Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

# (c) Jan Gehring <jan.gehring@gmail.com>
=head1 NAME
Rex::CMDB - Function to access the CMDB (configuration management database)
This module exports a function to access a CMDB via a common interface. When the L<0.51 feature flag|Rex#0.51> or later is used, the CMDB is enabled by default with L<Rex::CMDB::YAML> as the default provider.
use Rex::CMDB;
set cmdb => {
type => 'YAML',
path => [ 'cmdb/{hostname}.yml', 'cmdb/default.yml', ],
merge_behavior => 'LEFT_PRECEDENT',
task 'prepare', 'server1', sub {
my %all_information = get cmdb;
my $specific_item = get cmdb('item');
my $specific_item_for_server = get cmdb( 'item', 'server' );
package Rex::CMDB;
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '1.16.0'; # VERSION
require Rex::Exporter;
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
@EXPORT = qw(cmdb);
=head2 set cmdb
set cmdb => {
type => 'YAML',
Instantiate a specific C<type> of CMDB provider with the given options. Returns the provider instance.
Please consult the documentation of the given provider for their supported options.
"cmdb" => sub {
my ($option) = @_;
my %args = Rex::Args->getopts;
if ( exists $args{O} ) {
for my $itm ( split( /;/, $args{O} ) ) {
my ( $key, $val ) = split( /=/, $itm );
if ( $key eq "cmdb_path" ) {
if ( ref $option->{path} eq "ARRAY" ) {
unshift @{ $option->{path} }, $val;
else {
$option->{path} = [$val];
my $klass = $option->{type};
if ( !$klass ) {
# no cmdb set
if ( $klass !~ m/::/ ) {
$klass = "Rex::CMDB::$klass";
eval "use $klass";
if ($@) {
die("CMDB provider ($klass) not found: $@");
$CMDB_PROVIDER = $klass->new( %{$option} );
=head2 cmdb([$item, $server])
Function to query a CMDB.
If called without arguments, it returns the full CMDB data structure for the current connection.
If only a defined C<$item> is passed, it returns only the value for the given CMDB item, for the current connection.
If only a defined C<$server> is passed, it returns the whole CMDB data structure for the given server.
If both C<$item> and C<$server> are defined, it returns the given CMDB item for the given server.
The value returned is a L<Rex::Value>, so you may need to use the C<get cmdb(...)> form if you'd like to assign the result to a Perl variable:
task 'prepare', 'server1', sub {
my %all_information = get cmdb;
my $specific_item = get cmdb('item');
my $specific_item_for_server = get cmdb( 'item', 'server' );
If caching is enabled, this function caches the full data structure for the given server under the C<cmdb/$CMDB_PROVIDER/$server> cache key after the first query.
sub cmdb {
my ( $item, $server ) = @_;
return if !cmdb_active();
my $value = $CMDB_PROVIDER->get( $item, $server );
if ( defined $value ) {
return Rex::Value->new( value => $value );
else {
Rex::Logger::debug("CMDB - no item ($item) found");
sub cmdb_active {
return ( $CMDB_PROVIDER ? 1 : 0 );