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use strict;
$Device::RFXCOM::Response::VERSION = '1.163170';
# ABSTRACT: Device::RFXCOM::Response class for data from RFXCOM receiver
use 5.006;
use Carp qw/croak/;
sub new {
my ($pkg, %p) = @_;
bless { %p }, $pkg;
sub type { shift->{type} }
sub header_byte { shift->{header_byte} }
sub master { shift->{master} }
sub hex_data { unpack 'H*', shift->data }
sub data { shift->{data} }
sub length { length shift->data }
sub bytes { shift->{bytes} }
sub messages { shift->{messages} || [] }
sub duplicate { shift->{duplicate} }
sub summary {
my $self = shift;
my $str = join "\n ", map { $_->summary } @{$self->messages};
sprintf('%s %s %02x.%s%s%s',
$self->master ? 'master' : 'slave',
$self->duplicate ? '(dup)' : '',
$str =~ /\n/ ? ":\n ".$str : $str ne '' ? ': '.$str : '');
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Device::RFXCOM::Response - Device::RFXCOM::Response class for data from RFXCOM receiver
=head1 VERSION
version 1.163170
# see Device::RFXCOM::RX
Base class for RFXCOM response modules.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<new(%params)>
This constructor returns a new response object.
=head2 C<type()>
This method returns the type of the response. It will be one of:
=item unknown
for a message that could not be decoded
=item version
for a response to a version check request
=item mode
for a response to a mode setting request
=item empty
for an empty message
or it will be a string representing the type of device from which the
message originated.
=head2 C<header_byte()>
This method returns the header byte contains the length in buts and
master/slave flag for the message.
=head2 C<master()>
This method returns true of the message originated from the master
receiver or false of it originated from a slave receiver.
=head2 C<hex_data()>
This method returns a hex string representing the payload of the RF
=head2 C<data()>
This method returns the binary string of the payload of the RF
=head2 C<length()>
This method returns the length of the payload of the RF message (in bytes).
=head2 C<bytes()>
This method returns an array reference of bytes representing the
payload of the RF message.
=head2 C<messages()>
This method returns an array reference of message objects generated
from the payload.
=head2 C<duplicate()>
This method returns a true value if the message was identical to another
sent recently.
=head2 C<summary()>
This method returns a string summary of the contents of the RF message.
(If there are multiple message objects produced from the payload then
this may be a multiline string.)
=head1 THANKS
Special thanks to RFXCOM, L<>, for their
excellent documentation and for giving me permission to use it to help
me write this code. I own a number of their products and highly
recommend them.
=head1 SEE ALSO
RFXCOM website:
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Hindess <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Mark Hindess.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.