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use strict;
use Date::Calc qw( check_date );
# Functions #
sub new {
my ( $class, $opt ) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
# populate self with data from site
return( $self );
} # end new
# is_date( $date )
sub is_date {
my( $self, $date ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $date );
return( 0 ) if ( $date !~ /^\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}-\d{4}$/ );
my ( $month, $day, $year ) = split( '-', $date );
return( 0 ) if ( ! check_date( $year, $month, $day ) );
return( 1 );
} # END is_date
# is_email( $email )
sub is_email {
my( $self, $email ) = ( shift, shift );
if ( Mail::RFC822::Address::valid( $email ) ) {
return 1;
return 0;
} # END is_email
# is_float( $float )
sub is_float {
my( $self, $float ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $float );
return( 1 ) if ( $self->is_integer( $float ) );
return( 0 ) if ( $float !~ /^-?\d+\.\d+$/ );
return( 1 );
} # END is_float
# is_ident( $ident )
sub is_ident {
my ( $self, $ident ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $ident );
return( 0 ) if ( ! $self->is_text( $ident ) );
return( 0 ) if ( $ident =~ /\s/ );
return( 1 );
} # END is_ident
# is_integer( $int )
sub is_integer {
my( $self, $int ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $int );
return( 0 ) if ( $int !~ /^-?\d+$/ );
return( 1 );
} # END is_integer
# is_ip( $ip )
sub is_ip {
my ( $self, $ip ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $ip );
return( 0 ) if ( $ip !~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/ );
return( 1 );
} # END is_ip
# is_mac( $mac )
sub is_mac {
my( $self, $mac ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $mac );
# prolly needs to check more ...
return( 0 ) if ( $mac !~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f:\.\-\ ]+$/m );
return( 1 );
} # END is_mac
# is_number( $number )
sub is_number {
my( $self, $number ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $number );
return( 1 ) if ( $self->is_integer( $number ) );
return( 1 ) if ( $self->is_float( $number ) );
return( 0 );
} # END is_number
# is_text( $text )
sub is_text {
my ( $self, $text ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $text );
return( 0 ) if ( length( $text ) < 1 );
return( 1 );
} # END is_text
# is_time( $time )
sub is_time {
my ( $self, $time ) = ( shift, shift );
return( 0 ) if ( ! defined $time );
return( 0 ) if ( $time !~ /^\d+:\d+(:\d+)?$/ );
my ( $hours, $minutes, $seconds ) = split( ':', $time );
return( 0 ) if ( ( $hours < 0 ) || ( $hours > 23 ) );
return( 0 ) if ( ( $minutes < 0 ) || ( $minutes > 59 ) );
if ( defined $seconds ) {
return( 0 ) if ( ( $seconds < 0 ) || ( $seconds > 59 ) );
return( 1 );
} # END is_time
=head1 NAME
Gantry::Utils::Validate - Validates input values.
$chk = Gantry::Utils::Validate->new();
if ( $chk->is_date( $date ) )
if ( $chk->is_email( $email ) )
if ( $chk->is_float( $float ) )
if ( $chk->is_ident( $ident ) )
if ( $chk->is_integer( $integer ) )
if ( $chk->is_ip( $ip ) )
if ( $chk->is_mac( $mac ) )
if ( $chk->is_number( $number ) )
if ( $chk->is_text( $text ) )
if ( $chk->is_time( $time ) )
This module allows the validation of many common types of input.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item new
Standard constructor, call it first. It takes nothing.
=item is_date( $date )
This function takes a date, C<$date>, and verifies that it is indeed a valid
date. The date must be of the form "MM-DD-YYYY". The function returns
either '1' or '0'.
=item is_email( $email )
This function checks to see if C<$email> is a valid email address. It checks
only the form of the email address and not if the username or the domain
exist. The function returns either '1' or '0'.
=item is_float( $float )
This function checks to see if C<$float> is a valid floating point number.
The function returns either '1' or '0'.
=item is_ident( $ident )
This function checks to see if C<$ident> is a valid text ident. This
means it has text, and none of the text is a space. The function
returns either '1' or '0'.
=item is_integer( $integer )
This function checks to see if C<$integer> is in fact a valid integer number.
The function returns either '1' or '0'.
=item is_ip( $ip )
This function checks to see if C<$ip> is a valid ip address. The function
returns either '1' or '0'.
=item is_mac( $mac )
This function checks to see if C<$mac> contains the valid characters
for a MAC address. It does not currently check to see if the MAC address
is of the proper length. The function returns either '1' or '0'.
=item is_number( $number )
This function checks to see if C<$number> is a valid number. It does this
by checking if it passes C<is_integer()> or C<is_float()>. The function
returns eiter a '1' or a '0'.
=item is_text( $text )
This function checks to see if C<$text> does contain text. This is a
fairly broad range of things mainly it must be defined and have a length
that is greater than 0. The function returns either a '1' or a '0'.
=item is_time( $time )
This function checks to see if C<$time> does contain a valid time. A
valid date is in military time ( 0-23:0-59 ) seconds are optional.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Gantry(3), Date::Calc(3)
This module depends on Date::Calc(3) for the is_date validation.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tim Keefer <>
Nicholas Studt <>
Copyright (c) 2005-6, Tim Keefer.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.