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use strict;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw/ flatten_data /;
sub flatten_data {
my $to_flatten = shift;
my $ref_check = ref($to_flatten);
if (blessed($to_flatten)) {
$ref_check = $to_flatten->isa('HASH')
? 'HASH'
: $to_flatten->isa('ARRAY')
if ($ref_check eq 'HASH') {
my $flat = {
map {
$_ => flatten_data($to_flatten->{$_})
} keys %$to_flatten
return $flat;
elsif ($ref_check eq 'ARRAY') {
my $flat = [
map { flatten_data($_) } @$to_flatten
return $flat;
elsif ($ref_check eq 'SCALAR') {
return $$to_flatten;
else {
return $to_flatten;
=head1 NAME
Dancer::RPCPlugin::DataFlatten - Simple routine to flatten (blessed) data
use Dancer::RPCPlugin::DataFlatten;
my $data = bless({some => 'data'}, 'AnyClass');
my $flat = flatten_data($data); # {some => 'data'}
=head2 flatten_data($any_data)
This makes a deep-copy of the datastructure presented.
=head3 Arguments
Only the first argument is considered.
=head3 Response
A deep copy of the data structure presented.
(c) MMXVII - Abe Timmerman <>.