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use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.02';
use Carp qw(croak);
# Auto generate the stdout() and stderr() methods, and their private
# helper counterparts
no strict 'refs';
for ('stdout', 'stderr') {
my $sub_name = $_; # We need to make a copy
# Public
*$_ = sub {
my ($self) = @_;
if (! wantarray) {
warn "Calling $sub_name() in non-list context is deprecated!\n";
return defined $self->{$sub_name}{data}
? split /\n/, $self->{$sub_name}{data}
: @{[ () ]}; # Empty list
# Private
my $private_sub_name = "_$sub_name";
*$private_sub_name = sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $HANDLE = uc $sub_name;
open $self->{$sub_name}{handle}, '>&', $HANDLE
or croak("can't hook " . uc $sub_name . ": $!");
close $HANDLE;
open $HANDLE, '>>', \$self->{$sub_name}{data} or croak($!);
sub new {
my %struct = map { $_ => {_struct()} } qw(stderr stdout);
return bless \%struct, $_[0];
sub hook {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
$_ eq 'stderr' ? $self->_stderr : $self->_stdout for _handles($handle);
sub unhook {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
for (_handles($handle)) {
no strict 'refs'; # To allow a string as STDOUT/STDERR bareword handles
close uc $_;
open uc $_, '>&', $self->{$_}{handle} or croak($!);
# Commenting out include() and exclude(). They're to be used to filter the
# output. They have no docs nor tests yet.
#sub include {
# my ($self, $include) = @_;
# if (defined $include) {
# if (ref $include ne 'ARRAY') {
# croak("include() requires an array of regex objects sent in");
# }
# if (! defined $include->[0]) {
# croak("include() requires at least one regex object within the array reference");
# }
# for (@$include) {
# if (ref $_ ne 'REGEX') {
# croak("include()'s array reference must only contain regex objects");
# }
# }
# $self->{include} = $include;
# }
# return $self->{include} // [];
#sub exclude {
# my ($self, $exclude) = @_;
# if (defined $exclude) {
# if (ref $exclude ne 'ARRAY') {
# croak("exclude() requires an array of regex objects sent in");
# }
# if (! defined $exclude->[0]) {
# croak("exclude() requires at least one regex object within the array reference");
# }
# for (@$exclude) {
# if (ref $_ ne 'REGEX') {
# croak("exclude()'s array reference must only contain regex objects");
# }
# }
# $self->{exclude} = $exclude;
# }
# return $self->{exclude} // [];
sub flush {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
delete $self->{$_}{data} for _handles($handle);
sub write {
my ($self, $fn, $handle) = @_;
if ($fn eq 'stderr' || $fn eq 'stdout'){
croak("write() requires a file name sent in before the handle\n");
for (_handles($handle)){
open my $wfh, '>>', $fn or croak($!);
print $wfh $self->{$_}{data};
close $wfh;
sub _struct {
return (handle => *fh, data => '');
sub _handles {
my ($handle) = @_;
my $sub = (caller(1))[3];
_check_param($sub, $handle) if $handle;
return $handle ? ($handle) : qw(stderr stdout);
sub _check_param {
# validates the $handle param
my ($sub, $handle) = @_;
if (! grep {$handle eq $_} qw(stderr stdout)){
"$sub() either takes 'stderr', 'stdout' or no params\n" .
"You supplied '$handle'\n"
=head1 NAME
Hook::Output::Tiny - Easily enable/disable trapping of STDOUT/STDERR
=for html
use Hook::Output::Tiny;
my $trap = Hook::Output::Tiny->new;
# trap either
my @out = $trap->stdout;
my @err = $trap->stderr;
# untrap either
# trap/untrap both simultaneously
print "blah!\n"; # STDOUT
warn "blah!\n"; # STDERR
# delete all entries from both (can specify individually)
# append to a file (can specify individually)
Extremely lightweight mechanism for trapping C<STDOUT>, C<STDERR> or both.
We save the captured output internally, so on long running applications, memory
usage may become an issue if you don't C<flush()> out or C<write()> out the data.
There are many modules that perform this task. I wrote this one as a learning
exercise, and to make it as small and as simple as possible.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Returns a new L<Hook::Output::Tiny> instance.
=head2 hook
You can send in either C<'stdout'> or C<'stderr'> and we'll trap that data.
If you don't specify an option, we'll trap both (the data remains separated).
=head2 unhook
Send in either C<'stdout'> or C<'stderr'>. If not specified, we'll untrap
=head2 stdout
Returns a list of all the C<STDOUT> entries that have been trapped.
Calling this method in non-list context now throws a warning, and is now
deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
=head2 stderr
Returns a list of all the C<STDERR> entries that have been trapped.
Calling this method in non-list context now throws a warning, and is now
deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
=head2 write($filename, $handle)
Writes to C<$filename> the entries in C<$handle>, where C<$handle> is either
C<stdout> or C<stderr>. If no C<$handle> is specified, we'll write out both
handles to the same file.
We then C<flush()> (ie. delete) the respective handle data until the next
C<write()> or C<flush()>.
=head2 flush
Deletes all data for the handles. Send in either C<'stdout'> or C<'stderr'> to
specify which to delete, otherwise we'll delete both.
=head1 EXAMPLE
Testing scenario...
use Foo::Bar;
use Hook::Output::Tiny;
use Test::More;
my $output = Hook::Output::Tiny->new;
my $thing = Foo::Bar->new;
is ($thing->do(), 1, "thing() ok");
is ($output->stdout, 2, "got expected STDOUT");
is ($output->stderr, 0, "got no STDERR");
my @stdout = $output->stdout;
like ($stdout[0], qr/do() called/, "STDOUT ok");
is ($stdout[1], 'did', "STDOUT said do() 'did'");
@stderr = $output->stderr;
like ($stderr[0], qr/error/, "error() errored properly");
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Capture::Tiny>, the de-facto in-core standard.
=head1 AUTHOR
Steve Bertrand, C<< <steveb at cpan.org> >>
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Hook::Output::Tiny
Copyright 2023 Steve Bertrand.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See L<http://dev.perl.org/licenses/> for more information.