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package Java::Javap;
use strict;
use Carp;
our $VERSION = '0.06';
our $JAVAP_EXECUTABLE = 'javap';
sub get_referenced_typenames {
shift; # invoked through this class, discard our name
my $tree = shift;
my %answers;
for my $type_name ( $tree->{ parent }, @{ $tree->{implements} } ) {
$answers{ $type_name }++ if $type_name;
foreach my $element ( @{ $tree->{contents} } ) {
$answers{ $element->{type}->{name} }++ if $element->{type};
if (my $args = $element->{args}) {
$answers{ $_->{name} }++ for @$args;
# remove own class
delete $answers{ $tree->{java_qualified_name} };
delete $answers{void};
return keys %answers;
sub get_included_types { # XXX change name
my ($class, $tree, $caster) = @_;
my @types = $class->get_referenced_typenames($tree);
return [ grep { not $caster->defined_cast($_) } @types ];
sub javap {
my ($self, $classes, $options) = @_;
$options ||= [];
croak "No classes to be parsed" if not $classes;
$classes = [ $classes ] if not ref $classes;
# Open the real javap executable and read output from it
my @cmd = ($JAVAP_EXECUTABLE, @$options, @$classes);
open(my $javap_fh, '-|', @cmd)
or croak "@cmd failed: $!";
my $javap_output = q{};
local $_;
while (<$javap_fh>) {
$javap_output .= $_;
# When dealing with a pipe, we also want to get errors from close
close $javap_fh
or croak "@cmd failed on close: $!";
return $javap_output;
# Shortcut for the test suite
sub javap_test {
my ($self) = @_;
my $output;
eval { $output = $self->javap(['java.lang.String']) };
return $output ? 1 : 0;
=head1 NAME
Java::Javap - Java to Perl 6 API translator
java2perl6api java.somepackage.Module
See C<java2perl6api> for instructions and advice on use of this module.
This particular module is only a place holder for the version number
of this project (see below).
=head1 METHODS
=head2 get_included_types
Call this as a class method.
Parameters: an abstract syntax tree you got from calling comp_unit
an a C<Java::Javap::Grammar> object.
Returns: an array reference of the types in arguments to methods, or
return values (thrown types are not reported).
=head2 javap
Invokes the C<javap> process and return the output.
Throws an exception if something goes wrong, like C<javap> is
not found.
=head3 Parameters
=item \@classes
List of classes to be decompiled. It can also be supplied as a string,
if a single class should be decompiled.
=item \@options
Options to be passed to the C<javap> process.
=head3 Example
my @classes = ('java.lang.String');
my @options = ();
my $output = Java::Javap->javap(\@classes, \@options);
# or ...
my $output = Java::Javap->javap('java.lang.String');
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item C<java2perl6api>
=item C<Java::Javap::Generator>
=item C<Java::Javap::Generator::Perl6>
=item C<javap.grammar>
=head1 AUTHORS
Philip Crow, E<lt>crow.phil@gmail.comE<gt>
Cosimo Streppone, E<lt>cosimo@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2007 by Philip Crow
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.