Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

$Util::Medley::Cache::VERSION = '0.062';
use Moose;
use Carp;
use CHI;
use File::Path 'remove_tree';
use Data::Printer alias => 'pdump';
use Kavorka qw(-all);
=head1 NAME
Util::Medley::Cache - Simple caching mechanism.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.060
my $cache = Util::Medley::Cache->new; # see ATTRIBUTES for options
# positional
$cache->set('unittest', 'test1', {foo => bar});
my $data = $cache->get('test', 'unittest');
my @keys = $cache->getKeys('unittest');
$cache->delete('unittest', 'test1');
# named pair
$cache->set(ns => 'unittest',
key => 'test1',
data => { foo => 'bar' });
my $data = $cache->get(ns => 'unittest',
key => 'test1');
my @keys = $cache->getKeys(ns => 'unittest');
$cache->delete(ns => 'unittest',
key => 'test1');
This class provides a thin wrapper around CHI. The caching has 2 levels:
=item * level 1 (memory)
=item * level 2 (disk)
When fetching from the cache, level 1 (L1) is always checked first. If the
requested object is not found, it searches the level 2 (L2) cache.
The cached data can be an object, reference, or string.
All methods confess on error.
=head2 rootDir (optional)
Location of the L2 file cache.
=item default
has rootDir => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_buildRootDir'
=head2 enabled (optional)
Toggles caching on or off.
=item default
has enabled => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Bool',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_buildEnabled',
=head2 expireSecs (optional)
Sets the cache expiration.
=item default
0 (never)
has expireSecs => (
# zero = never
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Int',
default => 0,
=head2 ns (optional)
Sets the cache namespace.
has ns => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
=head2 l1Enabled (optional)
Toggles the L1 cache on or off.
=item default
=item env var
To disable L1 cache, set MEDLEY_CACHE_L1_DISABLED=1.
has l1Enabled => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Bool',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_buildL1Enabled',
=head2 l2Enabled (optional)
Toggles the L2 cache on or off.
=item default
=item env var
To disable L2 cache, set MEDLEY_CACHE_L2_DISABLED=1.
has l2Enabled => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Bool',
lazy => 1,
builder => '_buildL2Enabled',
has _chiObjects => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
default => sub { {} }
has _l1Cache => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'HashRef',
default => sub { {} }
=head1 METHODS
=head2 clear
Clears all cache for a given namespace.
=item usage:
clear([ns => $ns])
=item args:
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
multi method clear (Str :$ns) {
$self->_l1Clear(@_) if $self->l1Enabled;
$self->_l2Clear(@_) if $self->l2Enabled;
return 1;
multi method clear (Str $ns?) {
my %a;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
return $self->clear(%a);
=head2 delete
Deletes a cache object.
=item usage:
delete($key, [$ns])
delete(key => $key, [ns => $ns])
=item args:
=item key [Str]
Unique identifier of the cache object.
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
multi method delete (Str :$key!,
Str :$ns) {
$self->_l1Delete(@_) if $self->l1Enabled;
$self->_l2Delete(@_) if $self->l2Enabled;
return 1;
multi method delete (Str $key,
Str $ns?) {
my %a;
$a{key} = $key;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
return $self->delete(%a);
=head2 destroy
Deletes L1 cache and removes L2 from disk completely.
=item usage:
destroy([ns => $ns])
=item args:
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
multi method destroy (Str :$ns) {
$self->_l1Destroy(@_) if $self->l1Enabled;
$self->_l2Destroy(@_) if $self->l1Enabled;
return 1;
multi method destroy (Str $ns?) {
my %a;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
return $self->destroy(%a);
=head2 get
Gets a unique cache object. Returns undef if not found.
=item usage:
get($key, [$ns])
get(key => $key, [ns => $ns])
=item args:
=item key [Str]
Unique identifier of the cache object.
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
multi method get (Str :$key!,
Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns) if !$ns;
if ( $self->l1Enabled ) {
my $data = $self->_l1Get(@_);
if ($data) {
$self->Logger->verbose( "L1 cache hit - get ('$ns', '$key')");
return $data;
if ( $self->l2Enabled ) {
my $data = $self->_l2Get(@_);
if ($data) {
$self->Logger->verbose( "L2 cache hit - get ('$ns', '$key')");
$self->_l1Set(@_, data => $data);
return $data;
multi method get (Str $key, Str $ns?) {
my %a;
$a{key} = $key;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
return $self->get(%a);
=head2 getExpiresAt
Returns the expiration epoch for a given key.
=item usage:
getExpiresAt($key, [$ns])
getExpiresAt(key => $key, [ns => $ns])
=item args:
=item key [Str]
Unique identifier of the cache object.
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
multi method getExpiresAt (Str :$key!,
Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns) if !$ns;
my $chi = $self->_getChiObject( ns => $ns );
return $chi->get_expires_at($key);
multi method getExpiresAt (Str $key,
Str $ns?) {
my %a;
$a{key} = $key;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
return $self->getExpiresAt(%a);
=head2 getKeys
Returns a list of cache keys.
=item usage:
getKeys([ns => $ns])
=item args:
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
multi method getKeys (Str :$ns) {
if ( $self->l2Enabled ) {
return $self->_l2GetKeys(@_);
if ( $self->l1Enabled ) {
return $self->_l1GetKeys(@_);
multi method getKeys (Str $ns?) {
my %a;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
return $self->getKeys(ns => $ns);
=head2 getNamespaceDir
Gets the L2 cache dir.
=item usage:
getNamespaceDir([ns => $ns])
=item args:
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
multi method getNamespaceDir (Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
return sprintf "%s/%s", $self->rootDir, $ns;
multi method getNamespaceDir (Str $ns?) {
my %a;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
return $self->getNamespaceDir(%a);
=head2 getNamespaces
Gets a list of namespaces.
=item usage:
method getNamespaces {
my %params = (
driver => 'File',
root_dir => $self->rootDir,
my $chi = CHI->new(%params);
return $chi->get_namespaces;
=head2 set
Commits the data object to the cache.
=item usage:
set($key, $data, [$ns], [$expire_epoch])
set(key => $key,
data => $data,
[ns => $ns],
[expire_epoch => $expire_epoch]
=item args:
=item key [Str]
Unique identifier of the cache object.
=item data [Object|Ref|Str]
An object, reference, or string.
=item ns [Str]
The cache namespace.
=item expire_epoch [Int]
The epoch to expire the cache item at. This overrides the expireSecs attribute.
multi method set (Str :$key!,
Any :$data!,
Str :$ns,
Int :$expire_epoch) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns) if !$ns;
$self->Logger->verbose("cache set ('$ns', '$key')");
$self->_l1Set(@_) if $self->l1Enabled;
$self->_l2Set(@_) if $self->l2Enabled;
return 1;
multi method set (Str $key,
Any $data,
Str $ns?,
Int $expire_epoch?) {
my %a;
$a{key} = $key;
$a{data} = $data;
$a{ns} = $ns if $ns;
$a{expire_epoch} = $expire_epoch if defined $expire_epoch;
return $self->set(%a);
method _getChiObject (Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $href = $self->_chiObjects;
if ( exists $href->{$ns} ) {
return $href->{$ns};
my %params = (
driver => 'File',
root_dir => $self->rootDir,
namespace => $ns,
my $chi = CHI->new(%params);
$href->{$ns} = $chi;
return $chi;
method _buildL1Enabled {
if ( $self->enabled ) {
return 1;
return 0;
method _buildL2Enabled {
if ( $self->enabled ) {
return 1;
return 0;
method _buildRootDir {
if ( defined $ENV{HOME} ) {
return "$ENV{HOME}/.chi";
confess "unable to determine HOME env var";
method _buildEnabled {
return 0;
return 1;
method _l1Get (Str :$ns,
Str :$key!) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $l1 = $self->_l1Cache;
if ( $l1->{$ns}->{$key}->{data} ) {
return $l1->{$ns}->{$key}->{data};
method _l1Expire (Str :$ns,
Str :$key!) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $l1 = $self->_l1Cache;
if ( $l1->{$ns}->{$key} ) {
my $href = $l1->{$ns}->{$key};
if ( $href->{expire_epoch} ) { # zero or undef = never
if ( time() > $href->{expire_epoch} ) {
else {
# zero or undef = never
method _l1Delete (Str :$ns,
Str :$key!) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $l1 = $self->_l1Cache;
if ( $l1->{$ns}->{$key} ) {
delete $l1->{$ns}->{$key};
method _l1Destroy (Str :$ns) {
method _l2Destroy (Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $href = $self->_chiObjects;
if ($href->{$ns}) {
delete $href->{$ns};
remove_tree($self->getNamespaceDir(ns => $ns));
method _l1Clear (Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $l1 = $self->_l1Cache;
$l1->{$ns} = {};
method _l2Clear (Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $chi = $self->_getChiObject( ns => $ns );
method _l1Set (Str :$ns,
Str :$key!,
Any :$data!,
Int :$expire_epoch) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my %node = (
data => $data,
expire_epoch => 0
if (defined $expire_epoch) {
$node{expire_epoch} = $expire_epoch;
elsif ($self->expireSecs) {
$node{expire_epoch} = time + int($self->expireSecs);
my $l1 = $self->_l1Cache;
$l1->{$ns}->{$key} = \%node;
method _l1GetKeys (Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $l1 = $self->_l1Cache;
if ( $l1 and $l1->{$ns} ) {
return keys %{ $l1->{$ns} };
method _getExpireSecsForChi {
if ( $self->expireSecs ) { # defined and > 0
return $self->expireSecs;
return 'never';
method _l2Set (Str :$ns,
Str :$key!,
Any :$data!,
Int :$expire_epoch) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $chi = $self->_getChiObject( ns => $ns );
my $expire;
if (defined $expire_epoch) {
$expire = { expires_at => $expire_epoch },
else {
$expire = $self->_getExpireSecsForChi;
return $chi->set( $key, $data, $expire);
method _l2Delete (Str :$ns,
Str :$key) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $chi = $self->_getChiObject( ns => $ns );
method _l2Get (Str :$ns,
Str :$key) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my $chi = $self->_getChiObject( ns => $ns );
return $chi->get($key);
method _l2GetKeys (Str :$ns) {
$ns = $self->_getNamespace($ns);
my @keys;
my $chi = $self->_getChiObject( ns => $ns );
if ($chi) {
@keys = $chi->get_keys;
return @keys;
method _getNamespace (Str|Undef $ns) {
if ( !$ns ) {
if ( !$self->ns ) {
confess "must provide namespace";
return $self->ns;
return $ns;