error=> q{This distribution uses an obsolete version of Module::Install. Versions of Module::Install prior to 0.61 might not work on some systems at all. Additionally if your Makefile.PL uses the 'auto_install()' feature, you need at least version 0.64. Also, 1.04 is known to be broken.},
remedy=> q{Upgrade the bundled version of Module::Install to the most current release. Alternatively, you can switch to another build system / installer that does not suffer from this problem. (ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build both of which have their own set of problems.)},
code=> sub{
my$d= shift;
return1 unlessexists$d->{module_install};
$d->{module_install}{broken} ? 0 : 1;
details=> sub{
q{This distribution uses obsolete Module::Install version }.(shift->{module_install}{version});
name=> 'no_broken_auto_install',
error=> q{This distribution uses an old version of Module::Install. Versions of Module::Install prior to 0.89 do not detect correctly that CPAN/CPANPLUS shell is used.},
remedy=> q{Upgrade the bundled version of Module::Install to at least 0.89, but preferably to the most current release. Alternatively, you can switch to another build system / installer that does not suffer from this problem. (ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build both of which have their own set of problems.)},