

REQUIRED CreatedAt => Str

The timestamp of when the domain was created.

DeadLetterQueueUrl => Str

The URL of the SQS dead letter queue, which is used for reporting errors associated with ingesting data from third party applications.

DefaultEncryptionKey => Str

The default encryption key, which is an AWS managed key, is used when no specific type of encryption key is specified. It is used to encrypt all data before it is placed in permanent or semi-permanent storage.

DefaultExpirationDays => Int

The default number of days until the data within the domain expires.

REQUIRED DomainName => Str

The unique name of the domain.

REQUIRED LastUpdatedAt => Str

The timestamp of when the domain was most recently edited.

Matching => Paws::CustomerProfiles::MatchingResponse

The process of matching duplicate profiles. This process runs every Saturday at 12AM.

Stats => Paws::CustomerProfiles::DomainStats

Usage-specific statistics about the domain.

Tags => Paws::CustomerProfiles::TagMap

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

_request_id => Str