All Releases by Salvador Fandiño García
River gauge |
Release |
Uploaded |
AI-FANN-0.10 | Perl wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network library | Mar 10, 2009 | |
AI-Termites-0.02 | Artificial termites simulation | Jun 30, 2011 | |
Algorithm-BreakOverlappingRectangles-0.01 | Break overlapping rectangles into non overlapping ones | Feb 25, 2008 | |
Algorithm-ClusterPoints-0.08 | find clusters inside a set of points | Jul 10, 2008 | |
Algorithm-GaussianElimination-GF2-0.02 | Solve linear systems of equations on GF(2) | Jul 09, 2012 | |
Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot-0.02 | find rectangles containing a given dot | Mar 09, 2007 | |
Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot_XS-0.02 | C/XS implementation of Algorithm::RectanglesContainingDot | Mar 11, 2007 | |
Alien-Libgcrypt-0.02 | Download, configure, build and install libgcrypt. | Jan 10, 2016 | |
Alien-Libgpg_error-0.02 | Download, configure, build and install libgpg-error automagically! | Jan 11, 2016 | |
AnyEvent-FileLock-0.06 | Lock files asynchronously | Oct 10, 2017 | |
AnyEvent-PacketForwarder-0.01 | Forward packets between two sockets | Sep 13, 2013 | |
AnyEvent-PacketReader-0.01 | Read packets from a socket | Sep 13, 2013 | |
AnyEvent-Pg-0.15 | Query a PostgreSQL database asynchronously | Oct 28, 2014 | |
AnyEvent-Semaphore-0.01 | Semaphore implementation for AnyEvent | Apr 18, 2013 | |
App-pnc-0.02 | Simple netcat clone implemented in Perl. | Apr 26, 2013 | |
App-ReslirpTunnel-0.06 | A wrapper for the reslirp-tunnel application | Mar 17, 2025 | |
Array-Shuffle-0.04 | fast shuffling of arrays in-place | Mar 15, 2021 | |
assertions-0.03 | select assertions in blocks of code | Jun 14, 2005 | |
Authen-DigestMD5-0.04 | SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication (RFC2831) | Nov 08, 2003 | |
barewords-0.01 | create "strictable" barewords | Jul 07, 2005 | |
Begin-0.01 | Run arbitrary code before your script starts | Dec 27, 2008 | |
Bit-Grep-0.01 | select elements from an array using a bit vector | Sep 02, 2010 | |
Bit-Util-0.02 | Utility subroutines for bit-vector manipulation | Jun 14, 2012 | |
CGI-Test-Input-Custom-0.03 | send custom data to CGIs for testing | Nov 12, 2008 | |
Class-Bits-0.05 | Class wrappers around bit vectors | Oct 14, 2003 | |
Class-SingletonProxy-0.01 | proxy class methods to a singleton | Jun 29, 2005 | |
Class-StateMachine-0.24 | define classes for state machines | May 06, 2014 | |
Class-StateMachine-Declarative-0.03 | Define state machines classes in a high level declarative fashion | May 06, 2014 | |
Config-Find-0.31 | Find configuration files in the native OS fashion | May 26, 2015 | |
Config-Properties-1.80 | Read and write property files | May 14, 2015 | |
Config-Properties-Simple-0.14 | Perl extension to manage configuration files. | Jul 04, 2005 | |
ctflags-0.04 | Perl extension for compile time flags configuration | Apr 27, 2004 | |
DateTime-Format-GnuAt-0.03 | Parse time specifications as Debian 'at' command. | Jun 21, 2013 | |
DBD-Yaswi-0.01 | A DBI interface to SWI-Prolog | Feb 22, 2005 | |
Devel-FastProf-0.08 | "fast" perl per-line profiler | May 11, 2007 | |
Devel-SmallProf-2.02 | per-line Perl profiler | May 11, 2007 | |
Fcntl-Packer-0.03 | Build packed structures for passing into fcntl. | Apr 22, 2013 | |
File-Strmode-0.03 | Converts a file mode into a symbolic string | May 11, 2009 | |
File-Tee-0.07 | replicate data sent to a Perl stream | Nov 04, 2011 | |
Geo-Coordinates-UTM-XS-0.04 | C/XS reimplementation of Geo::Coordinates::UTM | May 22, 2009 | |
Hash-Spy-0.01 | run code when a has is changed | Apr 22, 2013 | |
IO-Socket-Forwarder-0.02 | bidirectionally forward data between two sockets | Jun 24, 2010 | |
Language-Prolog-Sugar-0.06 | Syntactic sugar for Prolog term constructors | Nov 24, 2006 | |
Language-Prolog-Types-0.10 | Prolog types in Perl. | Mar 19, 2007 | |
Language-XSB-0.14 | use XSB from Perl. | Nov 04, 2003 | |
lib-glob-0.02 | glob patterns and add matching dirs to module search path | Sep 02, 2009 | |
Linux-Proc-Mountinfo-0.02 | Parse Linux /proc/ID/mountinfo data | May 21, 2012 | |
Linux-Proc-Mounts-0.02 | Parser for Linux /proc/mounts | Jan 23, 2012 | |
Linux-Proc-Net-TCP-0.07 | Parser for Linux /proc/net/tcp and /proc/net/tcp6 | May 14, 2014 | |
LWP-Protocol-sftp-0.05 | adds SFTP support to LWP | Nov 26, 2012 | |
Math-Geometry-IntersectionArea-0.01 | Calculate area of geometric shapes intersection | Mar 03, 2014 | |
Math-GMPn-0.03 | Fixed length integer arithmetic. | Feb 24, 2011 | |
Math-Int64-0.57 | Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl | Jan 21, 2024 | |
Math-Int64-C_API-Sample-0.09 | C API Usage sample for Math::Int64 | Oct 30, 2014 | |
Math-Int128-0.22 | Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl | Apr 07, 2015 | |
Math-nSphere-0.01 | calculate volumen and surface of n-spheres | Jun 21, 2011 | |
Math-RngStream-0.01 | Perl wrapper for the RngStreams library | Jul 08, 2008 | |
Math-Vector-Real-0.18 | Real vector arithmetic in Perl | Aug 30, 2017 | |
Math-Vector-Real-Farthest-0.02 | Find the two more distant vectors from a set | Apr 26, 2014 | |
Math-Vector-Real-kdTree-0.15 | kd-Tree implementation on top of Math::Vector::Real | Apr 14, 2015 | |
Math-Vector-Real-MultiNormalMixture-0.02 | Multinormal Mixture distribution | Jun 30, 2011 | |
Math-Vector-Real-Neighbors-0.02 | find nearest neighbor for a set of points | Sep 11, 2014 | |
Math-Vector-Real-Polyline-0.01 | Algorithms related to polylines. | Aug 30, 2017 | |
Math-Vector-Real-Random-0.03 | Generate random real vectors | Aug 24, 2013 | |
Math-Vector-Real-XS-0.10 | Real vector arithmetic in fast XS | Apr 15, 2015 | |
mcoder-0.10 | perl method generator from common templates | Apr 29, 2005 | |
Memchmark-0.01 | Check memory consumption | May 31, 2005 | |
Method-WeakCallback-0.04 | Call back object methods through weak references. | Aug 26, 2013 | |
Module-CAPIMaker-0.01 | Provide a C API for your XS modules | Jul 17, 2012 | |
Net-ADNS-0.03 | Perl wrapper for the Asynchronous DNS client library | Mar 27, 2007 | |
Net-LDAP-Gateway-0.03 | Infrastructure to build LDAP gateways | Aug 31, 2011 | |
Net-OpenSSH-0.84 | Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH | Jul 02, 2023 | |
Net-OpenSSH-Compat-0.09 | Compatibility modules for Net::OpenSSH | May 18, 2016 | |
Net-OpenSSH-Parallel-0.14 | Run SSH jobs in parallel | Dec 04, 2015 | |
Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.93 | Secure File Transfer Protocol client | Jan 19, 2021 | |
Net-SFTP-Foreign-Backend-Net_SSH2-0.11 | Run Net::SFTP::Foreign on top of Net::SSH2 | Aug 30, 2020 | |
Net-SFTP-Server-0.03 | Base class for writting SFTP servers | Dec 19, 2011 | |
Net-SSH-Any-0.10 | SSH client module | Jun 13, 2016 | |
perlrc-0.01 | run perlrc file before script | Oct 21, 2011 | |
Pg-PQ-0.15 | Perl wrapper for PostgreSQL libpq | Oct 10, 2017 | |
Proc-Queue-1.23 | limit the number of child processes running | Jan 07, 2008 | |
Regexp-IPv6-0.03 | Regular expression for IPv6 addresses | Feb 05, 2010 | |
Regexp-Log-RealServer-0.02 | A regular expression parser for RealServer log format. | May 23, 2005 | |
Regexp-Log-WMS-0.02 | A regular expression parser for WMS log format. | May 23, 2005 | |
Scalar-Quote-0.26 | Utility functions to quote Perl strings | Nov 24, 2006 | |
Socket-Linux-0.01 | Socket constants defined in Linux <netinet/tcp.h> | Jun 07, 2010 | |
Sort-Key-1.33 | the fastest way to sort anything in Perl | Apr 29, 2014 | |
Sort-Key-DateTime-0.07 | Perl extension for sorting objects by some DateTime key | Apr 24, 2010 | |
Sort-Key-Domain-0.01 | Sort domain names | Jun 11, 2014 | |
Sort-Key-IPv4-0.03 | sort IP v4 addresses | May 21, 2012 | |
Sort-Key-LargeInt-0.01 | sort large integers very fast | Sep 18, 2009 | |
Sort-Key-Merger-0.08 | Perl extension for merging sorted things | May 13, 2005 | |
Sort-Key-OID-0.05 | sort OIDs very fast | Sep 17, 2009 | |
Sort-Key-Radix-0.14 | Radix sort implementation in XS | Apr 16, 2012 | |
Sort-Key-Top-0.08 | select and sort top n elements | Apr 29, 2014 | |
Sort-Packed-0.08 | Sort records packed in a vector | May 22, 2014 | |
SVN-DumpReloc-0.02 | Perl script to rewrite paths inside a Subversion dump | Aug 26, 2008 | |
Test-PureASCII-0.02 | Test that only ASCII characteres are used in your code | Oct 30, 2008 | |
Test-SSH-0.08 | Perl extension for testing SSH modules. | May 07, 2017 | |
Tie-Array-Packed-0.13 | store arrays in memory efficiently as packed strings | Dec 10, 2013 | |
Tie-Array-Packed-Auto-0.03 | auto uses Tie::Array::Packed or Tie::Array::PackedC | Mar 11, 2007 | |
Win32-EnumPrinters-0.01 | Enumerate printers in Windows. | Sep 13, 2017 | |
Win32-Ldd-0.02 | Track dependencies for Windows EXE and DLL PE-files | Jun 26, 2017 | |
Win32-Packer-0.01 | Pack your Perl applications for Windows | Nov 03, 2017 | |
Win32-SecretFile-0.02 | Save secret data into files with restricted accessibility | Jan 01, 2015 | |
XML-FromPerl-0.01 | Generate XML from simple Perl data structures | Nov 03, 2017 |