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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '1.16.0'; # VERSION
require Exporter;
require Rex::Commands;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use base qw(Exporter);
use vars qw(@EXPORT);
@EXPORT = qw(net_ssh2_exec net_ssh2_exec_output net_ssh2_shell_exec);
our $READ_STDERR = 1;
our $EXEC_AND_SLEEP = 0;
sub net_ssh2_exec {
my ( $ssh, $cmd, $base, $option ) = @_;
my $chan = $ssh->channel;
# REQUIRE_TTY can be turned off by feature no_tty
if ( !Rex::Config->get_no_tty ) {
$chan->pty("xterm"); # set to xterm, due to problems with vt100.
# if vt100 sometimes the restart of services doesn't work and need a sleep .000001 after the command...
# strange bug...
$chan->pty_size( 4000, 80 );
my $in;
my $in_err = "";
my $rex_int_conf = Rex::Commands::get("rex_internals") || {};
my $buffer_size = 1024;
if ( exists $rex_int_conf->{read_buffer_size} ) {
$buffer_size = $rex_int_conf->{read_buffer_size};
my @lines;
my $last_line;
my $current_line = "";
while ( my $len = $chan->read( my $buf, $buffer_size ) ) {
$in .= $buf;
$current_line .= $buf;
if ( $buf =~ m/\n/ms ) {
@lines = split( /\n/, $current_line );
unshift @lines, $last_line if ($last_line);
$last_line = pop @lines;
for my $line (@lines) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]//gms;
$line .= "\n";
$base->execute_line_based_operation( $line, $option ) && goto END_READ;
$current_line = "";
my @lines_err;
my $last_line_err = "";
while ( my $len = $chan->read( my $buf_err, $buffer_size, 1 ) ) {
$in_err .= $buf_err;
@lines_err = split( /\n/, $buf_err );
unshift @lines_err, $last_line_err if ($last_line_err);
$last_line_err = pop @lines_err;
for my $line (@lines_err) {
$line =~ s/[\r\n]//gms;
$line .= "\n";
$base->execute_line_based_operation( $line, $option ) && goto END_READ;
#select undef, undef, undef, 0.002; # wait a little before closing the channel
#sleep 1;
my $wait_c = 0;
my $wait_max = $rex_int_conf->{ssh2_channel_closewait_max} || 500;
while ( !$chan->eof ) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Waiting for eof on ssh channel.");
sleep 0.002; # wait a little for retry
if ( $wait_c >= $wait_max ) {
# channel will be force closed.
"Rex::Helper::SSH2::net_ssh2_exec: force closing channel for command: $cmd"
$? = $chan->exit_status;
# if used with $chan->pty() we have to remove \r
if ( !Rex::Config->get_no_tty ) {
$in =~ s/\r//g if $in;
$in_err =~ s/\r//g if $in_err;
if (wantarray) {
return ( $in, $in_err );
return $in;
sub net_ssh2_exec_output {
my ( $ssh, $cmd, $callback ) = @_;
my $chan = $ssh->channel;
while (1) {
my $buf;
my $buf_err;
$chan->read( $buf, 15 );
$chan->read( $buf_err, 15 );
if ($callback) {
&$callback( $buf, $buf_err );
else {
print $buf;
print $buf_err;
last unless $buf;
$? = $chan->exit_status;