The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

$Module::Build::Tiny::VERSION = '0.051';
use strict;
use Exporter 5.57 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw/Build Build_PL/;
use ExtUtils::Config 0.003;
use ExtUtils::Helpers 0.020 qw/make_executable split_like_shell man1_pagename man3_pagename detildefy/;
use ExtUtils::Install qw/pm_to_blib install/;
use File::Basename qw/basename dirname/;
use File::Find ();
use File::Path qw/mkpath rmtree/;
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile catdir rel2abs abs2rel splitdir curdir/;
use Getopt::Long 2.36 qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
use JSON::PP 2 qw/encode_json decode_json/;
sub write_file {
my ($filename, $content) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Could not open $filename: $!\n";
print $fh $content;
sub read_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Could not open $filename: $!\n";
return do { local $/; <$fh> };
sub get_meta {
my ($metafile) = grep { -e $_ } qw/META.json META.yml/ or die "No META information provided\n";
return CPAN::Meta->load_file($metafile);
sub manify {
my ($input_file, $output_file, $section, $opts) = @_;
return if -e $output_file && -M $input_file <= -M $output_file;
my $dirname = dirname($output_file);
mkpath($dirname, $opts->{verbose}) if not -d $dirname;
require Pod::Man;
Pod::Man->new(section => $section)->parse_from_file($input_file, $output_file);
print "Manifying $output_file\n" if $opts->{verbose} && $opts->{verbose} > 0;
sub process_xs {
my ($source, $options, $c_files) = @_;
die "Can't build xs files under --pureperl-only\n" if $options->{'pureperl-only'};
my (undef, @parts) = splitdir(dirname($source));
push @parts, my $file_base = basename($source, '.xs');
my $archdir = catdir(qw/blib arch auto/, @parts);
my $tempdir = 'temp';
my $c_file = catfile($tempdir, "$file_base.c");
mkpath($tempdir, $options->{verbose}, oct '755');
ExtUtils::ParseXS::process_file(filename => $source, prototypes => 0, output => $c_file);
my $version = $options->{meta}->version;
my $builder = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(config => $options->{config}->values_set);
my @objects = $builder->compile(source => $c_file, defines => { VERSION => qq/"$version"/, XS_VERSION => qq/"$version"/ }, include_dirs => [ curdir, 'include', 'src', dirname($source) ]);
my $o = $options->{config}->get('_o');
for my $c_source (@{ $c_files }) {
my $o_file = catfile($tempdir, basename($c_source, '.c') . $o);
push @objects, $builder->compile(source => $c_source, include_dirs => [ curdir, 'include', 'src', dirname($c_source) ])
require DynaLoader;
my $mod2fname = defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname ? \&DynaLoader::mod2fname : sub { return $_[0][-1] };
mkpath($archdir, $options->{verbose}, oct '755') unless -d $archdir;
my $lib_file = catfile($archdir, $mod2fname->(\@parts) . '.' . $options->{config}->get('dlext'));
return $builder->link(objects => \@objects, lib_file => $lib_file, module_name => join '::', @parts);
sub find {
my ($pattern, $dir) = @_;
my @ret;
File::Find::find(sub { push @ret, $File::Find::name if /$pattern/ && -f }, $dir) if -d $dir;
return @ret;
sub contains_pod {
my ($file) = @_;
return unless -T $file;
return read_file($file) =~ /^\=(?:head|pod|item)/m;
my %actions = (
build => sub {
my %opt = @_;
for my $pl_file (find(qr/\.PL$/, 'lib')) {
(my $pm = $pl_file) =~ s/\.PL$//;
system $^X, $pl_file, $pm and die "$pl_file returned $?\n";
my %modules = map { $_ => catfile('blib', $_) } find(qr/\.pm$/, 'lib');
my %docs = map { $_ => catfile('blib', $_) } find(qr/\.pod$/, 'lib');
my %scripts = map { $_ => catfile('blib', $_) } find(qr/(?:)/, 'script');
my %sdocs = map { $_ => delete $scripts{$_} } grep { /.pod$/ } keys %scripts;
my %dist_shared = map { $_ => catfile(qw/blib lib auto share dist/, $opt{meta}->name, abs2rel($_, 'share')) } find(qr/(?:)/, 'share');
my %module_shared = map { $_ => catfile(qw/blib lib auto share module/, abs2rel($_, 'module-share')) } find(qr/(?:)/, 'module-share');
pm_to_blib({ %modules, %docs, %scripts, %dist_shared, %module_shared }, catdir(qw/blib lib auto/));
make_executable($_) for values %scripts;
mkpath(catdir(qw/blib arch/), $opt{verbose});
my $main_xs = join('/', 'lib', split /-/, $opt{meta}->name) . '.xs';
for my $xs (find(qr/.xs$/, 'lib')) {
my @c_files = $xs eq $main_xs ? find(qr/\.c$/, 'src') : ();
process_xs($xs, \%opt, \@c_files);
if ($opt{install_paths}->install_destination('bindoc') && $opt{install_paths}->is_default_installable('bindoc')) {
my $section = $opt{config}->get('man1ext');
for my $input (keys %scripts, keys %sdocs) {
next unless contains_pod($input);
my $output = catfile('blib', 'bindoc', man1_pagename($input));
manify($input, $output, $section, \%opt);
if ($opt{install_paths}->install_destination('libdoc') && $opt{install_paths}->is_default_installable('libdoc')) {
my $section = $opt{config}->get('man3ext');
for my $input (keys %modules, keys %docs) {
next unless contains_pod($input);
my $output = catfile('blib', 'libdoc', man3_pagename($input));
manify($input, $output, $section, \%opt);
return 0;
test => sub {
my %opt = @_;
die "Must run `./Build build` first\n" if not -d 'blib';
my %test_args = (
(verbosity => $opt{verbose}) x!! exists $opt{verbose},
(jobs => $opt{jobs}) x!! exists $opt{jobs},
(color => 1) x !!-t STDOUT,
lib => [ map { rel2abs(catdir(qw/blib/, $_)) } qw/arch lib/ ],
my $tester = TAP::Harness::Env->create(\%test_args);
return $tester->runtests(sort +find(qr/\.t$/, 't'))->has_errors;
install => sub {
my %opt = @_;
die "Must run `./Build build` first\n" if not -d 'blib';
install($opt{install_paths}->install_map, @opt{qw/verbose dry_run uninst/});
return 0;
clean => sub {
my %opt = @_;
rmtree($_, $opt{verbose}) for qw/blib temp/;
return 0;
realclean => sub {
my %opt = @_;
rmtree($_, $opt{verbose}) for qw/blib temp Build _build_params MYMETA.yml MYMETA.json/;
return 0;
sub get_arguments {
my @sources = @_;
my %opt;
GetOptionsFromArray($_, \%opt, qw/install_base=s install_path=s% installdirs=s destdir=s prefix=s config=s% uninst:1 verbose:1 dry_run:1 pureperl-only:1 create_packlist=i jobs=i/) for (@sources);
$_ = detildefy($_) for grep { defined } @opt{qw/install_base destdir prefix/}, values %{ $opt{install_path} };
$opt{config} = ExtUtils::Config->new($opt{config});
$opt{meta} = get_meta();
$opt{install_paths} = ExtUtils::InstallPaths->new(%opt, dist_name => $opt{meta}->name);
return %opt;
sub Build {
my $action = @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /\A\w+\z/ ? shift @ARGV : 'build';
die "No such action '$action'\n" if not $actions{$action};
my($env, $bargv) = @{ decode_json(read_file('_build_params')) };
my %opt = get_arguments($env, $bargv, \@ARGV);
exit $actions{$action}->(%opt);
sub Build_PL {
my $meta = get_meta();
printf "Creating new 'Build' script for '%s' version '%s'\n", $meta->name, $meta->version;
my $dir = $meta->name eq 'Module-Build-Tiny' ? "use lib 'lib';" : '';
write_file('Build', "#!perl\n$dir\nuse Module::Build::Tiny;\nBuild();\n");
my @env = defined $ENV{PERL_MB_OPT} ? split_like_shell($ENV{PERL_MB_OPT}) : ();
write_file('_build_params', encode_json([ \@env, \@ARGV ]));
if (my $dynamic = $meta->custom('x_dynamic_prereqs')) {
my %meta = (%{ $meta->as_struct }, dynamic_config => 0);
my %opt = get_arguments(\@env, \@ARGV);
my $dynamic_parser = CPAN::Requirements::Dynamic->new(%opt);
my $prereq = $dynamic_parser->evaluate($dynamic);
$meta{prereqs} = $meta->effective_prereqs->with_merged_prereqs($prereq)->as_string_hash;
$meta = CPAN::Meta->new(\%meta);
$meta->save(@$_) for ['MYMETA.json'], [ 'MYMETA.yml' => { version => 1.4 } ];
#ABSTRACT: A tiny replacement for Module::Build
# vi:noet:sts=4:sw=4:ts=4
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Module::Build::Tiny - A tiny replacement for Module::Build
=head1 VERSION
version 0.051
use Module::Build::Tiny;
Many Perl distributions use a Build.PL file instead of a Makefile.PL file
to drive distribution configuration, build, test and installation.
Traditionally, Build.PL uses Module::Build as the underlying build system.
This module provides a simple, lightweight, drop-in replacement.
Whereas Module::Build has over 6,700 lines of code; this module has less
than 200, yet supports the features needed by most distributions.
=head2 Supported
=over 4
=item * Pure Perl distributions
=item * Building XS or C
=item * Recursive test files
=item * MYMETA
=item * Man page generation
=item * Generated code from PL files
=item * Module sharedirs
=item * Dynamic prerequisites
=head2 Not Supported
=over 4
=item * HTML documentation generation
=item * Extending Module::Build::Tiny
=head2 Directory structure
Your .pm, .xs and .pod files must be in F<lib/>. Any executables must be in
F<script/>. Test files must be in F<t/>. Dist sharedirs must be in F<share/>,
module sharedirs are under F<module-share> (e.g. F<module-share/Foo-Bar> for
module C<Foo::Bar>).
C<.c> files in the F<src/> are compiled together with the .xs file matching the
distribution name.
=head1 USAGE
These all work pretty much like their Module::Build equivalents.
=head2 perl Build.PL
=head2 Build [ build ]
=head2 Build test
=head2 Build install
This supports the following options:
=item * verbose
=item * install_base
=item * installdirs
=item * prefix
=item * install_path
=item * destdir
=item * uninst
=item * config
=item * pure-perl
=item * create_packlist
This module doesn't support authoring. To develop modules using Module::Build::Tiny, usage of L<Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuildTiny> or L<App::ModuleBuildTiny> is recommended.
Options can be provided in the C<PERL_MB_OPT> environment variable the same way they can with Module::Build. This should be done during the configuration stage.
=head2 Incompatibilities
=over 4
=item * Argument parsing
Module::Build has an extremely permissive way of argument handling, Module::Build::Tiny only supports a (sane) subset of that. In particular, C<./Build destdir=/foo> does not work, you will need to pass it as C<./Build --destdir=/foo>.
=item * .modulebuildrc
Module::Build::Tiny does not support .modulebuildrc files. In particular, this means that versions of local::lib older than 1.006008 may break with C<ERROR: Can't create /usr/local/somepath>. If the output of C<perl -Mlocal::lib> contains C<MODULEBUILDRC> but not C<PERL_MB_OPT >, you will need to upgrade it to resolve this issue.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Leon Timmermans <>
=item *
David Golden <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Leon Timmermans, David Golden.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.