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package Dist::Mgr;
use strict;
use version;
use Capture::Tiny qw(:all);
use Carp qw(croak cluck);
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
use Dist::Mgr::FileData qw(:all);
use Dist::Mgr::Git qw(:all);
use File::Copy::Recursive qw(rmove_glob);
use File::Path qw(make_path rmtree);
use JSON;
use PPI;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
all => [@EXPORT_OK],
private => _export_private(),
our $VERSION = '1.13';
use constant {
CONFIG_FILE => 'dist-mgr.json',
GITHUB_CI_FILE => 'github_ci_default.yml',
GITHUB_CI_PATH => '.github/workflows/',
CHANGES_FILE => 'Changes',
CHANGES_ORIG_SHA => '97624d56464d7254ef5577e4a0c8a098d6c6d9e6', # Module::Starter version
DEFAULT_DIR => 'lib/',
MAKE => $^O =~ /win32/i ? 'gmake' : 'make',
# Public
sub add_bugtracker {
my ($author, $repo, $makefile) = @_;
if (! defined $author || ! defined $repo) {
croak("Usage: add_bugtracker(\$author, \$repository_name)\n");
$makefile //= 'Makefile.PL';
_makefile_insert_bugtracker($author, $repo, $makefile);
sub add_repository {
my ($author, $repo, $makefile) = @_;
if (! defined $author || ! defined $repo) {
croak("Usage: add_repository(\$author, \$repository_name)\n");
$makefile //= 'Makefile.PL';
_makefile_insert_repository($author, $repo, $makefile);
sub changes {
my ($module, $file) = @_;
croak("changes() needs a module parameter") if ! defined $module;
$file //= 'Changes';
# Overwrite the Changes file if there aren't any dates in it
my @contents;
my $changes_date_count = 0;
if (-e $file) {
my ($contents, $tie) = _changes_tie($file);
$changes_date_count = grep /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/, $contents;
untie $tie;
if (! -e $file || ! $changes_date_count) {
my @contents = _changes_file($module);
_changes_write_file($file, \@contents);
return @contents;
sub changes_bump {
my ($version, $file) = @_;
croak("changes_bump() requires a version sent in") if ! defined $version;
$file //= 'Changes';
my ($contents, $tie) = _changes_tie($file);
for (0..$#$contents) {
if ($contents->[$_] =~ /^\d+\.\d+\s+/) {
$contents->[$_-1] = "\n$version UNREL\n -\n\n";
untie $tie;
sub changes_date {
my ($file) = @_;
$file //= 'Changes';
my ($contents, $tie) = _changes_tie($file);
my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime)[3, 4, 5];
$y += 1900;
$m += 1;
$m = "0$m" if length $m == 1;
$d = "0$d" if length $d == 1;
for (0..$#$contents) {
if ($contents->[$_] =~ /^(.*)\s+UNREL/) {
$contents->[$_] = "$1 $y-$m-$d";
untie $tie;
sub ci_badges {
if (scalar @_ < 2) {
croak("ci_badges() needs \$author and \$repo sent in");
my ($author, $repo, $fs_entry) = @_;
$fs_entry //= DEFAULT_DIR;
my $exit = 0;
for (_module_find_files($fs_entry)) {
$exit = -1 if _module_insert_ci_badges($author, $repo, $_) == -1;
return $exit;
sub ci_github {
my ($os) = @_;
if (defined $os && ref $os ne 'ARRAY') {
croak("\$os parameter to ci_github() must be an array ref");
# Add the CI file to MANIFEST.SKIP
if (-e 'MANIFEST.SKIP') {
open my $fh, '<', 'MANIFEST.SKIP'
or croak("Can't open MANIFEST.SKIP for reading");
my @makefile_skip_contents = <$fh>;
if (grep !m|\.github$|, @makefile_skip_contents) {
close $fh;
open my $wfh, '>>', 'MANIFEST.SKIP'
or croak("Can't open MANIFEST.SKIP for writing");
print $wfh '^\.github/';
else {
open my $wfh, '>>', 'MANIFEST.SKIP'
or croak("Can't open MANIFEST.SKIP for writing");
print $wfh '^\.github/';
my @contents = _ci_github_file($os);
return @contents;
sub config {
my ($args, $file) = @_;
if (! defined $args) {
croak("config() requires \$args hash reference parameter");
elsif (ref $args ne 'HASH') {
croak("\$args parameter must be a hash reference.");
$file = config_file() if ! defined $file;
my $conf;
if (-e $file && -f $file) {
local $/;
open my $fh, '<', $file or croak "Can't open config file $file: $!";
my $json = <$fh>;
$conf = decode_json $json;
for (keys %{ $conf }) {
delete $conf->{$_} if $conf->{$_} eq '';
else {
# No config file present
_config_file_write($file, _config_file());
print "\nGenerated new configuration file: $file\n";
%{ $args } = (%{ $args }, %{ $conf }) if $conf;
return $args;
sub config_file {
my $file = $^O =~ /win32/i
return $file;
sub copyright_bump {
my ($fs_entry) = @_;
$fs_entry //= DEFAULT_POD_DIR;
my ($year) = (localtime)[5];
$year += 1900;
my @pod_files = _pod_find_files($fs_entry);
my %info;
for my $pod_file (@pod_files) {
my ($contents, $tie) = _pod_tie($pod_file);
for (0 .. $#$contents) {
if ($contents->[$_] =~ /^(Copyright\s+)\d{4}(\s+.*)/) {
$contents->[$_] = "$1$year$2";
$info{$pod_file} = $year;
untie $tie;
return \%info;
sub copyright_info {
my ($fs_entry) = @_;
$fs_entry //= DEFAULT_POD_DIR;
my @pod_files = _pod_find_files($fs_entry);
my %copyright_info;
for my $file (@pod_files) {
my $copyright = _pod_extract_file_copyright($file);
next if ! defined $copyright || $copyright !~ /^\d{4}$/;
$copyright_info{$file} = $copyright if defined $copyright;
return \%copyright_info;
sub cpan_upload {
my ($dist_file_name, %args) = @_;
if (! defined $dist_file_name) {
croak("cpan_upload() requires the name of a distribution file sent in");
if (! -f $dist_file_name) {
croak("File name sent to cpan_upload() isn't a valid file");
$args{user} //= $args{cpan_id};
$args{password} //= $args{cpan_pw};
$args{user} = $ENV{CPAN_USERNAME} if ! $args{user};
$args{password} = $ENV{CPAN_PASSWORD} if ! $args{password};
if (! $args{user} || ! $args{password}) {
croak("\ncpan_upload() requires --cpan_id and --cpan_pw");
if ($args{dry_run}) {
print "\nCPAN upload is in dry run mode... nothing will be uploaded\n";
print "\nSuccessfully uploaded $dist_file_name to the CPAN\n";
return %args;
sub git_add {
sub git_ignore {
my ($dir) = @_;
$dir //= '.';
my @content = _git_ignore_file();
_git_ignore_write_file($dir, \@content);
return @content;
sub git_commit {
sub git_clone {
sub git_push {
sub git_pull {
sub git_release {
sub git_repo {
sub git_status_differs {
sub git_tag {
sub init {
my (%args) = @_;
my $cwd = getcwd();
if ($cwd =~ _dist_dir_re()) {
croak "Can't run init() while in the '$cwd' directory";
$args{license} = 'artistic2' if ! exists $args{license};
$args{builder} = 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker';
for (qw(modules author email)) {
if (! exists $args{$_}) {
croak("init() requires '$_' in the parameter hash");
if (ref $args{modules} ne 'ARRAY') {
croak("init()'s 'modules' parameter must be an array reference");
if ($args{verbose}) {
delete $args{verbose};
else {
capture_merged {
my ($module) = (@{ $args{modules} })[0];
my $module_file = $module;
$module_file =~ s/::/\//g;
$module_file = "lib/$module_file.pm";
my $module_dir = $module;
$module_dir =~ s/::/-/g;
chdir $module_dir or croak("Can't change into directory '$module_dir'");
unlink $module_file
or croak("Can't delete the Module::Starter module '$module_file': $!");
_module_write_template($module_file, $module, $args{author}, $args{email});
chdir '..' or croak "Can't change into original directory";
sub manifest_skip {
my ($dir) = @_;
$dir //= '.';
my @content = _manifest_skip_file();
_manifest_skip_write_file($dir, \@content);
return @content;
sub manifest_t {
my ($dir) = @_;
$dir //= './t';
my @content = _manifest_t_file();
_manifest_t_write_file($dir, \@content);
return @content;
sub move_distribution_files {
my ($module) = @_;
if (! defined $module) {
croak("_move_distribution_files() requires a module name sent in");
my $module_dir = $module;
$module_dir =~ s/::/-/g;
my @move_count = rmove_glob("$module_dir/*", '.')
or croak("Can't move files from the '$module_dir' directory: $!");
my $dist_count = _default_distribution_file_count();
for my $outer_idx (0..$#move_count) {
my $outer = $move_count[$outer_idx];
for my $inner_idx (0..$#$outer) {
my $inner = $move_count[$outer_idx][$inner_idx];
for (0..$#$inner) {
if ($inner->[$_] != $dist_count->[$outer_idx][$inner_idx][$_]) {
croak("Results from the move are mismatched... bailing out");
rmtree $module_dir or croak("Couldn't remove the '$module_dir' directory");
return 0;
sub remove_unwanted_files {
for (_unwanted_filesystem_entries()) {
rmtree $_;
return 0;
sub make_dist {
my ($verbose) = @_;
my $cmd = "${\MAKE} dist";
$verbose ? `$cmd` : capture_merged {`$cmd`};
if ($? != 0) {
croak("Exit code $? returned... '${\MAKE} dist' failed");
return $?;
sub make_distclean {
my ($verbose) = @_;
my $cmd = "${\MAKE} distclean";
$verbose ? print `$cmd` : capture_merged {`$cmd`};
if ($? != 0) {
croak("Exit code $? returned... '${\MAKE} distclean' failed\n");
return $?;
sub make_manifest {
my ($verbose) = @_;
if ($verbose) {
if (-f 'MANIFEST') {
unlink 'MANIFEST' or die "make_manifest() Couldn't remove MANIFEST\n";
print `$^X Makefile.PL`;
print `${\MAKE} manifest`;
else {
capture_merged {
if (-f 'MANIFEST') {
unlink 'MANIFEST' or die "make_manifest() Couldn't remove MANIFEST\n";
`$^X Makefile.PL`;
`${\MAKE} manifest`;
if ($? != 0) {
croak("Exit code $? returned... '${\MAKE} manifest' failed\n");
return $?;
sub make_test {
my ($verbose) = @_;
if ($verbose) {
print `$^X Makefile.PL`;
print `${\MAKE} test`;
capture_merged {
`$^X Makefile.PL`;
`${\MAKE} test`;
if ($? != 0) {
croak("Exit code $? returned... '${\MAKE} test' failed\n");
return $?;
sub version_bump {
my ($version, $fs_entry) = @_;
my $dry_run = 0;
if (defined $version && $version =~ /^-/) {
print "\nDry run\n\n";
$version =~ s/-//;
$dry_run = 1;
$fs_entry //= DEFAULT_DIR;
my @module_files = _module_find_files($fs_entry);
my %files;
for (@module_files) {
my $current_version = _module_extract_file_version($_);
my $version_line = _module_extract_file_version_line($_);
my @file_contents = _module_fetch_file_contents($_);
if (! defined $version_line) {
if (! defined $current_version) {
if (version->parse($current_version) >= version->parse($version)) {
"Your new version $version must be greater than the current " .
"one, $current_version"
my $mem_file;
open my $wfh, '>', \$mem_file or croak("Can't open mem file!: $!");
for my $line (@file_contents) {
chomp $line;
if ($line eq $version_line) {
$line =~ s/$current_version/$version/;
$line .= "\n";
# Write out the line to the in-memory temp file
print $wfh $line;
$files{$_}{from} = $current_version;
$files{$_}{to} = $version;
close $wfh;
$files{$_}{dry_run} = $dry_run;
$files{$_}{content} = $mem_file;
if (! $dry_run) {
# Write out the actual file
_module_write_file($_, $mem_file);
return \%files;
sub version_incr {
my ($version) = @_;
croak("version_incr() needs a version number sent in") if ! defined $version;
my $incremented_version;
return sprintf("%.2f", $version + '0.01');
sub version_info {
my ($fs_entry) = @_;
$fs_entry //= DEFAULT_DIR;
my @module_files = _module_find_files($fs_entry);
my %version_info;
for (@module_files) {
my $version = _module_extract_file_version($_);
$version_info{$_} = $version;
return \%version_info;
# Changes file related
sub _changes_tie {
# Ties the Changes file to an array
my ($changes) = @_;
croak("_changes_tie() needs a Changes file name sent in") if ! defined $changes;
my $tie = tie my @changes, 'Tie::File', $changes;
return (\@changes, $tie);
sub _changes_write_file {
# Writes out the custom Changes file
my ($file, $content) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', $file or cluck("Can't open file $file: $!");
for (@$content) {
print $fh "$_\n"
close $fh;
return 0;
# CI related
sub _ci_github_write_file {
# Writes out the Github Actions config file
my ($contents) = @_;
if (ref $contents ne 'ARRAY') {
croak("_ci_github_write_file() requires an array ref of contents");
my $ci_file //= GITHUB_CI_PATH . GITHUB_CI_FILE;
make_path(GITHUB_CI_PATH) if ! -d GITHUB_CI_PATH;
open my $fh, '>', $ci_file or croak $!;
print $fh "$_\n" for @$contents;
# Configuration related
sub _config_file_write {
my ($file, $contents) = @_;
if (ref $contents ne 'HASH') {
croak("_config_file_write() requires a hash ref of contents");
my $jobj = JSON->new;
my $json = $jobj->pretty->encode($contents);
open my $fh, '>', $file or croak "Can't open config $file for writing: $!";
print $fh $json;
# Distribution related
sub _default_distribution_file_count {
# Returns the file count in a distribution
# This is used to ensure everything moved OK
return [
[ [1, 0, 0] ],
[ [1, 0, 0] ],
[ [3, 2, 0] ],
[ [1, 0, 0] ],
[ [1, 0, 0] ],
[ [1, 0, 0] ],
[ [5, 1, 0] ],
[ [2, 1, 0] ],
# Git related
sub _git_ignore_write_file {
# Writes out the .gitignore file
my ($dir, $content) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', "$dir/.gitignore" or croak $!;
for (@$content) {
print $fh "$_\n"
return 0;
# Makefile related
sub _makefile_tie {
# Ties the Makefile.PL file to an array
my ($mf) = @_;
croak("_makefile_tie() needs a Makefile name sent in") if ! defined $mf;
my $tie = tie my @mf, 'Tie::File', $mf;
return (\@mf, $tie);
sub _makefile_insert_meta_merge {
# Inserts the META_MERGE section into Makefile.PL
my ($mf) = @_;
croak("_makefile_insert_meta_merge() needs a Makefile tie sent in") if ! defined $mf;
# Check to ensure we're not duplicating
return if grep /META_MERGE/, @$mf;
for (0..$#$mf) {
if ($mf->[$_] =~ /MIN_PERL_VERSION/) {
splice @$mf, $_+1, 0, _makefile_section_meta_merge();
sub _makefile_insert_bugtracker {
# Inserts bugtracker information into Makefile.PL
my ($author, $repo, $makefile) = @_;
if (! defined $makefile) {
croak("_makefile_insert_bugtracker() needs author, repo and makefile");
my ($mf, $tie) = _makefile_tie($makefile);
return -1 if grep /bugtracker/, @$mf;
if (grep ! /META_MERGE/, @$mf) {
for (0..$#$mf) {
if ($mf->[$_] =~ /resources => \{/) {
splice @$mf, $_+1, 0, _makefile_section_bugtracker($author, $repo);
untie $tie;
return 0;
sub _makefile_insert_repository {
# Inserts repository information to Makefile.PL
my ($author, $repo, $makefile) = @_;
if (! defined $makefile) {
croak("_makefile_insert_repository() needs author, repo and makefile");
my ($mf, $tie) = _makefile_tie($makefile);
return -1 if grep /repository/, @$mf;
if (grep ! /META_MERGE/, @$mf) {
for (0..$#$mf) {
if ($mf->[$_] =~ /resources => \{/) {
splice @$mf, $_+1, 0, _makefile_section_repo($author, $repo);
untie $tie;
return 0;
# MANIFEST related
sub _manifest_skip_write_file {
# Writes out the MANIFEST.SKIP file
my ($dir, $content) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', "$dir/MANIFEST.SKIP" or croak $!;
for (@$content) {
print $fh "$_\n"
return 0;
sub _manifest_t_write_file {
# Writes out the t/manifest.t test file
my ($dir, $content) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', "$dir/manifest.t"
or croak("Can't open t/manifest.t for writing: $!\n");
for (@$content) {
print $fh "$_\n"
return 0;
# Module related
sub _module_extract_file_version {
# Extracts the version number from a module's $VERSION definition line
my ($module_file) = @_;
my $version_line = _module_extract_file_version_line($module_file);
if (defined $version_line) {
if ($version_line =~ /=(.*)$/) {
my $ver = $1;
$ver =~ s/\s+//g;
$ver =~ s/;//g;
$ver =~ s/[a-zA-Z]+//g;
$ver =~ s/"//g;
$ver =~ s/'//g;
if (! defined eval { version->parse($ver); 1 }) {
warn("$_: Can't find a valid version\n");
return undef;
return $ver;
else {
warn("$_: Can't find a \$VERSION definition\n");
return undef;
sub _module_extract_file_version_line {
# Extracts the $VERSION definition line from a module file
my ($module_file) = @_;
my $doc = PPI::Document->new($module_file);
my $token = $doc->find(
sub {
and $_[1]->content =~ /\$VERSION/;
return undef if ref $token ne 'ARRAY';
my $version_line = $token->[0]->content;
return $version_line;
sub _module_fetch_file_contents {
# Fetches the file contents of a module file
my ($file) = @_;
open my $fh, '<', $file
or croak("Can't open file '$file' for reading!: $!");
my @contents = <$fh>;
close $fh;
return @contents;
sub _module_find_files {
# Finds module files
my ($fs_entry, $module) = @_;
$fs_entry //= DEFAULT_DIR;
if (defined $module) {
$module =~ s/::/\//g;
$module .= '.pm';
else {
$module = '*.pm';
return File::Find::Rule->file()
sub _module_insert_ci_badges {
# Inserts the CI and Coveralls badges into POD
my ($author, $repo, $module_file) = @_;
my ($mf, $tie) = _module_tie($module_file);
return -1 if grep /badge\.svg/, @$mf;
for (0..$#$mf) {
if ($mf->[$_] =~ /^=head1 NAME/) {
splice @$mf, $_+3, 0, _module_section_ci_badges($author, $repo);
untie $tie;
return 0;
sub _module_tie {
# Ties a module file to an array
my ($mod_file) = @_;
croak("Acme-STEVEB() needs a module file name sent in") if ! defined $mod_file;
my $tie = tie my @mf, 'Tie::File', $mod_file;
return (\@mf, $tie);
sub _module_write_file {
# Writes out a Perl module file
my ($module_file, $content) = @_;
open my $wfh, '>', $module_file or croak("Can't open '$module_file' for writing!: $!");
print $wfh $content;
close $wfh or croak("Can't close the temporary memory module file!: $!");
sub _module_write_template {
# Writes out our custom module template after init()
my ($module_file, $module, $author, $email) = @_;
if (! defined $module_file) {
croak("_module_write_template() needs the module's file name sent in");
if (! defined $module || ! defined $author || ! defined $email) {
croak("_module_template_file() requires 'module', 'author' and 'email' parameters");
my @content = _module_template_file($module, $author, $email);
open my $wfh, '>', $module_file or croak("Can't open '$module_file' for writing!: $!");
print $wfh "$_\n" for @content;
# POD related
sub _pod_extract_file_copyright {
# Extracts the copyright year from POD
my ($module_file) = @_;
my $copyright_line = _pod_extract_file_copyright_line($module_file);
if (defined $copyright_line) {
if ($copyright_line =~ /^Copyright\s+(\d{4})\s+\w+/) {
return $1;
else {
warn("$_: Can't find a Copyright definition\n");
return undef;
sub _pod_extract_file_copyright_line {
# Extracts the Copyright line from a module file
my ($pod_file) = @_;
open my $fh, '<', $pod_file or croak("Can't open POD file $pod_file: $!");
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^Copyright\s+\d{4}\s+\w+/) {
return $_;
sub _pod_find_files {
# Finds POD files
my ($fs_entry) = @_;
$fs_entry //= DEFAULT_POD_DIR;
return File::Find::Rule->file()
->name('*.pod', '*.pm', '*.pl')
sub _pod_tie {
# Ties a POD file to an array
my ($pod_file) = @_;
croak("_pod_tie() needs a POD file name sent in") if ! defined $pod_file;
my $tie = tie my @pf, 'Tie::File', $pod_file;
return (\@pf, $tie);
# Validation related
sub _dist_dir_re {
# Capture permutations of the distribution directory for various
# CPAN testers
# Use YAPE::Regex::Explain for details
return qr/dist-mgr(?:-\d+\.\d+)?(?:-\w+|_\d+)?$/i;
sub _validate_git {
my $sep = $^O =~ /win32/i ? ';' : ':';
return grep {-x "$_/git" } split /$sep/, $ENV{PATH};
sub _validate_fs_entry {
# Validates a file system entry as valid
my ($fs_entry) = @_;
cluck("Need name of dir or file!") if ! defined $fs_entry;
return FSTYPE_IS_DIR if -d $fs_entry;
return FSTYPE_IS_FILE if -f $fs_entry;
croak("File system entry '$fs_entry' is invalid");
sub _validate_version {
# Parses a version number to ensure it is valid
my ($version) = @_;
croak("version parameter must be supplied!") if ! defined $version;
if (! defined eval { version->parse($version); 1 }) {
croak("The version number '$version' specified is invalid");
# Miscellaneous
sub _export_private {
return \@EXPORT_OK;
sub __placeholder {}
=head1 AUTHOR
Steve Bertrand, C<< <steveb at cpan.org> >>
Copyright 2022 Steve Bertrand.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a
copy of the full license at: