MMXVII - Abe Timmerman <>