Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

# (c) Jan Gehring <jan.gehring@gmail.com>
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '1.16.0'; # VERSION
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $proto = ref($that) || $that;
my $self = {@_};
bless( $self, $proto );
return $self;
sub get_tree {
my ( $self, $section ) = @_;
if ($section) {
return $self->{"__dmi"}->{$section};
return $self->{"__dmi"};
sub get_base_board {
my ($self) = @_;
return Rex::Inventory::DMIDecode::BaseBoard->new( dmi => $self );
sub get_bios {
my ($self) = @_;
return Rex::Inventory::DMIDecode::Bios->new( dmi => $self );
sub get_system_information {
my ($self) = @_;
return Rex::Inventory::DMIDecode::SystemInformation->new( dmi => $self );
sub get_cpus {
my ($self) = @_;
my @cpus = ();
my $tree = $self->get_tree("Processor Information");
my $idx = 0;
for my $cpu ( @{$tree} ) {
if ( $cpu->{"Status"} =~ m/Populated/ ) {
push( @cpus,
Rex::Inventory::DMIDecode::CPU->new( dmi => $self, index => $idx ) );
return @cpus;
sub get_memory_modules {
my ($self) = @_;
my @mems = ();
my $tree = $self->get_tree("Memory Device");
my $idx = 0;
for my $mem ( @{$tree} ) {
if ( $mem->{"Size"} =~ m/\d+/ ) {
push( @mems,
Rex::Inventory::DMIDecode::Memory->new( dmi => $self, index => $idx ) );
return @mems;
sub get_memory_arrays {
my ($self) = @_;
my @mems = ();
my $tree = $self->get_tree("Physical Memory Array");
my $idx = 0;
for my $mema ( @{$tree} ) {
dmi => $self,
index => $idx
return @mems;
sub _read_dmidecode {
my ($self) = @_;
my @lines;
if ( $self->{lines} ) {
@lines = @{ $self->{lines} };
else {
unless ( can_run("dmidecode") ) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Please install dmidecode on the target system.");
eval { @lines = i_run "dmidecode"; };
if ($@) {
Rex::Logger::debug("Error running dmidecode");
chomp @lines;
my %section = ();
my $section = "";
my $new_section = 0;
my $sub_section = "";
for my $l (@lines) {
next if $l =~ m/^Handle/;
next if $l =~ m/^#/;
next if $l =~ m/^SMBIOS/;
next if $l =~ m/^$/;
last if $l =~ m/^End Of Table$/;
# for openbsd
$l =~ s/ /\t/g;
unless ( substr( $l, 0, 1 ) eq "\t" ) {
$section = $l;
$new_section = 1;
my $line = $l;
$line =~ s/^\t+//g;
$line =~ s/\s+$//g;
next if $l =~ m/^$/;
if ( $l =~ m/^\t[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ) {
if ( exists $section{$section} && !ref( $section{$section} ) ) {
my $content = $section{$section};
$section{$section} = [];
my @arr = ();
my ( $key, $val ) = split( /: /, $line, 2 );
$key =~ s/:$//;
$sub_section = $key;
#push (@{$section{$section}}, $content);
push( @{ $section{$section} }, { $key => $val } );
$new_section = 0;
elsif ( exists $section{$section} && ref( $section{$section} ) ) {
if ($new_section) {
push( @{ $section{$section} }, {} );
$new_section = 0;
my ( $key, $val ) = split( /: /, $line, 2 );
$key =~ s/:$//;
$sub_section = $key;
my $href = $section{$section}->[-1];
#push (@{$section{$section}}, {$key => $val});
$href->{$key} = $val;
my ( $key, $val ) = split( /: /, $line, 2 );
if ( !$val ) { $key =~ s/:$//; }
$sub_section = $key;
$section{$section} = [ { $key => $val } ];
$new_section = 0;
elsif ( $l =~ m/^\t\t[a-zA-Z0-9]/ ) {
my $href = $section{$section}->[-1];
if ( !ref( $href->{$sub_section} ) ) {
$href->{$sub_section} = [];
push( @{ $href->{$sub_section} }, $line );
$self->{"__dmi"} = \%section;